This is a small Python script to be used as a deamon to enact printing quotas for CUPS. It tracks CUPS' page_log and maintains a SQLite database to store the printed pages for each user. Printer access is denied by adding users to a special noprinting group in a remote LDAP directory. Therefore, user credentials for the LDAP server with permissions to modify group membership must be provided in the configuration file.
The script handles log rotations properly. The timezone information in the log's time information is not currently taken into account.
cd /Library/Server/Web/Data/WebApps
git clone [email protected]:rempferg/cups_quota.git
cd cups_quota
cp cups_quota.conf.example cups_quota.conf
# Edit configuration file cups_quota.conf, provide password for LDAP user
cd /Library/Server/Web/Config/apache2/webapps
sudo ln -s ../../../Data/WebApps/cups_quota/osx/de.uni-stuttgart.physcip.cupsquota.plist .
Enable the webapp in (Websites -> Edit Symbol -> Edit Advanced Settings…) and restart the web server.
cd /Library/Server/Web/Data/WebApps/cups_quota
sudo cp osx/de.uni-stuttgart.physcip.cupsquota.*.plist /Library/LaunchDaemons
cd /Library/LaunchDaemons
sudo chown root:wheel de.uni-stuttgart.physcip.cupsquota.*.plist
sudo chmod 644 de.uni-stuttgart.physcip.cupsquota.*.plist
for f in de.uni-stuttgart.physcip.cupsquota.*.plist; do sudo launchctl load $f; done
Warning: Make sure your server is set up in such a way that users cannot access cups_quota.conf
so that the password of the service user with permissions to modify group memberships doesn't get compromised!