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Rather than expressing the stochasticity in our system through a disturbance term as a parameter to a deterministic difference equation, we often work with an alternative representation (more common in operations research) which uses the Markov Decision Process formulation. The idea is that when we model our system in this way with the disturbance term being drawn indepently of the previous stages, the induced trajectory are those of a Markov chain. Hence, we can re-cast our control problem in that language, leading to the so-called Markov Decision Process framework in which we express the system dynamics in terms of transition probabilities rather than explicit state equations. In this framework, we express the probability that the system is in a given state using the transition probability function:
This function gives the probability of transitioning to state
Given the control theory formulation of our problem via a deterministic dynamics function and a noise term, we can derive the corresponding transition probability function through the following relationship:
$$ \begin{aligned} p_t(\mathbf{x}_{t+1} | \mathbf{x}_t, \mathbf{u}_t) &= \mathbb{P}(\mathbf{W}t \in \left{\mathbf{w} \in \mathbf{W}: \mathbf{x}{t+1} = f_t(\mathbf{x}t, \mathbf{u}t, \mathbf{w})\right}) \ &= \sum{\left{\mathbf{w} \in \mathbf{W}: \mathbf{x}{t+1} = f_t(\mathbf{x}_t, \mathbf{u}_t, \mathbf{w})\right}} q_t(\mathbf{w}) \end{aligned} $$
For a system with deterministic dynamics and no disturbance, the transition probabilities become much simpler and be expressed using the indicator function. Given a deterministic system with dynamics:
The transition probability function can be expressed as:
$$ p_t(\mathbf{x}_{t+1} | \mathbf{x}_t, \mathbf{u}t) = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if } \mathbf{x}{t+1} = f_t(\mathbf{x}_t, \mathbf{u}_t) \ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} $$
With this transition probability function, we can recast our Bellman optimality equation:
$$ J_t^\star(\mathbf{x}t) = \max{\mathbf{u}t \in \mathbf{U}} \left{ c_t(\mathbf{x}t, \mathbf{u}t) + \sum{\mathbf{x}{t+1}} p_t(\mathbf{x}{t+1} | \mathbf{x}t, \mathbf{u}t) J{t+1}^\star(\mathbf{x}{t+1}) \right} $$
This formulation offers several advantages:
It makes the Markovian nature of the problem explicit: the future state depends only on the current state and action, not on the history of states and actions.
For discrete-state problems, the entire system dynamics can be specified by a set of transition matrices, one for each possible action.
It allows us to bridge the gap with the wealth of methods in the field of probabilistic graphical models and statistical machine learning techniques for modelling and analysis.
The presentation above was intended to bridge the gap between the control-theoretic perspective and the world of closed-loop control through the idea of determining the value function of a parametric optimal control problem. We then saw how the backward induction procedure was applicable to both the deterministic and stochastic cases by taking the expectation over the disturbance variable. We then said that we can alternatively work with a representation of our system where instead of writing our model as a deterministic dynamics function taking a disturbance as an input, we would rather work directly via its transition probability function, which gives rise to the Markov chain interpretation of our system in simulation.
Now we should highlight that the notation used in control theory tends to differ from that found in operations research communities, in which the field of dynamic programming flourished. We summarize those (purely notational) differences in this section.
In operations research, the system state at each decision epoch is typically denoted by
The dynamics of the system are described by a transition probability function
It's worth noting that in operations research, we typically work with reward maximization rather than cost minimization, which is more common in control theory. However, we can easily switch between these perspectives by simply negating the quantity. That is, maximizing a reward function is equivalent to minimizing its negative, which we would then call a cost function.
The reward function is denoted by
Combined together, these elemetns specify a Markov decision process, which is fully described by the tuple:
In the presentation provided so far, we directly assumed that the form of our feedback controller was of the form
But to properly introduce the concept of policy, we first have to talk about decision rules. A decision rule is a prescription of a procedure for action selection in each state at a specified decision epoch. These rules can vary in their complexity due to their potential dependence on the history and ways in which actions are then selected. Decision rules can be classified based on two main criteria:
- Dependence on history: Markovian or History-dependent
- Action selection method: Deterministic or Randomized
Markovian decision rules are those that depend only on the current state, while history-dependent rules consider the entire sequence of past states and actions. Formally, we can define a history
This exponential growth in the size of the history set motivates us to seek conditions under which we can avoid searching for history-dependent decision rules and instead focus on Markovian rules, which are much simpler to implement and evaluate.
Decision rules can be further classified as deterministic or randomized. A deterministic rule selects an action with certainty, while a randomized rule specifies a probability distribution over the action space.
These classifications lead to four types of decision rules:
- Markovian Deterministic (MD):
$d_t: \mathcal{S} \rightarrow \mathcal{A}_s$ - Markovian Randomized (MR):
$d_t: \mathcal{S} \rightarrow \mathcal{P}(\mathcal{A}_s)$ - History-dependent Deterministic (HD):
$d_t: H_t \rightarrow \mathcal{A}_s$ - History-dependent Randomized (HR):
$d_t: H_t \rightarrow \mathcal{P}(\mathcal{A}_s)$
It's important to note that decision rules are stage-wise objects. However, to solve an MDP, we need a strategy for the entire horizon. This is where we make a distinction and introduce the concept of a policy. A policy
A special type of policy is a stationary policy, where the same decision rule is used at all epochs:
The relationships between these policy classes form a hierarchy:
Where SD stands for Stationary Deterministic and SR for Stationary Randomized. The largest set is by far the set of history randomized policies.
A fundamental question in MDP theory is: under what conditions can we avoid working with the set
Let's go back to the starting point and define what it means for a policy to be optimal in a Markov Decision Problem. For this, we will be considering different possible search spaces (policy classes) and compare policies based on the ordering of their value from any possible start state. The value of a policy
In finite-horizon MDPs, our goal is to identify an optimal policy, denoted by
We call $\pi^$ an optimal policy because it yields the highest possible value across all states and all policies within the policy class $\Pi^{\text{HR}}$. We denote by $v^$ the maximum value achievable by any policy:
In reinforcement learning literature, $v^$ is typically referred to as the "optimal value function," while in some operations research references, it might be called the "value of an MDP." An optimal policy $\pi^$ is one for which its value function equals the optimal value function:
$$ v_{\pi^}(s) = v^(s), \quad \forall s \in \mathcal{S} $$
It's important to note that this notion of optimality applies to every state. Policies optimal in this sense are sometimes called "uniformly optimal policies." A weaker notion of optimality, often encountered in reinforcement learning practice, is optimality with respect to an initial distribution of states. In this case, we seek a policy
A fundamental result in MDP theory states that the maximum value can be achieved by searching over the space of deterministic Markovian Policies. Consequently:
$$ v^*(s) = \max_{\pi \in \Pi^{\mathrm{HR}}} v_\pi(s) = \max {\pi \in \Pi^{M D}} v\pi(s), \quad s \in S$$
This equality significantly simplifies the computational complexity of our algorithms, as the search problem can now be decomposed into
:label: backward-induction
**Input:** State space $S$, Action space $A$, Transition probabilities $p_t$, Reward function $r_t$, Time horizon $N$
**Output:** Optimal value functions $v^*$
1. Initialize:
- Set $t = N$
- For all $s_N \in S$:
$$v^*(s_N, N) = r_N(s_N)$$
2. For $t = N-1$ to $1$:
- For each $s_t \in S$:
a. Compute the optimal value function:
$$v^*(s_t, t) = \max_{a \in A_{s_t}} \left\{r_t(s_t, a) + \sum_{j \in S} p_t(j | s_t, a) v^*(j, t+1)\right\}$$
b. Determine the set of optimal actions:
$$A_{s_t,t}^* = \arg\max_{a \in A_{s_t}} \left\{r_t(s_t, a) + \sum_{j \in S} p_t(j | s_t, a) v^*(j, t+1)\right\}$$
3. Return the optimal value functions $u_t^*$ and optimal action sets $A_{s_t,t}^*$ for all $t$ and $s_t$
Note that the same procedure can also be used for finding the value of a policy with minor changes;
:label: backward-policy-evaluation
- State space $S$
- Action space $A$
- Transition probabilities $p_t$
- Reward function $r_t$
- Time horizon $N$
- A markovian deterministic policy $\pi$
**Output:** Value function $v^\pi$ for policy $\pi$
1. Initialize:
- Set $t = N$
- For all $s_N \in S$:
$$v_\pi(s_N, N) = r_N(s_N)$$
2. For $t = N-1$ to $1$:
- For each $s_t \in S$:
a. Compute the value function for the given policy:
$$v_\pi(s_t, t) = r_t(s_t, d_t(s_t)) + \sum_{j \in S} p_t(j | s_t, d_t(s_t)) v_\pi(j, t+1)$$
3. Return the value function $v^\pi(s_t, t)$ for all $t$ and $s_t$
This code could also finally be adapted to support randomized policies using:
$$v_\pi(s_t, t) = \sum_{a_t \in \mathcal{A}{s_t}} d_t(a_t \mid s_t) \left( r_t(s_t, a_t) + \sum{j \in S} p_t(j | s_t, a_t) v_\pi(j, t+1) \right)$$
Pharmaceutical development is the process of bringing a new drug from initial discovery to market availability. This process is lengthy, expensive, and risky, typically involving several stages:
- Drug Discovery: Identifying a compound that could potentially treat a disease.
- Preclinical Testing: Laboratory and animal testing to assess safety and efficacy.
. Clinical Trials: Testing the drug in humans, divided into phases:
- Phase I: Testing for safety in a small group of healthy volunteers.
- Phase II: Testing for efficacy and side effects in a larger group with the target condition.
- Phase III: Large-scale testing to confirm efficacy and monitor side effects.
- Regulatory Review: Submitting a New Drug Application (NDA) for approval.
- Post-Market Safety Monitoring: Continuing to monitor the drug's effects after market release.
This process can take 10-15 years and cost over $1 billion {cite}Adams2009
. The high costs and risks involved call for a principled approach to decision making. We'll focus on the clinical trial phases and NDA approval, per the MDP model presented by {cite}Chang2010
States (
$S$ ): Our state space is$S = {s_1, s_2, s_3, s_4}$ , where:-
$s_1$ : Phase I clinical trial -
$s_2$ : Phase II clinical trial -
$s_3$ : Phase III clinical trial -
$s_4$ : NDA approval
Actions (
$A$ ): At each state, the action is choosing the sample size$n_i$ for the corresponding clinical trial. The action space is$A = {10, 11, ..., 1000}$ , representing possible sample sizes. -
Transition Probabilities (
$P$ ): The probability of moving from one state to the next depends on the chosen sample size and the inherent properties of the drug. We define:-
$P(s_2|s_1, n_1) = p_{12}(n_1) = \sum_{i=0}^{\lfloor\eta_1 n_1\rfloor} \binom{n_1}{i} p_0^i (1-p_0)^{n_1-i}$ where$p_0$ is the true toxicity rate and$\eta_1$ is the toxicity threshold for Phase I.
Of particular interest is the transition from Phase II to Phase III which we model as:
$P(s_3|s_2, n_2) = p_{23}(n_2) = \Phi\left(\frac{\sqrt{n_2}}{2}\delta - z_{1-\eta_2}\right)$ where
$\Phi$ is the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the standard normal distribution:$\Phi(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} \int_{-\infty}^x e^{-t^2/2} dt$ This is giving us the probability that we would observe a treatment effect this large or larger if the null hypothesis (no treatment effect) were true. A higher probability indicates stronger evidence of a treatment effect, making it more likely that the drug will progress to Phase III.
In this expression,
$\delta$ is called the "normalized treatment effect". In clinical trials, we're often interested in the difference between the treatment and control groups. The "normalized" part means we've adjusted this difference for the variability in the data. Specifically$\delta = \frac{\mu_t - \mu_c}{\sigma}$ where$\mu_t$ is the mean outcome in the treatment group,$\mu_c$ is the mean outcome in the control group, and$\sigma$ is the standard deviation of the outcome. A larger$\delta$ indicates a stronger treatment effect.Furthermore, the term
$z_{1-\eta_2}$ is the$(1-\eta_2)$ -quantile of the standard normal distribution. In other words, it's the value where the probability of a standard normal random variable being greater than this value is$\eta_2$ . For example, if$\eta_2 = 0.05$ , then$z_{1-\eta_2} \approx 1.645$ . A smaller$\eta_2$ makes the trial more conservative, requiring stronger evidence to proceed to Phase III.Finally,
$n_2$ is the sample size for Phase II. The$\sqrt{n_2}$ term reflects that the precision of our estimate of the treatment effect improves with the square root of the sample size. -
$P(s_4|s_3, n_3) = p_{34}(n_3) = \Phi\left(\frac{\sqrt{n_3}}{2}\delta - z_{1-\eta_3}\right)$ where$\eta_3$ is the significance level for Phase III.
Rewards (
$R$ ): The reward function captures the costs of running trials and the potential profit from a successful drug:-
$r(s_i, n_i) = -c_i(n_i)$ for$i = 1, 2, 3$ , where$c_i(n_i)$ is the cost of running a trial with sample size$n_i$ . -
$r(s_4) = g_4$ , where$g_4$ is the expected profit from a successful drug.
Discount Factor (
$\gamma$ ): We use a discount factor$0 < \gamma \leq 1$ to account for the time value of money and risk preferences.
:tags: [hide-input]
:load: code/sample_size_drug_dev_dp.py
It often makes sense to model control problems over infinite horizons. We extend the previous setting and define the expected total reward of policy
One drawback of this model is that we could easily encounter values that are
Therefore, it is often more convenient to work with an alternative formulation which guarantees the existence of a limit: the expected total discounted reward of policy
Finally, another possibility for the infinite-horizon setting is the so-called average reward or gain of policy
We won't be working with this formulation in this course due to its inherent practical and theoretical complexities.
Extending the previous notion of optimality from finite-horizon models, a policy
Furthermore, the value of a discounted MDP
$$ v_\gamma^*(s) \equiv \max {\pi \in \Pi^{\mathrm{HR}}} v\gamma^\pi(s) $$
More often, we refer to
As for the finite-horizon setting, the infinite horizon discounted model does not require history-dependent policies, since for any
The use of discounting can be motivated both from a modeling perspective and as a means to ensure that the total reward remains bounded. From the modeling perspective, we can view discounting as a way to weight more or less importance on the immediate rewards vs. the long-term consequences. There is also another interpretation which stems from that of a finite horizon model but with an uncertain end time. More precisely:
$$ v_\nu^\pi(s) \equiv \mathbb{E}s^\pi\left[\mathbb{E}\nu\left{\sum_{t=1}^\nu r(S_t, A_t)\right}\right] $$
:label: prop-5-3-1
Suppose that the horizon $\nu$ follows a geometric distribution with parameter $\gamma$, $0 \leq \gamma < 1$, independent of the policy such that
$P(\nu=n) = (1-\gamma) \gamma^{n-1}, \, n=1,2, \ldots$, then $v_\nu^\pi(s) = v_\gamma^\pi(s)$ for all $s \in \mathcal{S}$ .
See proposition 5.3.1 in {cite}`Puterman1994`
v_\nu^\pi(s) = E_s^\pi \left\{\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \sum_{t=1}^n r(X_t, Y_t)(1-\gamma) \gamma^{n-1}\right\}.
Under the bounded reward assumption and $\gamma < 1$, the series converges and we can reverse the order of summation :
v_\nu^\pi(s) &= E_s^\pi \left\{\sum_{t=1}^{\infty} \sum_{n=t}^{\infty} r(S_t, A_t)(1-\gamma) \gamma^{n-1}\right\} \\
&= E_s^\pi \left\{\sum_{t=1}^{\infty} \gamma^{t-1} r(S_t, A_t)\right\} = v_\gamma^\pi(s)
where the last line follows from the geometric series:
\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \gamma^{n-1} = \frac{1}{1-\gamma}
Let V be the set of bounded real-valued functions on a discrete state space S. This means any function $ f \in V $ satisfies the condition:
$$ |f| = \max_{s \in S} |f(s)| < \infty. $$ where notation $ |f| $ represents the sup-norm (or $ \ell_\infty $-norm) of the function $ f $.
When working with discrete state spaces, we can interpret elements of V as vectors and linear operators on V as matrices, allowing us to leverage tools from linear algebra. The sup-norm (
For a Markovian decision rule
\begin{align*} \mathbf{r}_d(s) &\equiv r(s, d(s)), \quad \mathbf{r}_d \in \mathbb{R}^{|S|}, \ [\mathbf{P}d]{s,j} &\equiv p(j \mid s, d(s)), \quad \mathbf{P}_d \in \mathbb{R}^{|S| \times |S|}. \end{align*}
For a randomized decision rule
\begin{align*} \mathbf{r}d(s) &\equiv \sum{a \in A_s} d(a \mid s) , r(s, a), \ [\mathbf{P}d]{s,j} &\equiv \sum_{a \in A_s} d(a \mid s) , p(j \mid s, a). \end{align*}
In both cases,
For a nonstationary Markovian policy
$$ \mathbf{v}\gamma^{\pi}(s)=\mathbb{E}\left[\sum{t=1}^{\infty} \gamma^{t-1} r\left(S_t, A_t\right) ,\middle|, S_1 = s\right]. $$
Using vector notation, this can be expressed as:
$$ \begin{aligned} \mathbf{v}\gamma^{\pi} &= \sum{t=1}^{\infty} \gamma^{t-1} \mathbf{P}\pi^{t-1} \mathbf{r}{d_1} \ &= \mathbf{r}{d_1} + \gamma \mathbf{P}{d_1} \mathbf{r}{d_2} + \gamma^2 \mathbf{P}{d_1} \mathbf{P}{d_2} \mathbf{r}{d_3} + \cdots \ &= \mathbf{r}{d_1} + \gamma \mathbf{P}{d_1} \left( \mathbf{r}{d_2} + \gamma \mathbf{P}{d_2} \mathbf{r}{d_3} + \gamma^2 \mathbf{P}{d_2} \mathbf{P}{d_3} \mathbf{r}{d_4} + \cdots \right). \end{aligned} $$
This formulation leads to a recursive relationship:
$$ \begin{align*} \mathbf{v}\gamma^\pi &= \mathbf{r}{d_1} + \gamma \mathbf{P}{d_1} \mathbf{v}\gamma^{\pi^{\prime}}\ &=\sum_{t=1}^{\infty} \gamma^{t-1} \mathbf{P}\pi^{t-1} \mathbf{r}{d_t} \end{align*} $$
For stationary policies, where
$$ \begin{align*} \mathbf{v}_\gamma^{d^\infty} &= \mathbf{r}d+ \gamma \mathbf{P}d \mathbf{v}\gamma^{d^\infty} \ &=\sum{t=1}^{\infty} \gamma^{t-1} \mathbf{P}d^{t-1} \mathbf{r}{d} \end{align*} $$
This last expression is called a Neumann series expansion, and it's guaranteed to exists under the assumptions of bounded reward and discount factor strictly less than one. Consequently, for a stationary policy,
which can be rearranged to:
We can also characterize
for any
Therefore, we view
$$ \mathbf{v}_\gamma^{d^\infty}=\mathrm{L}d \mathbf{v}\gamma^{d^\infty} \text {. } $$
The operator equation we encountered in MDPs, $\mathbf{v}_\gamma^{d^\infty} = \mathrm{L}d \mathbf{v}\gamma^{d^\infty}$, is a specific instance of a more general class of problems known as operator equations. These equations appear in various fields of mathematics and applied sciences, ranging from differential equations to functional analysis.
Operator equations can take several forms, each with its own characteristics and solution methods:
Fixed Point Form:
$x = \mathrm{T}(x)$ , where$\mathrm{T}: X \rightarrow X$ . Common in fixed-point problems, such as our MDP equation, we seek a fixed point $x^$ such that $x^ = \mathrm{T}(x^*)$. -
General Operator Equation:
$\mathrm{T}(x) = y$ , where$\mathrm{T}: X \rightarrow Y$ . Here,$X$ and$Y$ can be different spaces. We seek an$x \in X$ that satisfies the equation for a given$y \in Y$ . -
Nonlinear Equation:
$\mathrm{T}(x) = 0$ , where$\mathrm{T}: X \rightarrow Y$ . A special case of the general operator equation where we seek roots or zeros of the operator. -
Variational Inequality: Find
$x^* \in K$ such that $\langle \mathrm{T}(x^), x - x^ \rangle \geq 0$ for all$x \in K$ . Here,$K$ is a closed convex subset of$X$ , and$\mathrm{T}: K \rightarrow X^*$ (the dual space of$X$ ). These problems often arise in optimization, game theory, and partial differential equations.
For equations in fixed point form, a common numerical solution method is successive approximation, also known as fixed-point iteration:
:label: successive-approximation
**Input:** An operator $\mathrm{T}: X \rightarrow X$, an initial guess $x_0 \in X$, and a tolerance $\epsilon > 0$
**Output:** An approximate fixed point $x^*$ such that $\|x^* - \mathrm{T}(x^*)\| < \epsilon$
1. Initialize $n = 0$
2. **repeat**
3. Compute $x_{n+1} = \mathrm{T}(x_n)$
4. If $\|x_{n+1} - x_n\| < \epsilon$, **return** $x_{n+1}$
5. Set $n = n + 1$
6. **until** convergence or maximum iterations reached
The convergence of successive approximation depends on the properties of the operator
However, the contraction mapping condition is not the only one that can lead to convergence. For instance, if
In practice, when dealing with specific problems like MDPs or differential equations, the properties of the operator often naturally align with one of these convergence conditions. For example, in discounted MDPs, the Bellman operator is a contraction in the supremum norm, which guarantees the convergence of value iteration.
The Newton-Kantorovich method is a generalization of Newton's method from finite dimensional vector spaces to infinite dimensional function spaces: rather than iterating in the space of vectors, we are iterating in the space of functions. Just as in the finite-dimensional counterpart, the idea is to improve the rate of convergence of our method by taking an "educated guess" on where to move next using a linearization of our operator at the current point. Now the concept of linearization, which is synonymous with derivative, will also require a generalization. Here we are in essence trying to quantify how the output of the operator
Before we delve into the Fréchet derivative, it's important to understand the context in which it operates: Banach spaces. A Banach space is a complete normed vector space: ie a vector space, that has a norm, and which every Cauchy sequence convergeces. Banach spaces provide a natural generalization of finite-dimensional vector spaces to infinite-dimensional settings. The norm in a Banach space allows us to quantify the "size" of functions and the "distance" between functions. This allows us to define notions of continuity, differentiability, and for analyzing the convergence of our method. Furthermore, the completeness property of Banach spaces ensures that we have a well-defined notion of convergence.
In the context of the Newton-Kantorovich method, we typically work with an operator
Now apart from those mathematical technicalities, Newton-Kantorovich has in essence the same structure as that of the original Newton's method. That is, it applies the following sequence of steps:
Linearize the Operator: Given an approximation $ x_n $, we consider the Fréchet derivative of $ \mathrm{T} $, denoted by $ \mathrm{T}'(x_n) $. This derivative is a linear operator that provides a local approximation of $ \mathrm{T} $, near $ x_n $.
Set Up the Newton Step: The method then solves the linearized equation for a correction $ h_n $:
$$ \mathrm{T}(x_n) h_n = \mathrm{T}(x_n) - x_n. $$ This equation represents a linear system where $ h_n $ is chosen to minimize the difference between $ x_n $ and $ \mathrm{T}(x_n) $ with respect to the operator's local behavior.
Update the Solution: The new approximation $ x_{n+1} $ is then given by:
$$ x_{n+1} = x_n - h_n. $$ This correction step refines $ x_n $, bringing it closer to the true solution.
Repeat Until Convergence: We repeat the linearization and update steps until the solution $ x_n $ converges to the desired tolerance, which can be verified by checking that $ |\mathrm{T}(x_n) - x_n| $ is sufficiently small, or by monitoring the norm $ |x_{n+1} - x_n| $.
The convergence of Newton-Kantorovich does not hinge on $ \mathrm{T} $ being a contraction over the entire domain -- as it could be the case for successive approximation. The convergence properties of the Newton-Kantorovich method are as follows:
Local Convergence: Under mild conditions (e.g.,
$\mathrm{T}$ is Fréchet differentiable and$\mathrm{T}'(x)$ is invertible near the solution), the method converges locally. This means that if the initial guess is sufficiently close to the true solution, the method will converge. -
Global Convergence: Global convergence is not guaranteed in general. However, under stronger conditions (e.g., $ \mathrm{T} $, is analytic and satisfies certain bounds), the method can converge globally.
Rate of Convergence: When the method converges, it typically exhibits quadratic convergence. This means that the error at each step is proportional to the square of the error at the previous step:
$$ |x_{n+1} - x^| \leq C|x_n - x^|^2 $$
$x^*$ is the true solution and$C$ is some constant. This quadratic convergence is significantly faster than the linear convergence typically seen in methods like successive approximation.
Recall that in the finite-horizon setting, the optimality equations are:
Intuitively, we would expect that by taking the limit of
which are called the optimality equations or Bellman equations for infinite-horizon MDPs.
We can adopt an operator-theoretic perspective by defining a nonlinear operator
Note that while we write
$$ (\mathrm{L} \mathbf{v})(s) = \max_{a \in \mathcal{A}s} \left{r(s,a) + \gamma \sum{j \in \mathcal{S}} p(j|s,a) v(j)\right} $$
The equivalence between these two forms can be shown mathematically, as demonstrated in the following proposition and proof.
The operator $\mathrm{L}$ defined as a maximization over Markov deterministic decision rules:
$$(\mathrm{L} \mathbf{v})(s) = \max_{d \in D^{MD}} \left\{r(s,d(s)) + \gamma \sum_{j \in \mathcal{S}} p(j|s,d(s)) v(j)\right\}$$
is equivalent to the componentwise maximization over actions:
$$(\mathrm{L} \mathbf{v})(s) = \max_{a \in \mathcal{A}_s} \left\{r(s,a) + \gamma \sum_{j \in \mathcal{S}} p(j|s,a) v(j)\right\}$$
Let's define the right-hand side of the first equation as $R_1$ and the right-hand side of the second equation as $R_2$. We'll prove that $R_1 \leq R_2$ and $R_2 \leq R_1$, which will establish their equality.
Step 1: Proving $R_1 \leq R_2$
For any $d \in D^{MD}$, we have:
$$r(s,d(s)) + \gamma \sum_{j \in \mathcal{S}} p(j|s,d(s)) v(j) \leq \max_{a \in \mathcal{A}_s} \left\{r(s,a) + \gamma \sum_{j \in \mathcal{S}} p(j|s,a) v(j)\right\}$$
This is because $d(s) \in \mathcal{A}_s$, so the left-hand side is included in the set over which we're maximizing on the right-hand side.
Taking the maximum over all $d \in D^{MD}$ on the left-hand side doesn't change this inequality:
$$\max_{d \in D^{MD}} \left\{r(s,d(s)) + \gamma \sum_{j \in \mathcal{S}} p(j|s,d(s)) v(j)\right\} \leq \max_{a \in \mathcal{A}_s} \left\{r(s,a) + \gamma \sum_{j \in \mathcal{S}} p(j|s,a) v(j)\right\}$$
Therefore, $R_1 \leq R_2$.
Step 2: Proving $R_2 \leq R_1$
Let $a^* \in \mathcal{A}_s$ be the action that achieves the maximum in $R_2$. We can construct a Markov deterministic decision rule $d^*$ such that $d^*(s) = a^*$ and $d^*(s')$ is arbitrary for $s' \neq s$. Then:
R_2 &= r(s,a^*) + \gamma \sum_{j \in \mathcal{S}} p(j|s,a^*) v(j) \\
&= r(s,d^*(s)) + \gamma \sum_{j \in \mathcal{S}} p(j|s,d^*(s)) v(j) \\
&\leq \max_{d \in D^{MD}} \left\{r(s,d(s)) + \gamma \sum_{j \in \mathcal{S}} p(j|s,d(s)) v(j)\right\} \\
&= R_1
Since we've shown $R_1 \leq R_2$ and $R_2 \leq R_1$, we can conclude that $R_1 = R_2$, which proves the equivalence of the two forms of the operator.
The optimality equations are operator equations. Therefore, we can apply general numerical methods to solve them. Applying the successive approximation method to the Bellman optimality equation yields a method known as "value iteration" in dynamic programming. A direct application of the blueprint for successive approximation yields the following algorithm:
:label: value-iteration
**Input** Given an MDP $(S, A, P, R, \gamma)$ and tolerance $\varepsilon > 0$
**Output** Compute an $\varepsilon$-optimal value function $V$ and policy $\pi$
1. Initialize $v_0(s) = 0$ for all $s \in S$
2. $n \leftarrow 0$
3. **repeat**
1. For each $s \in S$:
1. $v_{n+1}(s) \leftarrow \max_{a \in A} \left\{r(s,a) + \gamma \sum_{j \in \mathcal{S}} p(j|s,a)v_n(s')\right\}$
2. $\delta \leftarrow \|v_{n+1} - v_n\|_\infty$
3. $n \leftarrow n + 1$
4. **until** $\delta < \frac{\varepsilon(1-\gamma)}{2\gamma}$
5. For each $s \in S$:
1. $\pi(s) \leftarrow \arg\max_{a \in A} \left\{r(s,a) + \gamma \sum_{j \in \mathcal{S}} p(j|s,a)v_n(s')\right\}$
6. **return** $v_n, \pi$
The termination criterion in this algorithm is based on a specific bound that provides guarantees on the quality of the solution. This is in contrast to supervised learning, where we often use arbitrary termination criteria based on computational budget or early stopping when the learning curve flattens. This is because establishing implementable generalization bounds in supervised learning is challenging.
However, in the dynamic programming context, we can derive various bounds that can be implemented in practice. These bounds help us terminate our procedure with a guarantee on the precision of our value function and, correspondingly, on the optimality of the resulting policy.
:label: value-iteration-convergence
(Adapted from {cite:t}`Puterman1994` theorem 6.3.1)
Let $v_0$ be any initial value function, $\varepsilon > 0$ a desired accuracy, and let $\{v_n\}$ be the sequence of value functions generated by value iteration, i.e., $v_{n+1} = \mathrm{L}v_n$ for $n \geq 1$, where $\mathrm{L}$ is the Bellman optimality operator. Then:
1. $v_n$ converges to the optimal value function $v^*_\gamma$,
2. The algorithm terminates in finite time,
3. The resulting policy $\pi_\varepsilon$ is $\varepsilon$-optimal, and
4. When the algorithm terminates, $v_{n+1}$ is within $\varepsilon/2$ of $v^*_\gamma$.
Parts 1. and 2. follow directly from the fact that $\mathrm{L}$ is a contraction mapping. Hence, by Banach's fixed-point theorem, it has a unique fixed point (which is $v^*_\gamma$), and repeated application of $\mathrm{L}$ will converge to this fixed point. Moreover, this convergence happens at a linear/geometric rate, which ensures that we reach the termination condition in finite time.
To show that the Bellman optimality operator $\mathrm{L}$ is a contraction mapping, we need to prove that for any two value functions $v$ and $u$:
$$\|\mathrm{L}v - \mathrm{L}u\|_\infty \leq \gamma \|V - U\|_\infty$$
where $\gamma \in [0,1)$ is the discount factor and $\|\cdot\|_\infty$ is the supremum norm.
Let's start by writing out the definition of $\mathrm{L}v$ and $\mathrm{L}u$:
$$\begin{align*}(\mathrm{L}v)(s) &= \max_{a \in A} \left\{r(s,a) + \gamma \sum_{j \in \mathcal{S}} p(j|s,a)V(s')\right\}\\
(\mathrm{L}u)(s) &= \max_{a \in A} \left\{r(s,a) + \gamma \sum_{j \in \mathcal{S}} p(j|s,a)U(s')\right\}\end{align*}$$
Now, for any state s, let $a_V$ be the action that achieves the maximum for $\mathrm{L}$V, and $a_U$ be the action that achieves the maximum for $\mathrm{L}u$. Then:
$$\begin{align*}(\mathrm{L}v)(s)&= r(s,a_V) + \gamma \sum_{j \in \mathcal{S}} p(j|s,a_V)V(s')\\
(\mathrm{L}u)(s) &= r(s,a_U) + \gamma \sum_{j \in \mathcal{S}} p(j|s,a_U)U(s')\end{align*}$$
By the definition of $a_V$ and $a_U$, we know that:
$$\begin{align*}(\mathrm{L}v)(s) &\geq r(s,a_U) + \gamma \sum_{j \in \mathcal{S}} p(j|s,a_U)V(s')\\
(\mathrm{L}u)(s) &\geq r(s,a_V) + \gamma \sum_{j \in \mathcal{S}} p(j|s,a_V)U(s')\end{align*}$$
Subtracting these inequalities:
$$\begin{align*}(\mathrm{L}v)(s) - (\mathrm{L}u)(s) &\leq \gamma \sum_{j \in \mathcal{S}} p(j|s,a_V)(V(s') - U(s'))\\
(\mathrm{L}u)(s) - (\mathrm{L}v)(s) &\leq \gamma \sum_{j \in \mathcal{S}} p(j|s,a_U)(U(s') - V(s'))\end{align*}$$
Taking the absolute value of both sides and using the fact that $\sum_{j \in \mathcal{S}} p(j|s,a) = 1$ for any s and a:
$$|(\mathrm{L}v)(s) - (\mathrm{L}u)(s)| \leq \gamma \max_{j \in \mathcal{S}} |V(s') - U(s')| = \gamma \|V - U\|_\infty$$
Since this holds for all $s$, we can take the supremum over $s$:
$$\|\mathrm{L}v - \mathrm{L}u\|_\infty \leq \gamma \|V - U\|_\infty$$
Thus, we have shown that $\mathrm{L}$ is indeed a contraction mapping with contraction factor $\gamma$.
Now, let's focus on parts 3. and 4. Suppose our algorithm has just terminated, i.e., $\|v_{n+1} - v_n\| < \frac{\varepsilon(1-\gamma)}{2\gamma}$ for some $n$. We want to show that our current value function $v_{n+1}$ and the policy $\pi_\varepsilon$ derived from it are close to optimal.
We start with the following inequality:
$$\|V^{\pi_\varepsilon}_\gamma - v^*_\gamma\| \leq \|V^{\pi_\varepsilon}_\gamma - v_{n+1}\| + \|v_{n+1} - v^*_\gamma\|$$
This inequality is derived using the triangle inequality:
$$\|V^{\pi_\varepsilon}_\gamma - v^*_\gamma\| = \|(V^{\pi_\varepsilon}_\gamma - v_{n+1}) + (v_{n+1} - v^*_\gamma)\| \leq \|V^{\pi_\varepsilon}_\gamma - v_{n+1}\| + \|v_{n+1} - v^*_\gamma\|$$
Let's focus on the first term, $\|V^{\pi_\varepsilon}_\gamma - v_{n+1}\|$. We can expand this:
\|V^{\pi_\varepsilon}_\gamma - v_{n+1}\| &= \|\mathrm{L}_{\pi_\varepsilon}V^{\pi_\varepsilon}_\gamma - v_{n+1}\| \\
&\leq \|\mathrm{L}_{\pi_\varepsilon}V^{\pi_\varepsilon}_\gamma - \mathrm{L}v_{n+1}\| + \|\mathrm{L}v_{n+1} - v_{n+1}\| \\
&= \|\mathrm{L}_{\pi_\varepsilon}V^{\pi_\varepsilon}_\gamma - \mathrm{L}_{\pi_\varepsilon}v_{n+1}\| + \|\mathrm{L}v_{n+1} - \mathrm{L}v_n\| \\
&\leq \gamma\|V^{\pi_\varepsilon}_\gamma - v_{n+1}\| + \gamma\|v_{n+1} - v_n\|
Here, we've used the fact that $V^{\pi_\varepsilon}_\gamma$ is a fixed point of $\mathrm{L}_{\pi_\varepsilon}$, that $\mathrm{L}_{\pi_\varepsilon}v_{n+1} = \mathrm{L}v_{n+1}$ (by definition of $\pi_\varepsilon$), and that both $\mathrm{L}$ and $\mathrm{L}_{\pi_\varepsilon}$ are contractions with factor $\gamma$.
Rearranging this inequality, we get:
$$\|V^{\pi_\varepsilon}_\gamma - v_{n+1}\| \leq \frac{\gamma}{1-\gamma}\|v_{n+1} - v_n\|$$
We can derive a similar bound for $\|v_{n+1} - v^*_\gamma\|$:
$$\|v_{n+1} - v^*_\gamma\| \leq \frac{\gamma}{1-\gamma}\|v_{n+1} - v_n\|$$
Now, remember that our algorithm terminated when $\|v_{n+1} - v_n\| < \frac{\varepsilon(1-\gamma)}{2\gamma}$. Plugging this into our bounds:
$$\|V^{\pi_\varepsilon}_\gamma - v_{n+1}\| \leq \frac{\gamma}{1-\gamma} \cdot \frac{\varepsilon(1-\gamma)}{2\gamma} = \frac{\varepsilon}{2}$$
$$\|v_{n+1} - v^*_\gamma\| \leq \frac{\gamma}{1-\gamma} \cdot \frac{\varepsilon(1-\gamma)}{2\gamma} = \frac{\varepsilon}{2}$$
Finally, combining these results with our initial inequality:
$$\|V^{\pi_\varepsilon}_\gamma - v^*_\gamma\| \leq \|V^{\pi_\varepsilon}_\gamma - v_{n+1}\| + \|v_{n+1} - v^*_\gamma\| \leq \frac{\varepsilon}{2} + \frac{\varepsilon}{2} = \varepsilon$$
This completes the proof. We've shown that when the algorithm terminates, our value function $v_{n+1}$ is within $\varepsilon/2$ of optimal (part 4.), and our policy $\pi_\varepsilon$ is $\varepsilon$-optimal (part 3.).
Another perspective on the optimality equations is that instead of looking for
If we were to apply the blueprint of Newton-Kantorovich, we would get:
:label: nk-bellman
**Input:** MDP $(S, A, P, R, \gamma)$, initial guess $v_0$, tolerance $\epsilon > 0$
**Output:** Approximate optimal value function $v^\star$
1. Initialize $n = 0$
2. **repeat**
3. Compute the Fréchet derivative of $\mathrm{B}(v) = \mathrm{L}v - v$ at $v_n$:
$$\mathrm{B}'(v_n) = \mathrm{L}' - \mathrm{I}$$
where $\mathrm{I}$ is the identity operator
4. Solve the linear equation for $h_n$:
$$(\mathrm{L}' - \mathrm{I})h_n = v_n - \mathrm{L}v_n$$
5. Update: $v_{n+1} = v_n - h_n$
6. $n = n + 1$
7. **until** $\|\mathrm{L}v_n - v_n\| < \epsilon$
8. **return** $v_n$
The key difference in this application is the specific form of our operator
Let's examine the Fréchet derivative of
$$(\mathrm{L}v)(s) \equiv \max_{a \in \mathcal{A}s} \left{r(s,a) + \gamma \sum{j \in S} p(j|s,a)v(j)\right}$$
For each state
This means that the Fréchet derivative
Now, let's look more closely at what happens in each iteration of this Newton-Kantorovich method:
In step 3, when we compute
$\mathrm{L}'(v_n)$ , we're essentially defining a policy based on the current value function estimate. This policy chooses the action$a^*(s)$ for each state$s$ . -
In step 4, we solve the linear equation:
$$(\mathrm{L}' - \mathrm{I})h_n = v_n - \mathrm{L}v_n$$ This can be rearranged to:
$$\mathrm{L}'h_n = \mathrm{L}v_n$$ Solving this equation is equivalent to evaluating the policy defined by
$a^*(s)$ . -
The update in step 5 can be rewritten as:
$$v_{n+1} = \mathrm{L}v_n$$ This step improves our value function estimate based on the policy we just evaluated.
Interestingly, this sequence of steps - deriving a policy from the current value function, evaluating that policy, and then improving the value function - is a well-known algorithm in dynamic programming called policy iteration. In fact, policy iteration can be viewed as simply the application of the Newton-Kantorovich method to the operator
While we derived policy iteration-like steps from the Newton-Kantorovich method, it's worth examining policy iteration as a standalone algorithm, as it has been traditionally presented in the field of dynamic programming.
The policy iteration algorithm for discounted Markov decision problems is as follows:
:label: policy-iteration
**Input:** MDP $(S, A, P, R, \gamma)$
**Output:** Optimal policy $\pi^*$
1. Initialize: $n = 0$, select an arbitrary decision rule $d_0 \in D$
2. **repeat**
3. (Policy evaluation) Obtain $\mathbf{v}^n$ by solving:
$$(\mathbf{I}-\gamma \mathbf{P}_{d_n}) \mathbf{v} = \mathbf{r}_{d_n}$$
4. (Policy improvement) Choose $d_{n+1}$ to satisfy:
$$d_{n+1} \in \arg\max_{d \in D}\left\{\mathbf{r}_d+\gamma \mathbf{P}_d \mathbf{v}^n\right\}$$
Set $d_{n+1} = d_n$ if possible.
5. If $d_{n+1} = d_n$, **return** $d^* = d_n$
6. $n = n + 1$
7. **until** convergence
As opposed to value iteration, this algorithm produces a sequence of both deterministic Markovian decision rules