This code implements the face detection, tracking and descriptor extraction pipeline used in [1]. It includes the following parts :
- face detection
- shot boundary detection
- face tracking using point trajectories
- facial landmark localization
- facial descriptor extraction
- mouth motion estimation
- face-track kernel computation
The face detection (1.) is based on and includes pre-trained models from [3]. The rest of the pipeline is based on and includes code as well as pre-trained models from [2].
Acknowledgements: We graciously thank the authors of the previous code releases for making them available.
This code uses vlfeat v0.9.14. This version of the package can be downloaded from :
[1] P. Bojanowski, F. Bach, I. Laptev, J. Ponce, C. Schmid, and J. Sivic: Finding actors and actions in movies, ICCV 2013
[2] J. Sivic, M. Everingham and A. Zisserman. "Who are you?" : Learning person specific classifiers from video. CVPR 2009.
[3] X. Zhu, D. Ramanan. Face detection, pose estimation and landmark localization in the wild. CVPR 2012.
To run this code you will need to have vl_feat working on your computer. In the main.m script modify the vl_feat_path to point to the vl_setup script.
vl_feat_path = '/path/to/vl_setup';
Unpack the dumped frames to a dump directory and specify the path in the main.m script in the dump_dir variable.
dump_dir = '/path/to/the/dump';
To compile the mex functions, run :
To launch the demo of the pipeline on the short sequence of buffy, type :