Releases: pixelant/pxa_social_feed
Emoji support for Instagram graph
Encode Instagram messages to make it possible to store emojis in utf-8
[!!!] Support of TYPO3 9, drop support TYPO3 7
v1.10.0 [TASK] raise version
Fix Instagram icon
Add Instagram icon to the Instagram feed fetched using Graph API
Adjust Instagram feed fetching
- Make scheduler task update existing feed for Instagram
- Do refactoring
- Make scheduler task get more Instagram feed items if the limit is more than 33
Presentation and appearance of items
This pull request adds 2 new entities to the rendering of pxa_social_feed:
Presentation - instead of owl-carousel, you can select masonry (or add a third way to present items)
The appearance of items - Instead of the current "card"-view where every item has the same height, you can select a "dynamic"-view (which shows the full picture and has a dynamic height) or add another appearance.
Adds masonry and imagesloaded js-libraries (for masonry-effect and to reorganize once images have finished loading)
The CSS structure now has a cleaner separation so that a developer can add a new presentation or appearance of items without having the legacy of styling. So this may be a breaking change if you previously had overwritten the pxa_social_feed-styling. You are now also able to style a combination of "presentation" and "appearance of items", f.ex. to add horizontal separation lines between 'dynamic items' in 'masonry'-presentation.
These smaller fixes were also done:
- Owl carousel - firefox issue with 2 rows in desktop-view when there were many items.
- Don't encode Instagram text and location, 'breaks' multibyte characters like umlauts.
Move Facebook SDK to dependency
Adjust how scheduler task handles error
Adjust how scheduler task handles error
Regenerate expired token (for Instagram graph)
Make it show the "generate token" button in the social feed module when the existing token is expired
Existing instagram(graph) feed update
Make the scheduler task update existing instagram(graph) feed data when fetching the new ones