commuteR makes working on two (or more!) machines more comfortable. It was created out of a need to sync installed package on a workstation and a laptop, so I could work on my commute. It was mostly created during this commute, instead of actually working.
commuteR provides two functions, which (at the moment) you'll need to call manually
: Creates lists of installed packages, while differentiating CRAN and GitHub packages, and saves these lists to Dropbox (You'll need an account for that. If you don't have one already, consider creating one using this link, and I'll get a referral bonus). -
: Looks for the lists of packages created bybackup_to_cloud()
in your Dropbox account. It then installs them, one by one.
# You can install the development version from GitHub:
# install.packages("devtools")
On your source machince (just pick one, it doesn't really matter which is the source and which is the target) run the backup function (can be assigned to hotkeys). Let it run for a short while:
You'll be asked to authenticate and log into your Dropbox account (This is handled by rDrop2. I have NO way of knowing, let alone storing or exposing, your Dropbox credentials)/
Then, on your target machine, run the restore function. You'll again need to authnticate your Dropbox account:
You're then welcome to run the backup function on your 'target' machine, and the restore function on your 'source' machine, to have a two-way sync. You probably won't need to autheticate again.
Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay