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297 lines (200 loc) · 9.34 KB

File metadata and controls

297 lines (200 loc) · 9.34 KB
  • When testing, docker container instance will automatically start the server when reboot , as described in crontab task:

@reboot /bin/sh /root/EntryTask/bin/ start all

  • When testing, docker container instance should bind on port 9090 (web service) and port 4869 (image service), when running deamon mode ,cmd may as below :

docker run -p -p --name test -dit et_v3.86

and you can check the service http://localhost:9090/login or http://localhost:9090/signup

or check the detail in log path : /root/EntryTask/log/

if you want to interactive with the container:

docker attache test

or just run interactive mode from scratch, cmd may as below :

docker run -p -p -it et_v3.86 /bin/bash
cd /root/EntryTask/bin
sh start all

if you want to leave it as a daemon:

[ Ctrl+p, Ctrl+q ]

  • update : this little project is deployed , just visit



How to install

cd bin

How to use

to start servers :

cd bin
sh start web // start web server
sh start tcp // start tcp server
sh start all // start web and tcp server

to stop servers :

cd bin
sh stop web // stop web server
sh stop tcp // stop tcp server
sh stop all // stop web and tcp server

to check status :

sh status

Performance Tuning

TCP Server Side

modify /etc/sysctl.conf as below :

fs.file-max = 20000000
fs.nr_open = 20000000
net.core.somaxconn = 10240
net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 16384
net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 0
net.core.netdev_max_backlog = 41960
net.ipv4.tcp_max_tw_buckets = 300000
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl = 30
net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 900
net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes = 3
net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout = 15
net.ipv4.tcp_max_orphans = 131072
net.core.optmem_max = 819200
net.core.rmem_default = 262144
net.core.wmem_default = 262144
net.core.rmem_max = 16777216
net.core.wmem_max = 16777216
net.ipv4.tcp_mem = 786432 4194304 8388608
net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 4096 4206592
net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 4096 4206592

modify /etc/security/limits.conf as below:

root soft nofile 2000000
root hard nofile 2000000

exe the cmd below as a root user:

sysctl -p

Web Server Side

change /etc/sysctl.conf as below :

fs.file-max = 100000
fs.nr_open = 100000
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle = 1
net.core.optmem_max = 8192
net.ipv4.tcp_max_orphans = 10240
net.ipv4.tcp_max_tw_buckets = 10240

exe the cmd below as a root user:

sysctl -p

Requirements of the System

Functional Requirements

  1. User signup :real name as a global unique name , for login use

  2. User login : If the login is successful, redirect to /home page , user information will be displayed, session info will be saved, otherwise an error message will be shown.

  3. Edit profile : After a successful login, a user can edit the following information:
    (1) Upload a picture as his/her profile picture
    (2) Change his/her nickname (support unicode characters with utf-8 encoding) User information includes: username (cannot be changed), nickname, profile picture

  4. Separate HTTP server and TCP server and put the main logic on TCP server.Backend authentication logic should be done in the TCP server

  5. User information must be stored in a MySQL database. Connect by MySQL Go client. We can use redis as a user info cache ,for performance improvement purpose

Non-Functional Requirements & Considerations:


  1. Use standard library whenever possible.
  2. Horizontal scalablity when traffic surge
  3. Code extensibility when needed
  4. Avoid single point of failure


  1. Web interface will not directly connect to MySQL. For each HTTP request, web interface will send a TCP request to the TCP server, which will handle business logic and query the database.

  2. Login frequency check and IP check (such as MaxMind GeoIP2 Database),todo

  3. Login abnormal behavior warning ( such as abnormal region or device ),todo

  4. Login behavior logging and analysis ( such as hacking),todo

Performance Requirement

  1. Supports up to 1000 login requests per second (from at least 200 unique users)
  2. Supports up to 1000 concurrent http requests
  3. For test, the initial user data can be directly insert into database. Make sure there are at least 10 million user accounts in the test database.

Extendable Functionality ( todos ):

  1. Roles and privileges enhancement and management, todo
  2. SSO ( Single Sign On ) Central Authentication Service for cross domain login, todo
  3. Sign in by OpenId such as QQ, Wechat, google or facebook account, todo
  4. OpenId Authentication for other applications, todo

Environment Requirements

Server: Virtual Machine on Working PC
OS: CentOS 7 x64
DB: MySQL 5.7.23
Client: Chrome and Firefox

Design of the System

System Archecture

Final Overlook (just show the idea)

After improvements , the system should look like:


Real Pict

But now , it is


Database Design

All tables are in a database named UserDB, there are three tables:

  1. user table : storing uuid (universally unique identifier, as unique user id), real name , nick name and password
  2. avatar table : storeing uuid and photo id
  3. login talbe : storing login records, for security and user behavior study purpose


Every user has a uuid, and all the tables share the same unique user id, this is the only field shared between all tables , data consistency is ensured by outside applications, not mysql itself.

With the simple connection between them, it is easy to split database when necessary.

  • uuid is generated by /usr/bin/uuidgen on linux, with 36 letters.

Redis Scheme Design

user:{realname} => {uuid} _ {pwd} _ {nickname}

for login lookup

uuid:{uuid} => {uuid} _ {photoId} _ {nickname} _ {realname}

uuid_pid:{uuid} = > {photoId}

for personal home page query

System APIs

TCP Server

tcp server provide rpc service for web server rpc call:

1.func (t *Query) SignUp( args *Args4, reply *string) error

call function: func insertUser( realname string, nickname string, pwd string, avatar string) string


para type required max len desc example
realname string yes 1024
username string yes 1024
pwd1 string yes 32 password
pwd2 string yes 32 confirmed password


para type required max len desc example
code string yes 1 0 for success,otherwise fail
msg string no for detail info user or password mismatch
uuid string no return uuid after success login, or NULL after failure

2.func (t *Query) SignIn( args *Args2, reply *string) error call function: func login(realname string, pwd string) string

  1. func (t *Query) Lookup( args *Args2, reply *string) error call function : func lookup(uuid string) string

  2. func (t *Query) InitAvatar( args *Args2, reply *string) error call function: func insertAvatar( uuid string, pid string) string

  3. func (t *Query) ChangeAvatar( args *Args2, reply *string) error call function: func updateAvatar( uuid string, pid string) string

http web server

  1. /signup
  2. /login
  3. /edit
  4. /home
  5. /upload
  6. /logout

Redis Cache


We can add a Load balancing layer at some places in our system:

  1. Between http web server and tcp servers
  2. Between tcp Servers and database servers
  3. Between http Servers and redis cache servers
  4. Between http Servers ...


How many times a real name has been used within an hour, what were the users? Any abnormal user behavior? Some statistics worth tracking: country of the visitor, date and time of access, web page that refers the click, browser or platform from where the page was accessed, how long they stayed, etc....

Other considerations

replace mysql with MariaDB, Cassandra , Green plum or other RMDB ?


