use Inhere\Database\Drivers;
$config = [
'default' => 'default',
'aliases' => [
'default' => 'primary',
'database' => 'primary',
'db' => 'primary',
'slave' => 'secondary'
'databases' => [
'primary' => [
'connection' => 'mysql',
'tablePrefix' => 'primary_'
'secondary' => [
'connection' => 'postgres',
'tablePrefix' => 'secondary_',
'connections' => [
'mySql' => [
'driver' => Drivers\MySQL\MySQLConnection::class,
'debug' => env('DEBUG', false),
'host' => '',
'port' => 3306,
'database' => env('DB_NAME'),
'username' => env('DB_USERNAME'),
'password' => env('DB_PASSWORD'),
'options' => []
'pgSql' => [
'driver' => Drivers\PgSQL\PgSQLConnection::class,
'debug' => env('DEBUG', false),
'host' => '',
'port' => xxx,
'database' => env('DB_NAME'),
'username' => env('DB_USERNAME'),
'password' => env('DB_PASSWORD'),
'options' => []
'runtime' => [
'driver' => Drivers\SQLite\SQLiteConnection::class,
'database' => 'sqlite:' . directory('runtime') . 'runtime.db',
'debug' => env('DEBUG', false),
'username' => 'sqlite',
'password' => '',
'options' => []
'msSql' => [
'driver' => Drivers\MsSQL\MsSQLConnection::class,
// 'connection' => 'sqlsrv:Server=MY-PC;Database=' . env('DB_NAME'),
'debug' => env('DEBUG', false),
'host' => 'Server=MY-PC',
'port' => xxx,
'database' => env('DB_NAME'),
'username' => env('DB_USERNAME'),
'password' => env('DB_PASSWORD'),
'options' => []
- add a db to container
... After the instantiation application
$container = $app->getContainer();
// database operator
$container['db'] = function ($c) {
/** @var $c Slim\Container */
$options = $c->get('settings')['db'];
return \slimExt\database\DbFactory::getDbo('db', $options);
// The 'db' is key of the container.
$db = Slim::$app->db; // or Slim::get('db');
//----- insert -----
$priValue = $db->insert( $tableName, $data);
//----- select -----
// use Query, get query by db
$query = $db->newQuery()
->order('publishTime DESC');
// Now we can access database
$articles = $db->setQuery($query)->loadAll();
// use sql string
$articles = $db->setQuery('SELECT * FROM table WHERE ...')->loadAll();
more method please see
- create a model class
use Slim;
use slimExt\base\Model;
use slimExt\DataType;
* Class BaseModel
* @package app\models
* @property int $createTime
class TestModel extends Model
// must define 'columns()' method. define all columns of the table.
public function columns()
return [
'id' => DataType::T_INT,
'contentId' => DataType::T_INT,
'tagId' => DataType::T_INT, // equal to 'tagId' => 'int'
* @inheritdoc
public static function tableName()
// default is current class name
$className = lcfirst( basename( str_replace('\\', '/', get_called_class()) ) );
// '@@' -- is table prefix placeholder
// return '@@articles';
// if no table prefix
// return 'articles';
return '@@' . $className;
* @inheritdoc
public static function getDb()
return Slim::get('db');
// config column data validate rules
public function rules()
return [
['title,status, user_id, type, published_at', 'required'],
['category_id', 'min', 'value' => 1 ],
['title', 'length', 'min' => 2, 'max' => 128 ],
['id', 'required', 'on' => 'update' ],
['digest, cover, description, keywords', 'string'],
['status', function($status)
return array_key_exists($status, [1,2,3]);
}, 'msg' => 'param status is error!'],
// check urlAlias
['urlAlias', 'checkUrlAlias', 'when' => function($data)
return !empty($data['urlAlias']);
}, 'msg' => 'url-alias is exists!'],
['created, updated, count_read', 'safe'],
// relation table data, only validate(don't save).
['tags, user, category', 'isArray'],
['category_name', 'string'],
protected function checkUrlAlias($urlAlias)
// some logic ..
return true; // or false, make it is fail.
return a Query instance.
method list
findOne($where, $options = [])
findAll($where, $options = [])
findByPk($priValue, $options = [])
condition parameter usage
$data = TestModel::findAll([
'userId = 23', // ==> '`userId` = 23'
'publishTime > 0', // ==> '`publishTime` > 0'
'title' => 'test', // value will auto add quote, equal to "title = 'test'"
'id' => [4, 5, 56], // ==> '`id` IN (4,5,56)'
'id NOT IN' => [4, 5, 56], // ==> '`id` NOT IN (4,5,56)'
// a closure
function (Query $q) {
$q->orWhere('a < 5', 'b > 6');
$q->where( 'column = ' . $q->q($value) );
parameter usage
$data = TestModel::findAll($where, [
'indexKey' => 'id', // set the return data key column.
'class' => 'assoc', // set the reurn data type, allow: 'assoc' 'model' 'array' '\\stdClass'
// call Query instance's method
'select' => ',,mt.type, count( as total',
'leftJoin' => '@@contents as t1 ON = t1.categoryId',
'group' => 't1.categoryId',
// 'bind' => [
// ':title' => $kw
// a closure
// function ($query) { ... };
- how to use
// one. $model default is object and instance of TestModel.
$model = TestModel::findOne(['name' => 'test']);
// $model = TestModel::findByPk($id);
// more, $list = TestModel[];
$list = TestModel::findAll([
'name' => 'test',
], 'id,status,type', [ 'indexKey' => 'id' ]);
// use query
$query = TestModel::query()->where("contentId = $contentId")->order('insertTime DESC');
$result = TestModel::setQuery($query)->loadAll();
$query = TestModel::query($where)
->select(',,mt.type, count( as total')
->leftJoin('@@contents as t1 ON = t1.categoryId')
$data = TestModel::setQuery($query)->loadAssocList();
// euqals to
$data = TestModel::findAll($where, [
'select' => ',,mt.type, count( as total',
'class' => 'assoc',
'leftJoin' => '@@contents as t1 ON = t1.categoryId',
'group' => 't1.categoryId',
// 'bind' => [
// ':title' => $kw
// a closure
// function ($query) { ... };
$model = new TestModel($data);
// OR
// $model = TestModel::load($data);
$model->insertTime = time();
// will auto validate field, return primary key.
if ( ! $priValue = $model->insert() ) {
$errmsg = $model->hasError() ? $model->firstError() : 'insert failure!!';
$model = TestModel::findByPk($id);
$model->updateTime = time();
if ( !$model->update() ) {
$errmsg = $model->hasError() ? $model->firstError() : 'update failure!!';
// delete by model
$model = TestModel::findByPk($id);
// delete by primary key
// multi primary key
TestModel::deleteByPk([$id, $id2, $id3]);
// delete by condition
'name' => 'demo'
// ---------- other --------
$query = TestModel::query(['contentId' => $contentId])
->leftJoin(Tags::tableName() . ' AS t1 ON mt.tagId =');
$list = TestModel::setQuery($query)->loadAll();