diff --git a/subprojects/docs/src/docs/release/notes.md b/subprojects/docs/src/docs/release/notes.md
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--- a/subprojects/docs/src/docs/release/notes.md
+++ b/subprojects/docs/src/docs/release/notes.md
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Here are the new features introduced in this Gradle release.
-### Incremental java compilation
-Gradle 2.1 brings incubating support for compiling java code incrementally.
-When this feature is enabled, only classes that are considered stale are recompiled.
-This way not only the compiler does less work, but also fewer output class files are touched.
-The latter feature is extremely important for scenarios involving JRebel - the less output files are touched the quicker the jvm gets refreshed classes.
-We will improve the speed and capability of the incremental java compiler. Please give use feedback how does it work for your scenarios.
-For more details please see the user guide section on “[Incremental compilation](userguide/java_plugin.html#sec:incremental_compile)”.
-To enable the feature, configure the [JavaCompile](dsl/org.gradle.api.tasks.compile.JavaCompile.html) task accordingly:
- //configuring a single task:
- compileJava.options.incremental = true
- //configuring all tasks from root project:
- subprojects {
- tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
- options.incremental = true
- }
- }
-We are very excited about the progress on the incremental java compilation.
-Class dependency analysis of compiled classes is really useful for many other scenarios that Gradle will handle in future:
-* detection of unused jars/classes
-* detection of duplicate classes on classpath
-* detection of tests to execute
-* and more
-### Use of HTTPS for mavenCentral() and jcenter() dependency repositories
-The commonly used Maven Central and Bintray jCenter repositories are now accessed over the HTTPS protocol.
-No change is required to builds to take advantage of this change.
-If you are using the `mavenCentral()` or `jcenter()` [repository notations](dsl/org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl.RepositoryHandler.html)
-your build will now access these repositories via HTTPS.
-### Child processes started by Gradle are better described
-At the [Gradle Summit 2014 Conference](http://www.gradlesummit.com/conference/santa_clara/2014/06/home)
-we ran a [Contributing To Gradle Workshop](http://www.gradlesummit.com/conference/santa_clara/2014/06/session?id=31169).
-During the session, [Rob Spieldenner](https://github.com/rspieldenner)
-contributed a very nice feature that gives much better insight into the child processes started by Gradle.
-The example output of `jps -m` command now also contains the function of the worker process:
- 28649 GradleWorkerMain 'Gradle Test Executor 17'
- 28630 GradleWorkerMain 'Gradle Compiler Daemon 1'
-### Groovy Compiler Configuration Script Support (i)
-It is now possible to perform advanced Groovy compilation configuration by way of the new
-(the `GroovyCompileOptions` instance is available as the
-[`groovyOptions` property of the `GroovyCompile` task](dsl/org.gradle.api.tasks.compile.GroovyCompile.html#org.gradle.api.tasks.compile.GroovyCompile:groovyOptions)).
-This makes it possible to impose global compiler transformations and other configuration.
-For example, to globally enable Groovy's strict type checking, a compiler config script can be created with…
- import groovy.transform.TypeChecked
- withConfig(configuration) {
- ast(TypeChecked)
- }
-And specified in the build script as…
- compileGroovy {
- groovyOptions.configurationScript = file("myConfigScript.groovy")
- }
-Where `file("myConfigScript.groovy")` contains the Groovy code from above.
-This feature was contributed by [Cédric Champeau](https://github.com/melix).
-### Easier use of community plugins (i)
-The new plugin resolution mechanism, backed by the new [Gradle Plugin Portal](http://plugins.gradle.org), makes it easier to use community Gradle plugins.
-Instead of combining a `buildscript` script block and an `apply`, both statements can be replaced by a
-[plugins script block](dsl/org.gradle.plugin.use.PluginDependenciesSpec.html).
- plugins {
- id 'com.company.myplugin' version '1.3'
- }
-Gradle will query the Plugin Portal for the implementation details of the specified plugins.
-The Plugin Portal's plugin browsing interface provides copy/paste friendly snippets.
-Many enhancements and features are planned for both the Plugin Portal and plugins in general.
-The new `plugins {}` block is not yet a complete replacement for the existing `apply()` method that is used to apply plugins.
-Its functionality will be expanded over coming releases.
-### Java Gradle Plugin plugin (i)
-This is a plugin to assist in developing gradle plugins. It validates the plugin structure during the jar task and emits warnings
-if the plugin metadata is not valid.
- apply plugin: 'java-gradle-plugin'
-### PMD Console Output (i)
-It is now possible to have [PMD static analysis](userguide/pmd_plugin.html) output results directly to the console.
- pmd {
- consoleOutput = true
- }
-Output will be written to `System.out` in addition to any configured reports.
-This feature was contributed by [Vyacheslav Blinov](https://github.com/dant3).
-### Dependency exclusions are included in POM file by `maven-publish` plugin (i)
-The incubating [maven-publish](userguide/publishing_maven.html) plugin will now handle dependency excludes when generating a POM file for publishing.
-So for a dependency declaration like:
- dependencies {
- compile("my.org:my-module:1.2") {
- exclude group: 'commons-logging', module: 'commons-logging'
- exclude group: 'commons-collections'
- }
- }
-The generated POM file will contain the following content:
- my.org
- my-module
- 1.2
- runtime
- commons-logging
- commons-logging
- commons-collections
- *
-This feature addresses [GRADLE-2945] was contributed by [Biswa Dahal](https://github.com/ffos).
-### Task visibility is exposed in Tooling API
-Tasks and selectors accessible from Tooling API now expose an information about their [visibility](javadoc/org/gradle/tooling/model/Launchable.html) as `public` property.
-### Groovy version upgraded to 2.3.6
-Gradle 2.1 includes Groovy 2.3.6, where Gradle 2.0 included Groovy 2.3.4.
-This is a non breaking change.
-All build scripts and plugins that work with Gradle 2.0 will continue to work without change.
-### Support for the 'branch' attribute when publishing or resolving Ivy modules (i)
-The incubating [ivy-publish](userguide/publishing_ivy.html) plugin now supports setting the 'branch' attribute on the module being published:
- publishing {
- publications {
- ivy(IvyPublication) {
- descriptor.branch = 'testing'
- }
- }
- }
-When resolving Ivy modules, component metadata rules can also access the branch attribute via the
-[IvyModuleDescriptor](javadoc/org/gradle/api/artifacts/IvyModuleDescriptor.html) interface.
- dependencies {
- components {
- eachComponent { ComponentMetadataDetails details, IvyModuleDescriptor ivyModule ->
- if (details.id.group == 'my.org' && ivyModule.branch == 'testing') {
- details.changing = true
- }
- }
- }
- }
-### Support for publishing extra 'info' elements when publishing Ivy modules (i)
-The incubating [ivy-publish](userguide/publishing_ivy.html) plugin now supports publishing extra 'info' elements to the ivy.xml file generated
-via the [IvyModuleDescriptorSpec](javadoc/org/gradle/api/publish/ivy/IvyModuleDescriptorSpec.html) interface.
-Configured extra info elements are added as children of the ivy 'info' element.
- publishing {
- publications {
- ivy(IvyPublication) {
- descriptor.extraInfo 'http://my.namespace', 'myElement', 'Some value'
- }
- }
- }
-Note that the [ivy schema](http://ant.apache.org/ivy/schemas/ivy.xsd) demands that any extra info elements be added after any child elements
-of 'info' that are defined in the schema (e.g. description or ivyauthor). This means that any [withXml()](javadoc/org/gradle/api/publish/ivy/IvyModuleDescriptorSpec.html#withXml%28org.gradle.api.Action%29)
-actions must take care to insert any schema-defined 'info' child elements before any extra 'info' elements that may have been added.
## Promoted features
@@ -227,273 +32,17 @@ The following are the newly deprecated items in this Gradle release. If you have
## Potential breaking changes
-### Upgraded to Groovy 2.3.6
-### Changed Java compiler integration for joint Java - Scala compilation
-The `ScalaCompile` task type now uses the same Java compiler integration as the `JavaCompile` and `GroovyCompile` task types for performing joint Java - Scala
-compilation. Previously it would use the old Ant-based Java compiler integration, which is no longer supported in the Gradle 2.x stream.
-This change should be backwards compatible for all users, and should improve compilation time when compiling Java and Scala together.
-### jcenter() repository notation now uses HTTPS instead of HTTP
-The `jcenter()` repository definition now uses HTTPS instead of HTTP. This should be backwards compatible for all users. If for any reason you want
-to use explicitly HTTP for connecting the Bintray's JCenter repository you can simply reconfigure the URL:
- repositories {
- jcenter {
- url = "http://jcenter.bintray.com/"
- }
- }
-### mavenCentral() repository notation now uses HTTPS instead of HTTP
-The `mavenCentral()` repository definition now uses HTTPS instead of HTTP.
-This should be backwards compatible for all users.
-If for any reason you want to use explicitly HTTP for connecting the Maven Central repository you can simply add the repo with the HTTP protocol explicitly:
- repositories {
- maven {
- url = "http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/"
- }
- }
-### Default FindBugs version was upgraded to 3.0.0
-This way the FindBugs plugin works out of the box with newer Java versions (most notably: Java 1.8).
-If you use Java 1.6 you need to configure an older version of FindBugs explicitly:
- findbugs {
- toolVersion = '2.0.3'
- }
-### Changes to incubating native language plugins
-TODO: Note about major breaking changes and suggestions about when to upgrade
-TODO: Clean up this entire section
-#### Native language plugins no longer apply the base plugin
-The native language plugins now apply the [`LifecycleBasePlugin`](dsl/org.gradle.language.base.plugins.LifecycleBasePlugin) instead of the `BasePlugin`. This means
-that the default values defined by the `BasePlugin` are not available.
-TBD - make this more explicit re. what is actually not longer available.
-#### Domain model reorganisation
-- Merged NativeTestSuite and ProjectComponentNativeTestSuite
-- NativeTestSuiteBinary no longer extends NativeExecutableBinary
-- Merged TestSuiteExecutableBinary into NativeTestSuiteBinary
-- Renamed CUnitTestSuite -> CUnitTestSuiteSpec
-- Renamed CUnitTestSuiteBinary -> CUnitTestSuiteBinarySpec
-- Renamed CUnitTestSuiteExecutableBinary -> CUnitTestSuiteBinary
-- Renamed ProjectNativeComponent -> NativeComponentSpec
-- Renamed ProjectNativeExecutable -> NativeExecutableSpec
-- Renamed ProjectNativeTestSuite -> NativeTestSuiteSpec
-- Renamed ProjectNativeLibrary -> NativeLibrarySpec
-- TODO: document all of the changes once they are finalised
-#### Changes to native cross compilation and custom platforms support
-In [PlatformConfigurableToolChain](dsl/org.gradle.nativebinaries.toolchain.PlatformConfigurableToolChain.html) we removed
-* target(Platform, Action)
-* target(Platform)
-* target(Iterable extends Platform>)
-* target(List)
-* target(String... platformNames)
-* target(Iterable extends Platform>, Action super TargetedPlatformToolChain>)
-#### Changes to `sources` DSL
-As part of our migration to use model rules, there have been some changes to the behaviour of the `sources` container.
-The primary `FunctionalSourceSet` for a component is not created eagerly when the component is defined. This means that you cannot
-reference these source sets directly via dot-notation, but should instead use the `sources` container to optionally create them when configuring.
-For example:
- executables {
- main
- }
- // No longer works, since 'sources.main' doesn't yet exist
- sources.main.cpp.lib library: 'foo'
- // Still works, because 'main' will be created if it doesn't yet exist
- sources {
- main.cpp.lib library: 'foo'
- }
-#### Changes to CUnit configuration DSL
-* The C language source set for CUnit test sources has been renamed from 'cunit' to 'c'. This means that by convention Gradle
- will look for test sources in `src//c`.
-* The CUnit test suite components are created via model rules, and must be configured via model rules:
- model {
- testSuites {
- helloTest {
- binaries.all {
- lib library: "cunit", linkage: "static"
- }
- }
- }
- }
-* The source set for a test suite component is created via model rules, and must be configured via model rules:
- model {
- sources {
- variantTest {
- c {
- lib sources.hello.c
- lib sources.helloTest.cunitLauncher
- }
- }
- }
- }
-* The `RunTestExecutable` task now implements `ExecSpec`, allow test execution to be further configured.
- * The `RunTestExecutable.testExecutable` property has been removed and replaced by `RunTestExecutable.executable`.
-#### Removed old mechanism for declaring dependencies
-Very early versions of the `cpp-lib` and `cpp-exe` plugins had rudimentary support for publishing and resolving native components.
-This support was never fully functional, and has now been completely removed in preparation for full support in the upcoming releases.
-### Changes to incubating language base plugin
-We extracted the creation of the `projectComponents` container and and the LanguageRegistry `languages` out of `LanguageBasePlugin` into `ComponentModelBasePlugin`.
-#### Domain model reorganisation
-- Renamed ProjectComponent -> ComponentSpec
-- Renamed ProjectComponentContainer -> ComponentSpecContainer
-- Renamed ComponentSpecIdentifier -> NamedProjectComponentIdentifier
-- Renamed ProjectBinary -> BinarySpec
-### Changes to incubating Java language plugins
-To better support the production of multiple binary outputs for a single set of sources, a new set of Java
-language plugins was been introduced in Gradle 1.x. This development continues in this release, with the removal of the
-`jvm-lang` plugin, and the replacement of the `java-lang` plugin with a completely new implementation.
-The existing `java` plugin is unchanged: only users who explicitly applied the `jvm-lang` or `java-lang` plugins
-will be affected by this change.
-The plugin classes `org.gradle.api.plugins.JvmLanguagePlugin` and `org.gradle.api.plugins.JavaLanguagePlugin` were merged into
-`org.gradle.api.plugins.LegacyJavaComponentPlugin` to avoid confusions with `org.gradle.language.java.plugins.JavaLanguagePlugin`.
-The plugin class `org.gradle.language.java.plugins.LegacyJavaComponentPlugin` does not register a factory for `JavaSourceSet`
-and `ResourceSourceSet` on each functional source set anymore.
-#### Domain model reorganisation
-- Renamed ProjectClassDirectoryBinary -> ClassDirectoryBinarySpec
-- Renamed ProjectJarBinary -> JarBinarySpec
-### Generated maven pom contains dependency exclusions
-The `maven-publish` plugin will now correctly add required 'exclusion' elements to the generated POM. If you have a build or plugin that
-applies these exclusions itself, the generated POM file may contain duplicate 'exclusion' elements.
-### Internal methods removed
-- The internal method `Javadoc.setJavadocExecHandleBuilder()` has been removed. You should use `setToolChain()` instead.
-### Changes to JUnit class loading
-Previously, Gradle initialized test classes before trying to execute any individual test case.
-As of Gradle 2.1, classes are not initialized until the execution of the first test case (GRADLE-3114).
-This change was made for compatibility with the popular Android unit testing library, [Robolectric](http://robolectric.org).
-This change impacts how classes that fail to initialize are reported.
-Previously a single failure would be reported with a test case name of `initializerError` with the details of the failure.
-After this change, the first test case of the class that cannot be initialized will contain details of the failure,
-while subsequent test cases of the class will fail with a `NoClassDefFoundError`.
-This change will not cause tests that previously passed to start failing.
-### configuration.exclude now validates the input
-Previously, a typo in configuration-level dependency exclude rule remained undetected and led to problems like [GRADLE-3124](http://issues.gradle.org/browse/GRADLE-3124).
-Now the build fails fast when exclude rule is configured with a wrong key.
- //fails fast now, 'module' is the correct key
- configurations.compile.exclude modue: "kafka"
-We suspect that the impact will be minimal to none hence we don't deprecate this behavior.
-### Container creation methods now take precedence over other methods with the same signature
-In response to the Gradle 2.0 regression GRADLE-3126, a change has been made to how container element configuration methods are dispatched.
-This is unlikely to impact builds as the actual implementation now matches what is usually the intended behavior.
-Prior to Gradle 2.1, the following build script would fail:
- apply plugin: "java"
- task integrationTest {}
- sourceSets {
- integrationTest {}
- }
- assert sourceSets.findByName("integrationTest") != null
-The `integrationTest` source set would not be created because there is already a viable `integrationTest {}` method.
-As of Gradle 2.1 the above script will not fail because it is interpreted that the intent is to create a new source set named `integrationTest`.
-This applies to all named domain object containers in Gradle.
-### ModelRule, ModelFinalizer, ModelRules removed
-These, incubating, classes formed the API being used to manage model configuration by plugins.
-They have been removed in favor of a different approach.
-The replacement mechanism is currently undocumented and not yet designed for public use.
-### TaskParameter replaced with TaskExecutionRequest
-- Incubating class `TaskParameter` has been replaced with `TaskExecutionRequest`.
-- Incubating property `StartParameter.taskParameters` has been replaced with `StartParameter.taskRequests`.
-### IvyModuleDescriptor renamed to IvyModuleDescriptorSpec
-- Incubating class `IvyModuleDescriptor` has been renamed to `IvyModuleDescriptorSpec`
-### IvyModuleMetadata renamed to IvyModuleDescriptor
-- Incubating class `IvyModuleMetadata` has been renamed to `IvyModuleDescriptor`
-- Incubating method `IvyModuleDescriptor.getExtraInfo()` now returns Map<[NamespaceId](javadoc/org/gradle/api/artifacts/NamespaceId.html), String> instead of Map
## External contributions
We would like to thank the following community members for making contributions to this release of Gradle.
-* [Rob Spieldenner](https://github.com/rspieldenner) - Made the worker processes better described in the process list.
-* [Vyacheslav Blinov](https://github.com/dant3) - PMD console output.
-* [Thibault Kruse](https://github.com/tkruse) - Documentation improvements.
-* [Biswa Dahal](https://github.com/ffos) - Dependency exclude support for `maven-publish`.
-* [Marcin Zajączkowski](https://github.com/szpak) - Improvements to groovy-library build template.
-* [Chris Earle](https://github.com/pickypg) - Improvements to the distribution plugin.
-* [Curtis Mahieu](https://github.com/curtpm) - JUnit eager class initialization fix (GRADLE-3114)
-* [Cédric Champeau](https://github.com/melix) - Support for Groovy compiler configuration scripts.
-* [Martin](https://github.com/effrafax) - improvements to EAR plugin.
-* [Stevo Slavić](https://github.com/sslavic) - updates to wrapper sample.
-* [Björn Kautler](https://github.com/Vampire) - Changing rootProject projectDir from settings.gradle does not work (GRADLE-3086)
-* [Viktor Nordling](https://github.com/viktornordling) - Don't re-check repository for missing module every 24 hours (GRADLE-3107)
-* [Harald Schmitt](https://github.com/surfing)
- - Restrict SFTP authentication attempts to password (GRADLE-3133)
- - Improvements to internal test infrastructure
-* [Joern Huxhorn](https://github.com/huxi) - Documentation improvements.
-* [Sebastian Schuberth](https://github.com/sschuberth) - Documentation improvements.
-* [Daniel Lacasse](https://github.com/Shad0w1nk)
- - Specific subtype for `CUnit` executable binary
- - `RunTestExecutable` task implements `ExecSpec`
We love getting contributions from the Gradle community. For information on contributing, please see [gradle.org/contribute](http://gradle.org/contribute).
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