This is simple, minimalistic script to serve firmware update over WiFi for ESP8266 modules, programmed using arduino:
This script is direct nodejs rewrite of python script that can be found here:
For the purpose of this example (for the sake of simplicity), the script is using blocking FS API.
The script can be tested with esp8266 Arduino example: DNS_SD_Arduino_OTA.ino First flash this example (fill your WiFi ssid/password) using Arduino. Then your module is ready to be used with this server script.
For development purposes, when Arduino is open active sketch .bin file can be found in: /tmp/build/build2108131298899243749.tmp/sketch_name.cpp.bin (number is random and will be different on your host)
node espota.js ESP_ADDRESS ESP_PORT FIRMWARE.BIN # 8266 is default port used in Arduino examples