Event passed when a user joins the room.
Event name: API.USER_JOIN
API.on(API.USER_JOIN, function(data){
//This will log the packet of the event
(Please add)
Event Name: "userJoin"
"a": "userJoin", // Event name
"p": { // User object
"avatarID": "xxx", // AvatarID (e.g.: "base01")
"username": "xxx", // Name of the user
"language": "xx", // ISO 639-1 representation of the language used by the user
"guest": false, // Is the user a guest? (this is not possible as of now)
"level": 1, // Level of the user
"role": 0, // Role of the user in this room
"gRole": 0, // Global role of the user (0 = None; 3 = Brand Ambassador (BA); 5 = Admin)
"joined": "xxxx", // String representation of the time the user joined plug (e.g.: "2014-07-23 22:47:00.573000")
"id": -1, // ID of the user
"badge": "xxx", // Badge of the user (e.g.: "80sb01")
"slug": "xxx", // URL conform representation of the user"s name (also used for the profile page)
"sub": 0 // Is the user a subscriber? (0 = false; 1 = true)
"s": "xxxx" // Room name
"a": "userJoin",
"p": {
"avatarID": "base01"
"username": "SooYou",
"language": "en",
"guest": false,
"level": 12,
"role": 0,
"gRole": 0,
"joined": "2014-07-23 22:47:00.573000",
"id": 3865819,
"badge": "warrior01b",
"slug": "sooyou",
"sub": 0
"s": "loves-kpop"