diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 890053d..93e8cd1 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,435 +1,448 @@
-# PixelIt
-The PixelIt is an ESP8266 / ESP32 (under construction) and WS2812B-LED based PixelArt display, controlled and fed via a JSON API.
-Settings and small tests are possible via the web interface,
-also a node-red node ([node-red-contrib-pixelit](https://flows.nodered.org/node/node-red-contrib-pixelit)) for the JSON API is available.
-If you want to get an impression of the WebUI, you can do that here in [Demo WebUi](https://pixelit-project.github.io/PixelIt/webui/).
-- [Documentation](https://pixelit-project.github.io/)
-- [Blog](https://www.bastelbunker.de/pixel-it/)
-- [PixelIt Web](https://pixelit.bastelbunker.de/PixelGallery)
-- [GitHub Discussions (Forum) ![](https://img.shields.io/github/discussions/pixelit-project/PixelIt)](https://github.com/pixelit-project/PixelIt/discussions)
-- [Telegram Channel ![](https://img.shields.io/endpoint?style=flat&url=https%3A%2F%2Frunkit.io%2Fdamiankrawczyk%2Ftelegram-badge%2Fbranches%2Fmaster%3Furl%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Ft.me%2Fpixelitdisplay)](https://t.me/pixelitdisplay)
-- [Discord Channel ![](https://img.shields.io/discord/1145731525996970025?logo=discord)](https://discord.gg/ERBSHWxB2S)
-## Contributors
-Thanks to these great people for supporting this project.
-## Changelog
-### 2.4.0 ** WORK IN PROGRESS **
-- (foorschtbar) Added support for Ulanzi TC001 Desktop Clock
-### 2.3.2 (2023-09-16)
-- (foorschtbar) Added live preview (liveview) of the Matrix to WebUI
-- (foorschtbar) Added uptime, size and last reset reason to WebUI
-- (foorschtbar) Screens from test area are now displayed prioritized for 5 seconds
-- (foorschtbar) Combine centerText with scrollText=auto [#96](https://github.com/pixelit-project/PixelIt/issues/96)
-- (foorschtbar) Cleanup text drawing/scrolling code **[Breaking change: Text position is now mandatory and will not be shiffed if there is an icon!]**
-- (foorschtbar) Prepearing support for different matrix sizes
-- (o0shojo0o) Added native `Pixel Creator` to WebUI
-### 2.2.0 (2023-02-11)
-- (miccgn) Fix Show weekdays
-- (miccgn) Fix probing onewire can break previos i2c communication
-- (rliegmann) Bring ESP32 support back
-- (foorschtbar) Removed support for ESP32. There are incompatibilities with the WiFi Manager lib and the maintenance effort to fix this is currently too high (PRs are welcome!)
-- (foorschtbar) Swaped DFPlayer Mini TX and RX pins - Description in frontend and source code now fit together. **[Breaking change: No migration takes place! You need to swap the pins in your config!]**
-- (foorschtbar) Support for NodeMCU v2
-- (d4rkd3v1l) any "clock" json parameters are now optional https://github.com/pixelit-project/PixelIt/pull/222
-### 2.1.2 (2022-09-29)
-- (o0shojo0o) fix WebUi
-### 2.1.1 (2022-09-29)
-- (foorschtbar) added Play a sound file on boot of PixelIt 🔊
-### 2.0.0 (2022-09-14)
-**!!! Breaking changes !!!**
-- (pplucky) fix Home Assistant MQTT discovery for buttons [more](https://github.com/pixelit-project/PixelIt/pull/209)
-- (foorschtbar) readded support for tiled 4x 8x8 CJMCU Matrix in column major order
-- (o0shojo0o) added new icons to UserMap
-- (fmunozs) added proper "folder" icon and swap names with "file"
-- (o0shojo0o) increase the timout for the wifi connection to 30 seconds
-### 1.2.0 (2022-09-03)
-- (o0shojo0o) added send Telemetry data
- - Send telemetry data is enabled by default, but can be disabled at any time in the WebUI under Options.
-- (o0shojo0o) added UserMap to WebUI
-- (foorschtbar) search and display of new FW versions
-- (foorschtbar) new boot animation :eyes:
-### 1.1.0 (2022-08-16)
-- (o0shojo0o) fix URLs in WebUi
-- (o0shojo0o) added option to disable the weekdays on the clock over API / WebUi
-### 1.0.0 (2022-07-22)
-**!!! Breaking changes !!!**
-- (o0shojo0o) reworked the output of the buttons via API and MQTT to get the "press" and "release" event (press = true, release = false). Example: `{"buttons":{"rightButton":true}}`
-### 0.4.0 (2022-07-04)
-- (foorschtbar) added support for new "MicroMatrix by foorschtbar" [more](https://github.com/pixelit-project/PixelIt/pull/174) | [Repo](https://github.com/foorschtbar/Sk6805EC15-Matrix) :tada:
-- (foorschtbar) fixed the Tiled 4x 8x8 CJMCU Matrix Type (its doesn't work before)
-- (o0shojo0o) fixed option for non-flashing time separator over JSON (internal clock)
-### 0.3.20 (2022-05-31)
-- (pplucky) MQTT Discovery enhancements
-- (o0shojo0o) update WebUi disallow decimals on 'Auto brightness' settings
-- (o0shojo0o) extended WebUi for 'Wifi Reset' and 'Factory Reset'
-- (o0shojo0o) added 'Wifi Reset' and 'Factory Reset' function for WebAPI and Socket
-- (o0shojo0o) fix hexColor for bar and bars
-- (rozza-m) added fat clock font [more](https://github.com/pixelit-project/PixelIt/pull/169)
-- (pplucky) Improve MQTT discovery
-### 0.3.19 (2022-04-24)
-- (o0shojo0o) fix weekday is not lighting if week is starting with monday (internal clock)
-- (o0shojo0o) extended WebUi for non-flashing time separator option
-- (rozza-m) remove leading zero from hours when in 12h mode (internal clock)
-- (rozza-m) provide option for non-flashing time separator (internal clock)
-### 0.3.18 (2022-04-04)
-- (o0shojo0o) added option to change the start of the week (internal clock)
-- (o0shojo0o) added option to change date format (internal clock)
-- (hamster65) increase AM2320 sensor delay from 600 to 800ms
-### 0.3.17 (2022-03-02)
-- (o0shojo0o) fixed wrong DST handling
-- (hermannbach) added support for BMP280 (only tested on D1 mini.)
-- (miccgn) memory optimization
-- (miccgn) added MQTT discovery information in HomeAssistant style
-- (miccgn) fix mqtt LWT
-- (miccgn) increase interval between reconnect attempts
-- (miccgn) added support for Max44009 lux sensor
-### 0.3.16 (2022-01-21)
-- (miccgn) offer Zigzag animation and random animation for Clock Auto Fallback
-- (miccgn) added button actions for MP3 control
-- (miccgn) rearrange and fix WebUI
-- (miccgn) added support for local hardware buttons
-- (miccgn) added LDR smoothing
-- (miccgn) added support for BH1750 light sensor
-- (miccgn) added ZigZagWipe, bitmapWipe and randomization for wipes
-- (miccgn) fixed MP3Player
-- (miccgn) added possibility to set GL55xx type and resistor value in settings
-- (miccgn) added selectable pins for MP3Player and Sensors (ESP8266 only)
-- (miccgn) optimization of read BME680
-- (miccgn) added multiple Bitmaps
-### 0.3.15 (2021-12-04)
-- (o0shojo0o) added offset options for gas sensor
-- (miccgn) added [BME680](https://pixelit-project.github.io/hardware.html#bme680-sensor-upgrade-temperature-humidity-pressure-gas) support
-### 0.3.14 (2021-11-14)
-- (o0shojo0o) added delay for AM2320 sesnor
-- (o0shojo0o) `Pixel Gallery` is now a part of the WebUi
-### 0.3.13 (2021-10-31)
-- (o0shojo0o) added option for auto fallback animation
-- (o0shojo0o) fixed auto brightness overrides sleep mode
-- (o0shojo0o) fixed clock auto fallback overrides sleep mode
-### 0.3.12 (2021-10-16)
-- (o0shojo0o) added option for DayLightSaving
-- (o0shojo0o) added option for 12H / 24H
-### 0.3.11 (2021-10-14)
-- (o0shojo0o) added new WebUi on vue base
-### 0.3.10 (2021-09-14)
-- (o0shojo0o) fixed clock draw
-### 0.3.9 (2021-09-02)
-- (o0shojo0o) fixed auto brightness, to high values
-### 0.3.8 (2021-08-11)
-- (o0shojo0o) fixed [bitmapAnimation -> rubberbanding](https://pixelit-project.github.io/api.html#bitmap-animation)
-### 0.3.7 (2021-07-05)
-- (foorschtbar) added some UTF8 icons to [font](https://pixelit-project.github.io/api.html#text)
-- (foorschtbar) rewirtten UTF8 mapper function
-- (o0shojo0o) added offset options for sensors
-- (o0shojo0o) added `Clock auto fallback` function
-- (o0shojo0o) added config for `Clock auto fallback` function
-### 0.3.6 (2021-06-14)
-- (o0shojo0o) added API endpoint `/api/brightness`
-- (o0shojo0o) added config for temperature (°C or °F)
-- (foorschtbar) added support for BME280
-- (foorschtbar) moved most libs to common section
-### 0.3.5 (2021-05-26)
-- (o0shojo0o) extension of the API with the call setGpio
-- (o0shojo0o) added download statistics to the update page
-### 0.3.4 (2021-05-20)
-- (foorschtbar) improved MQTT reconnect
-- (o0shojo0o) support decimal number input for UTC
-- (o0shojo0o) bugfix for Firefox
-- (foorschtbar) added a customizable hostname
-- (o0shojo0o) add update notification to dashboard
-- (o0shojo0o) add GitHub link to dashboard
-- (o0shojo0o) fix links in dashboard
-- (o0shojo0o) transferred the other stuff from cdn to repo
-- (foorschtbar) tweaked dashboard a little bit
-- (foorschtbar) added a note field
-- (foorschtbar) allow a Hostname as MQTT Server (Broker)
-- (o0shojo0o) add dashboard.css and pixel.js to repo
-- (foorschtbar) switches now have the proper mouse pointer
-### 0.3.3 (2021-05-18)
-- (o0shojo0o) add auto brightness options
-- (o0shojo0o) add auto brightness
-### 0.3.2_beta (2021-05-18)
-- (o0shojo0o) add hexColor to [Clock](https://pixelit-project.github.io/api.html#clock), [Text](https://pixelit-project.github.io/api.html#text), [Bar](https://pixelit-project.github.io/api.html#bar) and [Bars](https://pixelit-project.github.io/api.html#bars)
-- (o0shojo0o) fix wemos_d1_mini32 build
-- [(xarnze)](https://github.com/xarnze/PixelIt/commit/a8f637930d6fac131c5ce175234aff0eca6b395e) show message on hotspot mode
-- [(xarnze)](https://github.com/xarnze/PixelIt/commit/f6314351b0000c701c2243ce62895b37ff89afc2) added support for 4x 8x8 CJMCU 64 Matrix (Type 3)
-- (o0shojo0o) reactivate for esp8266 builds getSketchSize
-- (o0shojo0o) set mqtt setBufferSize to 8000
-- (o0shojo0o) add env for d1_mini
-- (rliegmann) add some missing llibs
-- (rliegmann) add some libs into .pio
-- (rliegmann) Merge pull request #2 from rliegmann/feature/clockDefaultsToFS-
-- (rliegmann) block out getSketchSize temporary
-- (rliegmann) change some build options in pio
-- (rliegmann) clock default settings, adjust MQTT buffer size, some typo
-- (rliegmann) Merge pull request #1 from rliegmann/feature/cross-esp-platform
-- (rliegmann) add ESP32 and ESP8266 libs
-- (rliegmann) remove VisualStudio overhead + port to platformIO
-### 0.3.1 (2021-04-29)
-- (o0shojo0o) change MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE from 4000 to 8000
-- (o0shojo0o) new versioning
-### 1912182240 (2019-12-20)
-- (o0shojo0o) Added support for DFPlayer Mini MP3 Player
-### 1912092038 (2019-12-08)
-- (o0shojo0o) Bugfix of the JSON from the API response
-- (o0shojo0o) Bugfix memory leak
-- (o0shojo0o) Added special characters to font
-### 1910272052 (2019-10-27)
-- (o0shojo0o) Support for DHT22 added
-### 1910221857 (2019-10-22)
-- (o0shojo0o) Bugfix of the JSON decoder logic (thanks to @pixelthis )
-### 1909242249 (2019-09-25)
-- (o0shojo0o) There was a change in the send interval (via MQTT and Websocket) of the light sensor and the MatrixInfo
- - The light sensor sends a maximum of once per second when the lux value changes.
- - The MatrixInfo transmits once every 3 seconds when a value is changed.
-- (o0shojo0o) Now the protocol websocket on port 81 has been added.
-- (o0shojo0o) And the biggest innovation is the webinterface which is now available on PixelIt.
-### 196232032 (2019-06-23)
-- (o0shojo0o) Added Wifimanager configuration timeout (180 seconds)
-### 195161726 (2019-05-16)
-- (o0shojo0o) Added option to disable the boot screen
-### 194241742 (2019-04-24)
-- (o0shojo0o) Add more option to set Matrix Temp Correction
-### 19422209 (2019-04-23)
-- (o0shojo0o) Add new option to set Matrix Temp Correction
-### 1942197 (2019-04-02)
-- (o0shojo0o) Bugfix animation handling
-### 193312043 (2019-03-31)
-- (o0shojo0o) Bugfix DSToffset
-### 193272138 (2019-03-27)
-- (o0shojo0o) Bugfix NTP TimeZone will now be interpreted correctly
-- (o0shojo0o) Add new option to set NTP-Server
-### 19324816 (2019-03-24)
-- (o0shojo0o) Bugfix bitmap handling on scrolltext
-### 193231249 (2019-03-23)
-- (o0shojo0o) Bugfix Erroneous representation of full screen bitmap
-### 193152351 (2019-03-16)
-- (o0shojo0o) Bugfix bitmap flickering on scrolling text
-### 193151540 (2019-03-15)
-- (o0shojo0o) Bugfix, there were problems with the animations in combination with the fade transition effect, so they were not displayed correctly.
-### 193111919 (2019-03-11)
-- (o0shojo0o) Bugfix Clock Color: If red was set to 0, the color was always ignored.
-### 1938019 (2019-03-08)
-- (o0shojo0o) add optional BitmapAnimation param: limitLoops
-### 19362326 (2019-03-06)
-- (o0shojo0o) Bugfix BitmapAnimation: First frame was displayed too short.
-### 19362115 (2019-03-06)
-- (o0shojo0o) Bugfix BitmapAnimation: Animation was displayed a bit too late when a text was submitted with
-### 19352221 (2019-03-05)
-- (o0shojo0o) add optional Internal Clock param: withSeconds
-- (o0shojo0o) add config param: scrollTextDefaultDelay
-- (o0shojo0o) add optional Text param: scrollTextDelay
-- (o0shojo0o) add optional BitmapAnimation param: rubberbanding
-### 19342040 (2019-03-04)
-- (o0shojo0o) replace umlauts
-- (o0shojo0o) add support for "Pixel Bitmap Creator" Live Preview (beta)
-### 19331810 (2019-03-03)
-- (o0shojo0o) Bugfixes MQTT was always enabled
-- (o0shojo0o) add MQTT user & password
-- (o0shojo0o) add "Text-Color" for internal Clock
-- (o0shojo0o) add autoreboot after save config
-### 19331112 (2019-03-03)
-- (o0shojo0o) add option to set Matrix Type at runtime (need reboot)
-### 192272344 (2019-02-27)
-- (o0shojo0o) add MQTT Support
-- (o0shojo0o) add animated 8x8 icons (max. 6 frames)
+# PixelIt - The Matrix Display
+The PixelIt is an ESP8266/ESP32 and WS2812B-LED based PixelArt display, controlled and fed via a JSON API.
+Settings and small tests are possible via the web interface,
+also a node-red node ([node-red-contrib-pixelit](https://flows.nodered.org/node/node-red-contrib-pixelit)) for the JSON API is available.
+If you want to get an impression of the WebUI, you can do that here in [Demo WebUi](https://pixelit-project.github.io/PixelIt/webui/) :rocket:
+- :memo: [Documentation](https://pixelit-project.github.io/)
+- :page_facing_up: [Blog](https://www.bastelbunker.de/pixel-it/)
+- :green_heart: [PixelIt Icon Gallery](https://pixelit.bastelbunker.de/PixelGallery)
+- :bulb: [GitHub Discussions (Forum) ![](https://img.shields.io/github/discussions/pixelit-project/PixelIt)](https://github.com/pixelit-project/PixelIt/discussions)
+- :fire: [Telegram Channel ![](https://img.shields.io/endpoint?style=flat&url=https%3A%2F%2Frunkit.io%2Fdamiankrawczyk%2Ftelegram-badge%2Fbranches%2Fmaster%3Furl%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Ft.me%2Fpixelitdisplay)](https://t.me/pixelitdisplay)
+- :fire:[Discord Channel ![](https://img.shields.io/discord/1145731525996970025?logo=discord)](https://discord.gg/ERBSHWxB2S)
+## Contributors
+Thanks to these great people for supporting this project.
+## Changelog
+### 2.4.0 ** WORK IN PROGRESS **
+- (foorschtbar) Native support for [Ulanzi TC001 Pixel Clock](https://www.ulanzi.com/products/ulanzi-pixel-smart-clock-2882?aff=1181)\* (**Beta**, see [Releases](https://github.com/pixelit-project/PixelIt/releases)) :tada:
+- (foorschtbar) Display `zZz` on the matrix when the device going to sleep
+- (foorschtbar) Fixed issue with flickering icons, wenn device wake from sleep mode
+### 2.3.2 (2023-09-16)
+- (foorschtbar) Added live preview (liveview) of the Matrix to WebUI
+- (foorschtbar) Added uptime, size and last reset reason to WebUI
+- (foorschtbar) Screens from test area are now displayed prioritized for 5 seconds
+- (foorschtbar) Combine centerText with scrollText=auto [#96](https://github.com/pixelit-project/PixelIt/issues/96)
+- (foorschtbar) Cleanup text drawing/scrolling code **[Breaking change: Text position is now mandatory and will not be shiffed if there is an icon!]**
+- (foorschtbar) Prepearing support for different matrix sizes
+- (o0shojo0o) Added native `Pixel Creator` to WebUI
+### 2.2.0 (2023-02-11)
+- (miccgn) Fix Show weekdays
+- (miccgn) Fix probing onewire can break previos i2c communication
+- (rliegmann) Bring ESP32 support back
+- (foorschtbar) Removed support for ESP32. There are incompatibilities with the WiFi Manager lib and the maintenance effort to fix this is currently too high (PRs are welcome!)
+- (foorschtbar) Swaped DFPlayer Mini TX and RX pins - Description in frontend and source code now fit together. **[Breaking change: No migration takes place! You need to swap the pins in your config!]**
+- (foorschtbar) Support for NodeMCU v2
+- (d4rkd3v1l) any "clock" json parameters are now optional https://github.com/pixelit-project/PixelIt/pull/222
+### 2.1.2 (2022-09-29)
+- (o0shojo0o) fix WebUi
+### 2.1.1 (2022-09-29)
+- (foorschtbar) added Play a sound file on boot of PixelIt 🔊
+### 2.0.0 (2022-09-14)
+**!!! Breaking changes !!!**
+- (pplucky) fix Home Assistant MQTT discovery for buttons [more](https://github.com/pixelit-project/PixelIt/pull/209)
+- (foorschtbar) readded support for tiled 4x 8x8 CJMCU Matrix in column major order
+- (o0shojo0o) added new icons to UserMap
+- (fmunozs) added proper "folder" icon and swap names with "file"
+- (o0shojo0o) increase the timout for the wifi connection to 30 seconds
+### 1.2.0 (2022-09-03)
+- (o0shojo0o) added send Telemetry data
+ - Send telemetry data is enabled by default, but can be disabled at any time in the WebUI under Options.
+- (o0shojo0o) added UserMap to WebUI
+- (foorschtbar) search and display of new FW versions
+- (foorschtbar) new boot animation :eyes:
+### 1.1.0 (2022-08-16)
+- (o0shojo0o) fix URLs in WebUi
+- (o0shojo0o) added option to disable the weekdays on the clock over API / WebUi
+### 1.0.0 (2022-07-22)
+**!!! Breaking changes !!!**
+- (o0shojo0o) reworked the output of the buttons via API and MQTT to get the "press" and "release" event (press = true, release = false). Example: `{"buttons":{"rightButton":true}}`
+### 0.4.0 (2022-07-04)
+- (foorschtbar) added support for new "MicroMatrix by foorschtbar" [more](https://github.com/pixelit-project/PixelIt/pull/174) | [Repo](https://github.com/foorschtbar/Sk6805EC15-Matrix) :tada:
+- (foorschtbar) fixed the Tiled 4x 8x8 CJMCU Matrix Type (its doesn't work before)
+- (o0shojo0o) fixed option for non-flashing time separator over JSON (internal clock)
+### 0.3.20 (2022-05-31)
+- (pplucky) MQTT Discovery enhancements
+- (o0shojo0o) update WebUi disallow decimals on 'Auto brightness' settings
+- (o0shojo0o) extended WebUi for 'Wifi Reset' and 'Factory Reset'
+- (o0shojo0o) added 'Wifi Reset' and 'Factory Reset' function for WebAPI and Socket
+- (o0shojo0o) fix hexColor for bar and bars
+- (rozza-m) added fat clock font [more](https://github.com/pixelit-project/PixelIt/pull/169)
+- (pplucky) Improve MQTT discovery
+### 0.3.19 (2022-04-24)
+- (o0shojo0o) fix weekday is not lighting if week is starting with monday (internal clock)
+- (o0shojo0o) extended WebUi for non-flashing time separator option
+- (rozza-m) remove leading zero from hours when in 12h mode (internal clock)
+- (rozza-m) provide option for non-flashing time separator (internal clock)
+### 0.3.18 (2022-04-04)
+- (o0shojo0o) added option to change the start of the week (internal clock)
+- (o0shojo0o) added option to change date format (internal clock)
+- (hamster65) increase AM2320 sensor delay from 600 to 800ms
+### 0.3.17 (2022-03-02)
+- (o0shojo0o) fixed wrong DST handling
+- (hermannbach) added support for BMP280 (only tested on D1 mini.)
+- (miccgn) memory optimization
+- (miccgn) added MQTT discovery information in HomeAssistant style
+- (miccgn) fix mqtt LWT
+- (miccgn) increase interval between reconnect attempts
+- (miccgn) added support for Max44009 lux sensor
+### 0.3.16 (2022-01-21)
+- (miccgn) offer Zigzag animation and random animation for Clock Auto Fallback
+- (miccgn) added button actions for MP3 control
+- (miccgn) rearrange and fix WebUI
+- (miccgn) added support for local hardware buttons
+- (miccgn) added LDR smoothing
+- (miccgn) added support for BH1750 light sensor
+- (miccgn) added ZigZagWipe, bitmapWipe and randomization for wipes
+- (miccgn) fixed MP3Player
+- (miccgn) added possibility to set GL55xx type and resistor value in settings
+- (miccgn) added selectable pins for MP3Player and Sensors (ESP8266 only)
+- (miccgn) optimization of read BME680
+- (miccgn) added multiple Bitmaps
+### 0.3.15 (2021-12-04)
+- (o0shojo0o) added offset options for gas sensor
+- (miccgn) added [BME680](https://pixelit-project.github.io/hardware.html#bme680-sensor-upgrade-temperature-humidity-pressure-gas) support
+### 0.3.14 (2021-11-14)
+- (o0shojo0o) added delay for AM2320 sesnor
+- (o0shojo0o) `Pixel Gallery` is now a part of the WebUi
+### 0.3.13 (2021-10-31)
+- (o0shojo0o) added option for auto fallback animation
+- (o0shojo0o) fixed auto brightness overrides sleep mode
+- (o0shojo0o) fixed clock auto fallback overrides sleep mode
+### 0.3.12 (2021-10-16)
+- (o0shojo0o) added option for DayLightSaving
+- (o0shojo0o) added option for 12H / 24H
+### 0.3.11 (2021-10-14)
+- (o0shojo0o) added new WebUi on vue base
+### 0.3.10 (2021-09-14)
+- (o0shojo0o) fixed clock draw
+### 0.3.9 (2021-09-02)
+- (o0shojo0o) fixed auto brightness, to high values
+### 0.3.8 (2021-08-11)
+- (o0shojo0o) fixed [bitmapAnimation -> rubberbanding](https://pixelit-project.github.io/api.html#bitmap-animation)
+### 0.3.7 (2021-07-05)
+- (foorschtbar) added some UTF8 icons to [font](https://pixelit-project.github.io/api.html#text)
+- (foorschtbar) rewirtten UTF8 mapper function
+- (o0shojo0o) added offset options for sensors
+- (o0shojo0o) added `Clock auto fallback` function
+- (o0shojo0o) added config for `Clock auto fallback` function
+### 0.3.6 (2021-06-14)
+- (o0shojo0o) added API endpoint `/api/brightness`
+- (o0shojo0o) added config for temperature (°C or °F)
+- (foorschtbar) added support for BME280
+- (foorschtbar) moved most libs to common section
+### 0.3.5 (2021-05-26)
+- (o0shojo0o) extension of the API with the call setGpio
+- (o0shojo0o) added download statistics to the update page
+### 0.3.4 (2021-05-20)
+- (foorschtbar) improved MQTT reconnect
+- (o0shojo0o) support decimal number input for UTC
+- (o0shojo0o) bugfix for Firefox
+- (foorschtbar) added a customizable hostname
+- (o0shojo0o) add update notification to dashboard
+- (o0shojo0o) add GitHub link to dashboard
+- (o0shojo0o) fix links in dashboard
+- (o0shojo0o) transferred the other stuff from cdn to repo
+- (foorschtbar) tweaked dashboard a little bit
+- (foorschtbar) added a note field
+- (foorschtbar) allow a Hostname as MQTT Server (Broker)
+- (o0shojo0o) add dashboard.css and pixel.js to repo
+- (foorschtbar) switches now have the proper mouse pointer
+### 0.3.3 (2021-05-18)
+- (o0shojo0o) add auto brightness options
+- (o0shojo0o) add auto brightness
+### 0.3.2_beta (2021-05-18)
+- (o0shojo0o) add hexColor to [Clock](https://pixelit-project.github.io/api.html#clock), [Text](https://pixelit-project.github.io/api.html#text), [Bar](https://pixelit-project.github.io/api.html#bar) and [Bars](https://pixelit-project.github.io/api.html#bars)
+- (o0shojo0o) fix wemos_d1_mini32 build
+- [(xarnze)](https://github.com/xarnze/PixelIt/commit/a8f637930d6fac131c5ce175234aff0eca6b395e) show message on hotspot mode
+- [(xarnze)](https://github.com/xarnze/PixelIt/commit/f6314351b0000c701c2243ce62895b37ff89afc2) added support for 4x 8x8 CJMCU 64 Matrix (Type 3)
+- (o0shojo0o) reactivate for esp8266 builds getSketchSize
+- (o0shojo0o) set mqtt setBufferSize to 8000
+- (o0shojo0o) add env for d1_mini
+- (rliegmann) add some missing llibs
+- (rliegmann) add some libs into .pio
+- (rliegmann) Merge pull request #2 from rliegmann/feature/clockDefaultsToFS-
+- (rliegmann) block out getSketchSize temporary
+- (rliegmann) change some build options in pio
+- (rliegmann) clock default settings, adjust MQTT buffer size, some typo
+- (rliegmann) Merge pull request #1 from rliegmann/feature/cross-esp-platform
+- (rliegmann) add ESP32 and ESP8266 libs
+- (rliegmann) remove VisualStudio overhead + port to platformIO
+### 0.3.1 (2021-04-29)
+- (o0shojo0o) change MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE from 4000 to 8000
+- (o0shojo0o) new versioning
+### 1912182240 (2019-12-20)
+- (o0shojo0o) Added support for DFPlayer Mini MP3 Player
+### 1912092038 (2019-12-08)
+- (o0shojo0o) Bugfix of the JSON from the API response
+- (o0shojo0o) Bugfix memory leak
+- (o0shojo0o) Added special characters to font
+### 1910272052 (2019-10-27)
+- (o0shojo0o) Support for DHT22 added
+### 1910221857 (2019-10-22)
+- (o0shojo0o) Bugfix of the JSON decoder logic (thanks to @pixelthis )
+### 1909242249 (2019-09-25)
+- (o0shojo0o) There was a change in the send interval (via MQTT and Websocket) of the light sensor and the MatrixInfo
+ - The light sensor sends a maximum of once per second when the lux value changes.
+ - The MatrixInfo transmits once every 3 seconds when a value is changed.
+- (o0shojo0o) Now the protocol websocket on port 81 has been added.
+- (o0shojo0o) And the biggest innovation is the webinterface which is now available on PixelIt.
+### 196232032 (2019-06-23)
+- (o0shojo0o) Added Wifimanager configuration timeout (180 seconds)
+### 195161726 (2019-05-16)
+- (o0shojo0o) Added option to disable the boot screen
+### 194241742 (2019-04-24)
+- (o0shojo0o) Add more option to set Matrix Temp Correction
+### 19422209 (2019-04-23)
+- (o0shojo0o) Add new option to set Matrix Temp Correction
+### 1942197 (2019-04-02)
+- (o0shojo0o) Bugfix animation handling
+### 193312043 (2019-03-31)
+- (o0shojo0o) Bugfix DSToffset
+### 193272138 (2019-03-27)
+- (o0shojo0o) Bugfix NTP TimeZone will now be interpreted correctly
+- (o0shojo0o) Add new option to set NTP-Server
+### 19324816 (2019-03-24)
+- (o0shojo0o) Bugfix bitmap handling on scrolltext
+### 193231249 (2019-03-23)
+- (o0shojo0o) Bugfix Erroneous representation of full screen bitmap
+### 193152351 (2019-03-16)
+- (o0shojo0o) Bugfix bitmap flickering on scrolling text
+### 193151540 (2019-03-15)
+- (o0shojo0o) Bugfix, there were problems with the animations in combination with the fade transition effect, so they were not displayed correctly.
+### 193111919 (2019-03-11)
+- (o0shojo0o) Bugfix Clock Color: If red was set to 0, the color was always ignored.
+### 1938019 (2019-03-08)
+- (o0shojo0o) add optional BitmapAnimation param: limitLoops
+### 19362326 (2019-03-06)
+- (o0shojo0o) Bugfix BitmapAnimation: First frame was displayed too short.
+### 19362115 (2019-03-06)
+- (o0shojo0o) Bugfix BitmapAnimation: Animation was displayed a bit too late when a text was submitted with
+### 19352221 (2019-03-05)
+- (o0shojo0o) add optional Internal Clock param: withSeconds
+- (o0shojo0o) add config param: scrollTextDefaultDelay
+- (o0shojo0o) add optional Text param: scrollTextDelay
+- (o0shojo0o) add optional BitmapAnimation param: rubberbanding
+### 19342040 (2019-03-04)
+- (o0shojo0o) replace umlauts
+- (o0shojo0o) add support for "Pixel Bitmap Creator" Live Preview (beta)
+### 19331810 (2019-03-03)
+- (o0shojo0o) Bugfixes MQTT was always enabled
+- (o0shojo0o) add MQTT user & password
+- (o0shojo0o) add "Text-Color" for internal Clock
+- (o0shojo0o) add autoreboot after save config
+### 19331112 (2019-03-03)
+- (o0shojo0o) add option to set Matrix Type at runtime (need reboot)
+### 192272344 (2019-02-27)
+- (o0shojo0o) add MQTT Support
+- (o0shojo0o) add animated 8x8 icons (max. 6 frames)
+## Disclaimer
+\* This link and some others in the documentation are affiliate links. We would be happy if you use this link, but of course you don't have to.
diff --git a/src/PixelIt.ino b/src/PixelIt.ino
index 0f38bef..f74b0a8 100644
--- a/src/PixelIt.ino
+++ b/src/PixelIt.ino
@@ -51,11 +51,11 @@
#include "Tools.h"
#include "UpdateScreen.h"
#include "Liveview.h"
-#define TELEMETRY_INTERVAL 1000 * 60 * 60 * 12 // 12 Hours
-#define CHECKUPDATE_INTERVAL 1000 * 60 * 6 * 8 // 8 Hours
-#define CHECKUPDATESCREEN_INTERVAL 1000 * 60 * 5 // 5 Minutes
-#define CHECKUPDATESCREEN_DURATION 1000 * 5 // 5 Seconds
-#define SEND_LIVEVIEW_INTERVAL 250 // 0.5 Seconds, 0 to disable
+#define TELEMETRY_INTERVAL 1000 * 60 * 60 * 12 // 12 Hours
+#define CHECKUPDATE_INTERVAL 1000 * 60 * 6 * 8 // 8 Hours
+#define CHECKUPDATESCREEN_INTERVAL 1000 * 60 * 30 // 30 Minutes
+#define CHECKUPDATESCREEN_DURATION 1000 * 5 // 5 Seconds
+#define SEND_LIVEVIEW_INTERVAL 250 // 0.5 Seconds, 0 to disable
#define VERSION "0.0.0-beta" // will be replaced by build piple with Git-Tag!
@@ -220,6 +220,8 @@ WebServer server(80);
HTTPUpdateServer httpUpdater;
Liveview liveview;
+// Store last frame (serializated)
+String currentScreenJsonBuffer;
WebSocketsServer webSocket = WebSocketsServer(81);
DFPlayerMini_Fast mp3Player;
@@ -385,7 +387,7 @@ void getBatteryVoltage()
// 1ms pause adds more stability between reads.
batteryLevel = map(value / numReadings, MIN_BATTERY, MAX_BATTERY, 0, 100);
if (batteryLevel >= 100)
@@ -976,6 +978,36 @@ void HandleFactoryReset()
+void SleepScreen(bool startSleep, bool forceClockOnWake)
+ if (startSleep)
+ {
+ Log(F("SleepScreen"), F("Sleeping..."));
+ matrix->clear();
+ DrawTextHelper("z", false, false, false, false, false, 0, 0, 255, (MATRIX_WIDTH / 2) - 6, 1);
+ matrix->show();
+ delay(200);
+ DrawTextHelper("Z", false, false, false, false, false, 0, 0, 255, (MATRIX_WIDTH / 2) - 1, 1);
+ matrix->show();
+ delay(200);
+ DrawTextHelper("z", false, false, false, false, false, 0, 0, 255, (MATRIX_WIDTH / 2) + 4, 1);
+ matrix->show();
+ delay(500);
+ FadeOut(30, 0);
+ matrix->setBrightness(0);
+ matrix->show();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Log(F("SleepScreen"), F("Waking up..."));
+ matrix->clear();
+ // DrawTextHelper("😀", false, true, false, false, false, 255, 200, 0, 0, 1);
+ // FadeIn(30, 0);
+ // delay(150);
+ forceClock = forceClockOnWake;
+ }
void HandleAndSendButtonPress(uint button, bool state)
btnLastPublishState[button] = state;
@@ -1003,22 +1035,7 @@ void HandleAndSendButtonPress(uint button, bool state)
if (btnAction[button] == btnAction_ToggleSleepMode)
sleepMode = !sleepMode;
- if (sleepMode)
- {
- matrix->clear();
- DrawTextHelper("Zzz", false, true, false, false, false, 0, 0, 255, 0, 1);
- FadeOut(30, 0);
- matrix->setBrightness(0);
- matrix->show();
- }
- else
- {
- matrix->clear();
- DrawTextHelper("😀", false, true, false, false, false, 255, 200, 0, 0, 1);
- FadeIn(30, 0);
- delay(150);
- forceClock = true;
- }
+ SleepScreen(sleepMode, true);
if (btnAction[button] == btnAction_GotoClock)
@@ -1186,6 +1203,39 @@ void CreateFrames(JsonObject &json)
void CreateFrames(JsonObject &json, int forceDuration)
+ if (json.containsKey("sleepMode"))
+ {
+ Serial.printf("SleepMode: %s\n", json["sleepMode"].as() ? "true" : "false");
+ // Update internal sleep state
+ bool newSleepMode = json["sleepMode"].as();
+ if (newSleepMode == sleepMode)
+ {
+ // Nothing to do
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Update sleep mode
+ sleepMode = newSleepMode;
+ }
+ // Display sleepscreen
+ SleepScreen(sleepMode, false);
+ // Restore last frame if sleep mode is disabled
+ if (sleepMode == false)
+ {
+ DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer;
+ JsonObject &tmpJson = jsonBuffer.parseObject(currentScreenJsonBuffer);
+ CreateFrames(tmpJson);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
String logMessage = F("JSON contains ");
// Ist eine Display Helligkeit übergeben worden?
@@ -1297,19 +1347,7 @@ void CreateFrames(JsonObject &json, int forceDuration)
- // SleepMode
- if (json.containsKey("sleepMode"))
- {
- logMessage += F("SleepMode Control, ");
- sleepMode = json["sleepMode"];
- }
- // SleepMode
- if (sleepMode)
- {
- matrix->setBrightness(0);
- matrix->show();
- }
- else if (millis() >= forcedScreenIsActiveUntil || forceDuration > 0)
+ if (!sleepMode && (millis() >= forcedScreenIsActiveUntil || forceDuration > 0))
@@ -1512,7 +1550,28 @@ void CreateFrames(JsonObject &json, int forceDuration)
- withBMP = false;
+ // clear withBMP only if no sleepMode is in the same message
+ if (!json.containsKey("sleepMode"))
+ {
+ withBMP = false;
+ }
+ // Restore withBMP from (stored) message
+ if (json.containsKey("withBMPRestore"))
+ {
+ withBMP = json["withBMPRestore"];
+ if (withBMP == true)
+ {
+ matrix->drawRGBBitmap(bmpPosX, bmpPosY, bmpArray, bmpWidth, bmpHeight);
+ }
+ }
+ // Restore a animateBMPAktivLoop from (stored) message
+ if (json.containsKey("animateBMPAktivLoopRestore"))
+ {
+ animateBMPAktivLoop = json["animateBMPAktivLoopRestore"];
+ }
// Ist ein Bitmap übergeben worden?
if (json.containsKey("bitmap"))
@@ -1672,6 +1731,19 @@ void CreateFrames(JsonObject &json, int forceDuration)
forcedScreenIsActiveUntil = millis() + forceDuration;
+ if (!json.containsKey("sleepMode"))
+ {
+ // Store last frame
+ json.remove("bitmap");
+ json.remove("bitmaps");
+ json.remove("bitmapAnimation");
+ json["withBMPRestore"] = withBMP;
+ json["animateBMPAktivLoopRestore"] = animateBMPAktivLoop;
+ currentScreenJsonBuffer = "";
+ json.printTo(currentScreenJsonBuffer);
+ }
String GetConfig()
@@ -2094,12 +2166,9 @@ void ScrollText(bool isFadeInRequired)
// draw black pixel under icon / blank space if (xOffset > 0)
+ for (int i = 0; i < xOffset; i++)
- for (int i = 0; i < xOffset; i++)
- {
- matrix->drawLine(i, 0, i, MATRIX_HEIGHT, matrix->Color(0, 0, 0));
- }
+ matrix->drawLine(i, 0, i, MATRIX_HEIGHT, matrix->Color(0, 0, 0));
if (withBMP)
@@ -2978,38 +3047,30 @@ uint ColorWheel(byte wheelPos, int pos)
void ShowBootAnimation()
- DrawTextHelper("P", false, false, false, false, false, 255, 51, 255, 4, 1);
+ DrawTextHelper("P", false, false, false, false, false, 255, 51, 255, (MATRIX_WIDTH / 2) - 12, 1);
- DrawTextHelper("I", false, false, false, false, false, 0, 255, 42, 8, 1);
+ DrawTextHelper("I", false, false, false, false, false, 0, 255, 42, (MATRIX_WIDTH / 2) - 8, 1);
- DrawTextHelper("X", false, false, false, false, false, 255, 25, 25, 10, 1);
+ DrawTextHelper("X", false, false, false, false, false, 255, 25, 25, (MATRIX_WIDTH / 2) - 6, 1);
- DrawTextHelper("E", false, false, false, false, false, 25, 255, 255, 14, 1);
+ DrawTextHelper("E", false, false, false, false, false, 25, 255, 255, (MATRIX_WIDTH / 2) - 2, 1);
- DrawTextHelper("L", false, false, false, false, false, 255, 221, 51, 18, 1);
+ DrawTextHelper("L", false, false, false, false, false, 255, 221, 51, (MATRIX_WIDTH / 2) + 2, 1);
- DrawTextHelper("I", false, false, false, false, false, 255, 255, 255, 22, 1);
- DrawTextHelper("T", false, false, false, false, false, 255, 255, 255, 24, 1);
+ DrawTextHelper("I", false, false, false, false, false, 255, 255, 255, (MATRIX_WIDTH / 2) + 6, 1);
+ DrawTextHelper("T", false, false, false, false, false, 255, 255, 255, (MATRIX_WIDTH / 2) + 8, 1);
- // FadeIn(60, 10);
- // DrawTextHelper("PIXELIT", false, false, false, false, false, 255, 255, 255, 3, 1);
- // FadeIn(60, 10);
- // FadeOut(60, 10);
- // FadeIn(60, 10);
- // FadeOut(60, 10);
- // FadeIn(60, 10);
void ShowBatteryScreen()
@@ -3690,7 +3751,10 @@ void loop()
checkUpdateScreenPrevMillis = millis();
if (!lastReleaseVersion.equals(VERSION))
- displayUpdateScreen();
+ if (!sleepMode)
+ {
+ displayUpdateScreen();
+ }
@@ -3869,13 +3933,13 @@ void loop()
// SendMp3PlayerInfo(false);
- if (animateBMPAktivLoop && millis() - animateBMPPrevMillis >= animateBMPDelay)
+ if (!sleepMode && (animateBMPAktivLoop && millis() - animateBMPPrevMillis >= animateBMPDelay))
animateBMPPrevMillis = millis();
- if (scrollTextAktivLoop && millis() - scrollTextPrevMillis >= scrollTextDelay)
+ if (!sleepMode && (scrollTextAktivLoop && millis() - scrollTextPrevMillis >= scrollTextDelay))
scrollTextPrevMillis = millis();