v1.2.0 @ 2014-03-06
- detailed changelog (containing added and deprecated methods and classes)
- added feature: multiple capacity dimensions (#55)
- added feature: different start and end locations of routes (#74)
- added a number of unit-tests
- reworked jsprit.core.algorithm.state.StateManager to deal with any state-object
- jsprit.core.problem.io.VrpXMLReader$ServiceBuilderFactory: Parameter 3 of 'public jsprit.core.problem.job.Service$Builder createBuilder(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int)' has changed its type to java.lang.Integer
- jsprit.core.problem.job.Job: Method 'public jsprit.core.problem.Capacity getSize()' has been added to an interface [potential Break Change]
- jsprit.core.problem.job.Service$Builder: Removed field demand
- jsprit.core.problem.solution.route.activity.ServiceActivity: Removed field capacityDemand
- jsprit.core.problem.solution.route.activity.TourActivity: Method 'public jsprit.core.problem.Capacity getSize()' has been added to an interface [potential Break Change]
- jsprit.core.problem.solution.route.state.RouteAndActivityStateGetter: Method 'public java.lang.Object getActivityState(jsprit.core.problem.solution.route.activity.TourActivity, jsprit.core.problem.solution.route.state.StateFactory$StateId, java.lang.Class)' has been added to an interface [potential Break Change]
- jsprit.core.problem.solution.route.state.RouteAndActivityStateGetter: Method 'public java.lang.Object getRouteState(jsprit.core.problem.solution.route.VehicleRoute, jsprit.core.problem.solution.route.state.StateFactory$StateId, java.lang.Class)' has been added to an interface [potential Break Change]
- jsprit.core.problem.vehicle.Vehicle: Method 'public jsprit.core.util.Coordinate getEndLocationCoordinate()' has been added to an interface [potential Break Change]
- jsprit.core.problem.vehicle.Vehicle: Method 'public java.lang.String getEndLocationId()' has been added to an interface [potential Break Change]
- jsprit.core.problem.vehicle.Vehicle: Method 'public jsprit.core.util.Coordinate getStartLocationCoordinate()' has been added to an interface [potential Break Change]
- jsprit.core.problem.vehicle.Vehicle: Method 'public java.lang.String getStartLocationId()' has been added to an interface [potential Break Change]
- jsprit.core.problem.vehicle.VehicleFleetManager: Method 'public java.util.Collection getAvailableVehicles(jsprit.core.problem.vehicle.Vehicle)' has been added to an interface [potential Break Change]
- jsprit.core.problem.vehicle.VehicleType: Method 'public jsprit.core.problem.Capacity getCapacityDimensions()' has been added to an interface [potential Break Change]
- jsprit.core.util.VrpVerifier: Class jsprit.core.util.VrpVerifier removed [potential Break Change]
v1.1.1 @ 2014-01-31
- fixed bug: #80
- added new package reporting with basic reporting
v1.1.0 @ 2014-01-27
- added javadocs (VehicleRoutingProblem and classes in package vehicle. and job.)
- added unit-tests (for classes in package vehicle., job. and io.)
- deprecated methods in VehicleRoutingProblem, VehicleTypeImpl, VehicleImpl
- added func in VehicleRoutingProblem.Builder (.addPenaltyVehicle(...) methods)
- added feature: open-routes (#54)
- added func in VehicleImpl and VehicleImpl.Builder (.setReturnToDepot(...), isReturnToDepot())
- added feature: prohibit vehicles to take over entire route (#70)
- fixed bug: #58,#76-#79
- added abstract class AbstractForwardVehicleRoutingCosts
- inspected and removed all warnings
- visibility of methods activity.Start.get/setCoordinate(...) decreased from public to package [potential Break Change]
- visibility of methods activity.End.get/setCoordinate(...) decreased from public to package [potential Break Change]
- method isReturnToDepot() has been added to interface Vehicle [potential Break Change]
- visibility of constructor VehicleImpl.Builder decreased from public to private [potential Break Change]
- added GraphStreamViewer
- inspected and removed all warnings
- added BicycleMessenger
- enriched examples with GraphStreamViewer
- inspected and removed all warnings
- added VrphGoldenReader (plus instances to bechmark VRPH)
- inspected and removed all warnings
v1.0.0 @ 2013-11-26 (break change)
- re-organized API
- new package names: jsprit.<module>.<folder(s)>
- most of the breaks can be fixed by (re-)organizing imports
- however the following breaks have to be fixed manually:
- SolutionPrinter.
print(solution, Print.VERBOSE)--> use .print(solution) instead - VehicleRoute:
getCosts(),getCostCalculator() - TimeBreaker --> TimeTermination, VariationCoefficentBreaker --> ...Termination, Iteration...Breaker --> ...Termination
- VehicleRoutingAlgorithm: setPrematureBreaker(...) --> setPrematureTermination(...)
- util.
Counter - detailed changelog
v0.0.5 @ 2013-11-22
- more memory-efficient RadialRuin (issue #53)
- bug fix (issue #51)
v0.0.4 @ 2013-10-17
- a number of internal improvements
- license change from GPLv2 to LGPLv3
- add premature algorithm termination: PrematureAlgorithmBreaker.java and its implementations
- searchStrategy.java: public SearchStrategy(SolutionSelector,SolutionAcceptor) --> public SearchStratgy(SolutionSelector,SolutionAcceptor,SolutionCostCalculator)
- searchStrategy.java: public boolean run(...) --> public DiscoveredSolution run(...)
- vehicleImpl.VehicleType.Builder --> VehicleTypeImpl.Builder
- vehicleImpl.VehicleBuilder --> VehicleImpl.Builder
v0.0.3 @ 2013-06-04
- bug fix - access resources in jar
v0.0.2 @ 2013-06-03
- bug fix - access resources in jar
v0.0.1 @ 2013-06-02