{% embed url="https://youtu.be/_lqdfq2c9cQ" %} What is Apache Pinot? {% endembed %}
{% embed url="https://youtu.be/cNnwMF0pOJ8" %} How to set up a Pinot cluster {% endembed %}
{% embed url="https://youtu.be/UR6rYEMZYLA" %} Apache Pinot on Kubernetes - A Practical Guide {% endembed %}
{% embed url="https://youtu.be/HycNRCzkrjg" %} Segment Assignment in OFFLINE tables {% endembed %}
{% embed url="https://youtu.be/WoruCQgPhSA" %} Segment Assignment in REALTIME tables {% endembed %}
Date | Title |
2020/09/02 | Apache Pinot Virtual Meetup at LinkedIn (Sep 02, 2020) |
2020/08/25 | Kafka Summit: Apache Pinot Case Study |
2019/06/23 | Building Real-Time Analytics Applications Using Apache Pinot |
2019/03/27 | Supercharged OLAP", a Big Data meetup focused on the LinkedIn analytics stack of Pinot and Presto.
2018/11/21 | Scaling the wall of real-time analytics with Pinot |
2018/06/05 | Uber Tech Day: Powering Real-time Analytics at Uber |
2017/04/26 | Pinot: Near Real-time Analytics @ Uber |