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haides99 edited this page Apr 15, 2013 · 7 revisions

Resource urls above will return json format data

Uri Mothod Function Parameters
/category GET list all categories
PUT unused
POST create a new category
DELETE unused
/category/{id} GET get a category's info
PUT update a category's info
POST unused
DELETE delete a category
/category/{id}/{num1}/{num2} GET list topics in category {id}, offset num1, num2
PUT unused
POST unused
DELETE unused
/topic GET list top topics in erery category
PUT unused
POST create a topic
DELETE unused
/topic/{id} GET unused
PUT update a topic
POST unused
DELETE delete a topic
/topic/{id}/{num1}/{num2}/ GET get posts in topic {id}, offset num1, num2
PUT unused
POST unused
DELETE unused
/post GET unused
PUT unused
POST create a post
DELETE unused
/post/{id} GET unused
PUT update a post
POST unused
DELETE delete a post
/user GET unused
PUT unused
POST create a user
DELETE unused
/user/{id} GET get user info of {id}
PUT update a user's info
POST unused
DELETE delete a user
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