SQLite compatibility
Lock/Unlock feature for global approval workflows
Document ID in the document's details
New wiki macros (thumbnail, approval workflow)
Searchable pick lists
Tree view as an user's option
Italian localisation
- Bug: #556 - Plugin settings "File default notifications" does not apply!
- Bug: #554 - JQeury datatable not load correct language file
- Bug: #545 - Wrong tool-tip for dmsf macro
- Bug: #544 - Approval workflow email notifications
- Bug: #542 - Link from commbo box sorting
- Bug: #538 - Migration error with Redmine 3.3
- New: #532 - Modified timestamps lost after migration
- Bug: #531 - webdav: Error -36 on OSX
- Bug: #530 - Cannot download folders with sub folders
- New: #529 - Show document description in mouseover or column
- New: #527 - Add MD5 of each revision in the detail view of documents
- Bug: #526 - The same version feature doen't work as expected
- Bug: #523 - Bug with "delegate approval step"
- Bug: #522 - File Storage Directory does not change
- New: #520 - Document link after a search ...
- New: #518 - Debian installation issues
- Bug: #506 - Document title format %t doesn't reffer to the title
- Bug: #504 - Non-fatal MySQL error when migrating documents
- New: #503 - Information about migrating documents
- Bug: #501 - If a folder or file is locked, we can't activate or deactivate notifications
- New: #500 - Automatically check the inline radiobutton when use custom version
- New: #252 - nautilus-like folders-files list view
Uploading of large files (>2GB)
Support for *.svg and *.py in wiki macros
File name formatting while downloading
Bug: #498 - Webdav: Invalid handling of files with '[' or ']' in file name
New: #497 - file.image ignore SVG type
Bug: #494 - Unable to upload files with ruby > ruby-2.0.0-p598
Bug: #491 - Still using original uploaded filename after filename renamed (PDF file)
Bug: #488 - Available projects for 'link to' operation
Bug: #487 - Not able to view the url link file, but able to Download
Bug: #480 - Big files ( > 500mb) uploading problems
Bug: #471 - Converting Documents to DMSF is not working
Bug: #470 - sort function
Bug: #469 - dmsfd doesn't reuse Wiki syntax in Wiki page
New: #468 - Display contents of text file in Wiki page
Bug: #465 - Install using debian 8 (jessie)
Bug: #459 - WebDav Windows
Bug: #458 - Cannot upload big files
New #44 - Append File Revision on filename when downloading file
Maintenance release II.
Maintenance release
- Bug: #457 - Folder name Documents inaccessible
- Bug: #456 - Everything is set to DEACTIVATED but still I got notifications
- Bug: #448 - C:\fakepath\ added to Revision Filename Path
- Bug: #432 - approval process for 3 users "user1 AND user2 AND user3"
- Bug: #109 - Rename folder over webdav
New DMSF macro for inline pictures
File name updating when a new content is uploaded
System files filtering when working with WebDAV
- Bug: #442 - Can't move directories
- Bug: #441 - Drag'n'drop save only the picture thumbnail
- New: #438 - The file name update when a new content is uploaded
- Bug: #418 - Documents details from in IE
- Bug: #417 - Selected column is not highlighted under mouse pointer in IE
- New: #352 - DMSF Macro to display inline Pictures in wiki
- New: #54 - Webdav: Filter Mac OS X "resource forks" files
Plupload 2.1.8
Redmine >= 3.0 required
- Bug: #430 - Got 500 error when change directory name
- Bug: #427 - Can't access to WebDAV root directory
- Bug: #422 - Document uploading in IE
Redmine >= 3.0 compatibility
- Bug: #404 - Deleted folder (still in trash) results in errors while accessing parent folder via webdav
- Bug: #401 - Link between project on Redmine 3.0
- Bug: #400 - internal server error fulltext search
- Bug: #396 - Error when uploading files
- Bug: #394 - DMSF install to Redmine 3.0.3 problem
- Bug: #393 - File can't be created in storage directory (Redmine 3.0.3)
- Bug: #392 - Redmine 3 Search screen error with Xapian
- New: #391 - Searchable document details
- Bug: #387 - Wrong sorting by Modified column
- Bug: #384 - Error when trying to uninstall DMSF
- New: #383 - Missleading number of entities in documents folder
- Bug: #382 - REST API - list of document produces invalid XML
- Bug: #380 - Internal Error 500 when dmsf page is accessed
- Bug: #378 - Revision view, delete revision bug
- Bug: #377 - Can access WebDAV when redmine is located under sub-URI
- Bug: #376 - Links to deleted documents
- Bug: #374 - Number of downloads
- Bug: #373 - internal 500 error : 1.5.1 stable with redmine 3.0.1 when search in dmsf enabled project
- New: #339 - Maximum Upload Size
- Bug: #319 - webdav problem after upgrading to 1.4.9 from 1.4.6
- New: #78 - Control DMSF via REST API
Approval workflow copying
Polish localization
Custom versions for new document revisions
External links
- New: #307 - Filter mail receivers for approval workflow with file managing permission
- New: #308 - Rails 4
- Bug: #321 - My open approvals
- Bug: #322 - Approval workflow notifications
- New: #325 - Approval workflow permission
- New: #326 - Approval workflow copying
- Bug: #327 - ArgumentError: Unknown key: :conditions. (when running migration in redmine 2.6)
- Bug: #330 - File link cannot download/email
- New: #332 - ArgumentError: Unknown key: :conditions. (when running migration in redmine 2.6)
- Bug: #323 - NoMethodError (undefined method `major_version' for nil:NilClass)
- Bug: #336 - Delete documents configuration works for all the roles
- Bug: #340 - Unwanted notifications
- Bug: #341 - Error on approval workflow
- Bug: #343 - Can't use a name of a folder already existing in the trash bin
- Bug: #350 - Link seems wrong in when clicking "Approval workflow name"
- New: #351 - [Feature Request] - overriding preconfigured Revision Tags/Steps
- Bug: #353 - Link to User in Doc-Revision seems to point to wrong target link
- New: #357 - Redmine 3.0.0 released! Compatibility with DMSF?
- Bug: #361 - incompatible encoding regexp match (UTF-8 regexp with ASCII-8BIT string)
- Bug: #366 - unable to properly uninstall under Redmine 3.0.1
- Bug: #367 - Unable to create a folder
- Bug: #368 - Cannot create a document workflow
- Bug: #369 - Update document revision under Redmine 3.0.1
- Bug: #371 - Unable to properly uninstall the plugin
- Bug: #372 - Can't move file via WebDav
Trash bin
Standard Redmine's upload form with progress bar for files > 100 MB
WebDAV library upgrade
- New: #130 - redmine_dmsf: last update of the folders
- Fix: #131 - Wiki link shows filename for all users type
- New: #136 -
File Manipulation
permissions - New: #218 - Feature request: Recycle bin
- Fix: #226 - Undefined method
for moduleCustomFieldsHelper
- New: #238 - DMSF document update shows up in issue referred to in comment
- New: #249 - Storage path for DMSF files ignores global storage path for attachments
- New: #255 - Debian - Readme install procedure update
- Fix: #258 - Jquery conflict with Redmine
- Fix: #267 - Custom fields tabs not work with last custom_fields_helper_patch.rb
- Fix: #269 - Workflow OR not working for second reviewer
- Fix: #270 - 500 Internal Server Error, redmine 2.5.1, MS SQL Server 2012, dmsf 1.4.8-master, dmsf_link.rb
- Fix: #275 - Typo in readme file type
- Fix: #288 - ubuntu migrate failed
- Fix: #290 - error installing plugin
- Fix: #293 - Locking of inexistent files fails
- Fix: #298 - The same approver in one approval step
- Update: #301 - Database normalization
Symbolic links
Document tagging
Localization of email notifications
An option to send document links by email
- New: Issue #19 - Documentation?
- Update: Issue #106 - [Feature Request] Save files in folder structure defined via DMSF
- Fix: Issue #107 - Problems upgrading redmine 1.3 to 2.23 regarding DMFS
- Fix: Issue #111 - Cannot sort files in folders by date, size, etc
- Update: Issue #139 - Error 500 on click on "details" icon
- New: Issue #183 - Create document links
- New: Issue #201 - Download link by email
- Fix: Issue #205 - Ampersand shows up in displayed filenames as "&" instead of "&"
- Fix: Issue #212 - Incorrect revision information in email notification
- Fix: Issue #214 - Required DMSF custom field prevents documents to be saved
- Update: Issue #216 - Enhancement : having notification emails translated
- Update: Issue #224 - Setup/Upgrade documentation
- Fix: Issue #226 - undefined method
for moduleCustomFieldsHelper
- Fix: Issue #233 - Failed Travis builds
- Update: Issue #235 - "You are not member of the project" when changing project notification.
- New: Issue #236 - Documents tagging
- Fix: Issue #240 - Internal server error, redmine 2.5.1-devel.13064, PostgreSQL, dmsf 1.4.8-devel
- Fix: Issue #242 - dsmf 1.4.8 minor ... "link form" tab
- Fix: Issue #246 - "File storage directory" does not default properly when setting is empty
Open approvals in My page
Custom fields
Speeding up
Code revision
- New: Issue #38 - A few questions about the plugin (possible improvements)
- New: Issue #49 - Make the 100 MB ajax upload limit an option
- Fix: Issue #52 - Error : undefined method `size' for nil:NilClass
- Fix: Issue #90 - Missing redmine_dmsf / assets / javascripts / plupload / i18n /en.js file?
- Fix: Issue #94 - Files not deleted with project
- Fix: Issue #95 - DMSF tab missing on closed projects
- Fix: Issue #104 - Custom fields do not work
- Fix: Issue #141 - Error 500 uploading file with DMSF custom fields
- Fix: Issue #159 - Broken links caused by plugin_asset_path implementation
- New: Issue #173 - Open approvals in My page
- Fix: Issue #174 - Workflow error when more than one approver
- Fix: Issue #175 - Error 500 on performing search
- Fix: Issue #176 - 500 internal error when approving workflow - dmsf_workflows/4/new_action
- Fix: Issue #177 - 1.4.7-devel unable to upload files
- Fix: Issue #178 - Error 500 cannot access Administration -> Custom Fields page
- New: Issue #179 - Workflow Log History in Detailed View
- Fix: Issue #187 - Approval workflow permissions
- New: Issue #190 - Very slow in directories containing many files
- Fix: Issue #191 - Move/Copy gives undefined method for File:Class type: bug
- New: Issue #193 - French translation
- Fix: Issue #194 - Workflow name link in workflow log window
- Fix: Issue #195 - Workflow log not displaying all the steps
- New: Issue #196 - Update French Language
- Fix: Issue #197 - Multi upload not loading the translation
- New: Issue #198 - When editing a workflow, only show current project's users
- Fix: Issue #199 - Small error in plugin_asset_path function
- New: Issue #200 - Update the french translation for the multi upload module
- Fix: Issue #202 - unable to create Custom Field when DMSF plugin installed
- Fix: Issue #203 - Little typing error in french translation
- Fix: Issue #206 - "Select All" checkbox not functioning
- Fix: Issue #207 - locks by deleted users producte internal server error 500
- New: Document approval workflow
- New: Slovene language translation
- Update: German language translation
- Revisit: Issue #34 - fix does not function as expected on Rails < 3.2.6, Redmine 2.0.3 dependency added.
- Fix: Issue #75 - Wrong filename encoding in emailed zip file
- Fix: Issue #87 - RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/javascripts/jstoolbar/lang/jstoolbar-en-IS.js"):
- Fix: Issue #103 - Multiple DMSF tabs in Administration->Custom fields & localization
- Fix: Issue #110 - 'zip' gem conflicts with 'rubyzip' on Redmine XLS Export Plugin.
- Fix: Issue #112 - Uninstall command
- Fix: Issue #116 - Translation missing for DMSF custom field tabs
- Fix: Issue #146 - Problem with Russian file names in zip
- Fix: Issue #143 - Error on missing template - has to have to_s if adding to string
- Fix: Issue #148 - I don't have a notification sent out when I upload a file
- Fix: Issue #157 - Copying files/folders from one project to another project
- New: Settings introduced to enable read-only or read-write stance to be taken with webdav
- Fix: Issue #27 - incorrect call to display column information from database (redmine 1.x fragment).
- Fix: Issue #28 - incompatible SQL in db migration script for postgresql
- Fix: Issue #23 - Incorrect call to to_s for displaying time in certain views
- Fix: Issue #24 - Incorrect times shown on revision history / documents
- Fix: Issue #25 - Character in init.rb stops execution
- Fix: Issue #34 - Incorrect scope when accessing deleted files prevented notification.
- Fix: Issue #22 - Webdav upload with passenger/nginx fails with server error (passenger class for request.body does not contain length method.
- Fix: Additional check implemented before reading settings to prevent server error when setting is not set and default does not apply.
- Fix: Issue #20 - Listing not functional when using sqlite adapter
- Fix: Issue #21 - Webdav not functional under bitnami (or sub directory)
- Fix: Testcase failed to cleanup after itself
- Fix: Webdav index object identified itself as having parent under prefix'ed path (in error)
- Fix: Addition of a path_prefix routine for webdav to be able to correct redirects
- New: Locking model updated to support shared and exclusive write locks. [At present UI and Webdav only support exclusive locking however]
- New: Folders are now write lockable (shared and exclusively) [UI upgraded to support folder locking, however only exclusively]
- New: Locks can now have a time-limit [Not yet supported from UI]
- New: Inereted lock support (locked folders child entries are now flagged as locked)
- Fix: Some testcases erroniously passed when files are locked, when they should be unlocked
- Update: Webdav locks files for 1 hour at a time (requested time is ignored)
- New: Files are now stored in project relevent folder
- New: Implementation of lockdiscovery and supportedlock property requests
- New: Locks store a timestamp based UUID string enabling better interaction with webservices
- Fix: Issue #16 - unable to add new project when plugin enabled due to bug in UI
- Fix: Issue #17 - dav4rack not installable on some systems - it is now vendored
- Fix: Issue #18 - Warnings thrown due to space between function and parentheses
- New: Hook into project copy functionality to permit (although not attractively) functionality for DMSF to be duplicated accross projects
- Update: Project patch defines linkage between DMSF files and DMSF folders.
- Update: Data linkage allowing dependent items to be deleted (project deletion for example) this needs to be revised as files marked deleted are not affected by this at present
- Update: README.md updated with Bundler requirement (Issue #13)
- Fix: Error in entity details page UI prevented revision management.
- New: Integration test cases for webdav functionality
- Update: Documentation has been converted from Simpletext to Markdown
- Update: Features listed in documentation
- Fix: Issue #3 - "webdav broken until set in Administrator -> Settings"
- Fix: Issue #5 - "Webdav incorrectly provides empty listing for non-DMSF enabled projects"
- Fix: Issues identified by test cases
- New: DAV4Rack requirement added (Gemfile makes reference to github repository for latest release).
- New: Webdav functionality included, additional administrative settings added
- Fixed: Issue #2 - extended xapian search fixed with Rails 3 compatible code.
- New: Redmine 2.0 or higher is required