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Cooking proteomics data

Pilar González Marchante


Reverse Phase Protein Array (RPPA) is a high-throughput antibody-based technique with a procedure similar to that of Western blots. In the procedure carried by MD Anderson Cancer Center, hundreds to thousands of different cell lysates are immobilized on a nitrocellulose-coated slide as many individual spots, followed by incubations with one protein-specific antibody, and detection. A group (often several hundreds) of antibodies form a set, which are used for each assay. Occasionally, antibodies may be added to or removed from the set depending on feasibility/functionality, which forms a new set.

To quantify protein expression, a “standard curve” is constructed from spots on each slide (one slide probed for one antibody). These spots include serial dilutions of each sample plus QC spots of standard lysates at different concentrations.

The original paper mentions:

“Each dilution curve was fitted with a logistic model (‘supercurve fitting’ developed by the Department of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology in MD Anderson Cancer Center; This fits a single curve using all the samples (that is, dilution series) on a slide with the signal intensity as the response variable and the dilution step as the independent variable. The fitted curve is plotted with both the observed and fitted signal intensities on the y axis and the log2 concentration of proteins on the x axis for diagnostic purposes. The protein concentrations of each set of slides were then normalized for protein loading. Correction factor was calculated by first median‐centring across samples of all antibody experiments and then median‐centring across antibodies for each sample.”



There are no duplicated samples. Protein expression is given by Relative levels of protein expression - interpolation of each dilution curve to the “standard curve” (supercurve) of the slide (antibody).

prot <- prot[-c(1,2,3,4,5)]

boxplot(prot[, 1:50], outline = FALSE, las = 2, names = substr(colnames(prot), 6, 12)[1:50], main = "Normalized protein expression")

It seems our data is already normalized, which makes sense since it is stated that the data was median-centered and log2-transformed.

How many missing values do we have?

missing.per.patient <-, function(x) sum(
missing.per.patient$percentage <- missing.per.patient$`sapply(prot, function(x) sum(`*100/487
missing.per.peptide <-
missing.per.peptide$percentage <- missing.per.peptide$`rowSums(`*100/643

Some peptides have missing values for all samples, so these ones we will remove. Any samples or peptides with a missing rate higher than 20% will have to be removed from the matrix, since it is not possible to impute these values with confidence. <- rownames(missing.per.patient[which(missing.per.patient$percentage >= 20), ]) # 18
 [1] "TCGA-JL-A3YX-01A" "TCGA-AR-A24W-01A" "TCGA-A7-A26E-01A" "TCGA-A1-A0SQ-01A" "TCGA-BH-A1FL-01A" "TCGA-AR-A255-01A" "TCGA-AC-A23E-01A"
 [8] "TCGA-E9-A1RE-01A" "TCGA-EW-A1OY-01A" "TCGA-BH-A1EO-01A" "TCGA-D8-A1JJ-01A" "TCGA-D8-A1JN-01A" "TCGA-A2-A1FV-01A" "TCGA-BH-A1FR-01A"
[15] "TCGA-E9-A1R6-01A" "TCGA-A1-A0SF-01A" "TCGA-D8-A1JU-01A" "TCGA-EW-A1PD-01A" <- rownames(missing.per.peptide[which(missing.per.peptide$percentage >= 20), ]) # 30
 [1] "ALPHACATENIN"       "AXL"                "CA9"                "CASPASE9"           "COMPLEXIISUBUNIT30" "CTLA4"              "E2F1"              
 [8] "ENY2"               "EZH2"               "GATA6"              "GCN5L2"             "GYS"                "GYS_pS641"          "HIF1ALPHA"         
[15] "LDHA"               "LDHB"               "MITOCHONDRIA"       "MYOSINIIA"          "NAPSINA"            "NRF2"               "P63"               
[22] "PARP1"              "PDCD1"              "PKM2"               "PYGB"               "PYGL"               "PYGM"               "RET_pY905"         
[29] "SLC1A5"             "TTF1"
prot[,] <- NULL

prot <- prot[!(row.names(prot) %in%, ]

Let’s once again see how many missing values we have.

missing.per.patient <-, function(x) sum(
missing.per.patient$percentage <- missing.per.patient$`sapply(prot, function(x) sum(`*100/457
missing.per.peptide <-
missing.per.peptide$percentage <- missing.per.peptide$`rowSums(`*100/625

After removing 18 samples and 30 peptides, there are no missing values. We now have a matrix with information for 457 peptides and 625 samples. Notice the peptide names: they’re antibodies. We can convert them to their Entrez Gene IDs using MD Anderson’s current expanded antibody list, as this center was the one that processed the data. Some peptides have more than 1 Entrez IDs associated with them (for example, Aurora-ABC_p_T288_T232_T198 has 6790, 9212 and 6795, corresponding to aurora kinase A, B and C, respectively). We could keep one at random or delete them altogether; as to not overcomplicate things, we decided to remove all instances with more than 2 Entrez IDs; and for those with 2 Entrez IDs, we kept the first one.

antibodies <- read.table("scripts/associations/protein-gene/RPPA_Antibodies.txt", sep = "\t", header = TRUE, row.names = 1)

existing.peptides <- intersect(rownames(prot), rownames(antibodies)) # 437

missing.peptides <- setdiff(rownames(prot), rownames(antibodies)) # 20

prot <- prot[!(row.names(prot) %in% missing.peptides), ]

prot$Entrez <- antibodies[existing.peptides, ]$NCBI_Entrez_Gene_ID

write.table(prot, file = "reports/associations/protein-gene/prot.txt", sep = "\t", quote = FALSE)
# after deleting duplicated Entrez IDs and keeping the most reliable peptide for it
boxplot(prot[, 1:50], outline = FALSE, las = 2, names = substr(colnames(prot), 6, 12)[1:50], main = "Normalized protein expression")

In the end, we have a matrix with normalized protein expression values for 369 proteins and 625 samples. We can now explore our data with NOIseq’s PCA.


groups <- substr(colnames(prot), 13, 15)
groups <- gsub("-01", "cancer", groups)
groups <- gsub("-11", "normal", groups)

groups <-

mydata <- NOISeq::readData(data = prot, factors = groups)

myPCA = dat(mydata, type = "PCA", logtransf = TRUE, norm = TRUE)
par(cex = 0.75)
explo.plot(myPCA, factor = "groups", plottype = "scores")
explo.plot(myPCA, factor = "groups", plottype = "loadings")

Analyzing differential expression

Since our data is already normalized, we need to use limma.



groups <- substr(colnames(prot), 13, 15)
groups <- gsub("-01", "tumor", groups)
groups <- gsub("-11", "normal", groups)

design <- model.matrix(~ groups)

fit1 <- lmFit(prot, design)

fit2 <- eBayes(fit1)

top.limma <- topTable(fit2, coef = 2, number = Inf)

log.fold.change <- top.limma$logFC
q.value <- top.limma$adj.P.Val
genes.ids <- rownames(top.limma)
names(log.fold.change) <- genes.ids
names(q.value) <- genes.ids

activated.genes.limma <- genes.ids[log.fold.change > 1 & q.value < 0.05]
repressed.genes.limma <- genes.ids[log.fold.change < -1 & q.value < 0.05]

length(activated.genes.limma) # 21
length(repressed.genes.limma) # 5

log.q.val <- -log10(q.value)
     xlim=c(-3,3),ylim = c(0,40),
points(x = log.fold.change[activated.genes.limma],
       y = log.q.val[activated.genes.limma],col="red",cex=0.8,pch=19)
points(x = log.fold.change[repressed.genes.limma],
       y = log.q.val[repressed.genes.limma],col="blue",cex=0.8,pch=19)

write.table(activated.genes.limma, file = "results/preprocessing/cookingProt/limma.up.1.txt", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)

write.table(repressed.genes.limma, file = "results/preprocessing/cookingProt/limma.down.1.txt", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)

topOrdered <- top.limma[order(top.limma$adj.P.Val),]
topOrderedDF <-
topOrderedDF <- na.omit(topOrderedDF)
write.table(topOrderedDF, file = "results/preprocessing/cookingProt/limma.ordered.tsv", row.names=TRUE, col.names=TRUE, sep="\t", quote=FALSE)