Now that we explained all parts of your new SoapClient, it is time to interact with it. Look at following snippet:
$client = MyclientFactory::factory($wsdl = '');
$response = $client->helloWorld(new HelloWorldRequest('name'));
echo $response->getGreeting();
The client will be initialized inside your generated client factory. More information about the generated client factory can be found here.
In the last part of the snippet you can see how the client works.
It will use the generated value-objects to call the RequestInterface
on the SoapClient.
As a result the ResultProviderInterface
will return the actual ResultInterface
which contains the getGreeting()
Readable, right?
A client implements a single WSDL, so when the service you are implementing has multiple WSDL's then you'll need to create a client for each of the WSDL's you want to use. You can then manually create a wrapper class if you desire to do so.
Next: Test your SOAP client.