Bug fixes:
- Fix removed unittest.makeSuite in python 3.13. [petschki] (#14)
Bug fixes:
- Minor packaging updates. [various] (#1)
New features:
- Include installation instructions in the README.
- Update test infrastructure.
Bug fixes:
- Prepare for Python 2 / 3 compatibility [frapell]
Bug fixes:
- Fix import for Python 3 in the tests module [ale-rt]
Bug fixes:
- Fix import for Python 3 [pbauer]
New features:
- Document possible problems when patching module level functions [frisi]
- Use zope.interface decorator. [gforcada]
- Fix typo. [gforcada]
- Fix the case where the replacement object does not have a __module__ attribute (see #3). [mitchellrj, fRiSi]
- Downgrade standard log message to debug level. [hannosch]
- Avoid a zope.app dependency. [hannosch]
- Added new parameter preconditions that only patches if preconditions are met like version of a specific package. [spamsch]
- Added new parameter preserveOriginal. Setting this to true makes it possible to access the patched method via _old_``name of patched method`` [spamsch]
- Add the possibility to ignore the error if the original function isn't present on the class/module being patched [jfroche]
- Check if the docstring exists before changing it [jfroche]
- Add buildout.cfg for test & test coverage [jfroche]
- Fires an event when a monkey patch is applied. See interfaces.py. [glenfant]
- Added ZCML attributes "docstringWarning" and "description". [glenfant]
- Added unit tests. [glenfant]
- Initial release [optilude]