Password input that allows shows/hide, copy and generate
You can install the package via composer:
composer require phpsa/filament-password-reveal
additional methods:
Password Reveal
...->revealable(bool|Closure $condition)
- default: true
...->initiallyHidden(bool|Closure $condition)
- default: true
...->showIcon(string $icon)
- default: heroicon-o-eye
...->hideIcon(string $hide)]
- default: heroicon-o-eye-open
Password Copy to Clipboard
default: false
...->copyIcon(string $icon)]
default: heroicon-o-clipboard
Generate Password
default: false...->generateIcon($icon)
default: heroicon-o-key...->passwordLength(int)
default: 8...->passwordUsesNumbers(bool)
default: true...->passwordUsesSymbols(bool)
default: true
All three can be enabled at the same time.
Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.