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File metadata and controls

175 lines (157 loc) · 7.33 KB

JSON extractor

Extractor module provides circuits to generate proofs of arbitrary values in a JSON file. To achieve this, proof generation is broken into following components:

  • parser: state parser based on a stack machine
  • interpreter: high-level interpretation of JSON state
  • codegen: extractor circuit generation
  • extractor: extracting value for a specific key inside a JSON


Parser is divided into three files:

  • Language: JSON language syntax
  • Parser: initialises the parser and parse individual bytes
  • Machine: stack machine responsible for updating state

State of JSON parser consists of:

  • stack with a maximum MAX_STACK_HEIGHT argument
  • parsing_string
  • parsing_number

Let's take a simple example: { "k": "v" }. Parser initialises the stack with [0, 0] and starts iterating through each byte one-by-one.

  1. 0: detects START_BRACKET: {. so, we're inside a key and updates stack to [1, 0]
  2. 3: detects a QUOTE:" and toggles parsing_string to 1
  3. 4: detects another QUOTE and toggles parsing_string back to 0
  4. 5: detects COLON and updates stack to [1, 1] which means we're now inside a value
  5. 7: detects a QUOTE again and toggles parsing_string which is toggled back on 9
  6. 11: detects CLOSING_BRACKET: } and resets stack back to [0, 0]
State[ 0 ].byte =  123
State[ 0 ].stack[ 0 ]     = [ 1 ][ 0 ]
State[ 0 ].parsing_string =  0
State[ 0 ].parsing_number =  0
mask 0
State[ 1 ].byte =  32
State[ 1 ].stack[ 0 ]     = [ 1 ][ 0 ]
State[ 1 ].parsing_string =  0
State[ 1 ].parsing_number =  0
mask 0
State[ 2 ].byte =  34
State[ 2 ].stack[ 0 ]     = [ 1 ][ 0 ]
State[ 2 ].parsing_string =  1
State[ 2 ].parsing_number =  0
mask 0
State[ 3 ].byte =  107
State[ 3 ].stack[ 0 ]     = [ 1 ][ 0 ]
State[ 3 ].parsing_string =  1
State[ 3 ].parsing_number =  0
mask 0
State[ 4 ].byte =  34
State[ 4 ].stack[ 0 ]     = [ 1 ][ 0 ]
State[ 4 ].parsing_string =  0
State[ 4 ].parsing_number =  0
mask 0
State[ 5 ].byte =  58
State[ 5 ].stack[ 0 ]     = [ 1 ][ 1 ]
State[ 5 ].parsing_string =  0
State[ 5 ].parsing_number =  0
mask 0
State[ 6 ].byte =  32
State[ 6 ].stack[ 0 ]     = [ 1 ][ 1 ]
State[ 6 ].parsing_string =  0
State[ 6 ].parsing_number =  0
mask 0
State[ 7 ].byte =  34
State[ 7 ].stack[ 0 ]     = [ 1 ][ 1 ]
State[ 7 ].parsing_string =  1
State[ 7 ].parsing_number =  0
mask 34
State[ 8 ].byte =  118
State[ 8 ].stack[ 0 ]     = [ 1 ][ 1 ]
State[ 8 ].parsing_string =  1
State[ 8 ].parsing_number =  0
mask 118
State[ 9 ].byte =  34
State[ 9 ].stack[ 0 ]     = [ 1 ][ 1 ]
State[ 9 ].parsing_string =  0
State[ 9 ].parsing_number =  0
mask 0
State[ 10 ].byte =  32
State[ 10 ].stack[ 0 ]     = [ 1 ][ 1 ]
State[ 10 ].parsing_string =  0
State[ 10 ].parsing_number =  0
mask 0
State[ 11 ].stack[ 0 ]     = [ 0 ][ 0 ]
State[ 11 ].parsing_string =  0
State[ 11 ].parsing_number =  0
value_starting_index 7
value[ 0 ]= 118

Logic for parser:

  • Iterate through each byte.
  • Determine current byte token, and form instruction.
    • determine what is the current byte in signals: start brace, end brace, start bracket, end bracket, colon, comma, number, quote, other (whitespace)
    • create an instruction by multiplying arrays together
  • form a state mask based on current state
  • multiply instruction and mask together to calculate whether reading or writing value to stack.
  • rewrite stack using new instruction
    • stack[0] can change when pushing (read start brace or bracket) / popping (read end brace or bracket)
    • stack[1] can change when readColon / readComma

Let's deep dive into interpreter and extractor.


Interpreter builds high-level circuits on top of stack to understand state better. It provides following templates:

  • InsideKey
  • InsideValueAtTop & InsideValue
  • InsideArrayIndexAtTop & InsideArrayIndex
  • NextKVPair & NextKVPairAtDepth
  • KeyMatch & KeyMatchAtDepth


To handle arbitrary depth JSON key, we need to generate circuits on-the-fly using some metadata.

    "keys": [
    "value_type": "string"

Each new key in keys is associated with depth in parser stack, i.e. key a has depth 0, and the value type of a is a string. Using this, a rust program generates circuit that can extract any key at depth 0 (and not just key a) whose value type is a string.


To extract a key at specific depth and value type, we provide


  • DATA_BYTES: data length in bytes
  • MAX_STACK_HEIGHT: maximum stack height possible during parsing of data. Equal to maximum open brackets {, [ in data.
  • keyLen{i}: ith key length in bytes, if key is a string
  • index{i}: ith key array index
  • depth{i}: ith key's stack depth
  • maxValueLen: maximum value length


  • data: data in bytes array of DATA_BYTES length
  • key{i}: key i in bytes array of keyLen{i} length


  • value: value of the specified key

Extractor performs following operations:

  • parse data byte-by-byte using parser
  • use interpreter to gather more information on current state, i.e. whether we're parsing key or value
  • if parsing_key, then it matches each key in is_key{i}_match signal
  • if parsing_value, then it checks whether we're inside correct values at each depth, i.e.
    • if the key looks like a.0.b.0 then, value of stack at depth 0 should be [1, 1], and depth 1 should be [2, 0], and so on.
  • if the key matches, then we need to propogate this result to the value of that key.
    • We use interpreter's NextKVPair template to determine when we start parsing next key pair again in is_next_pair_at_depth{i}
  • In previous example,
    • key match (byte = 107) happened at state 3. so we toggle is_key1_match_for_value[3] true.
    • At state 4, is_key1_match[4] will return false, but, since we're not parsing next key pair again, we want is_key1_match_for_value[4]=true as well.
    • So, we just use previous index's is_key1_match_for_value value, i.e. is_key1_match_for_value[4] = is_key1_match_for_value[3] * is_next_pair[4]
    • as soon as we hit next pair, we toggle this bit again to 0, and wait for key match again.
  • To extract the value, we create a mask around that value.
    • mask[i] = data[i] * parsing_value[i] * is_value_match[i], i.e. we're inside the correct value and the key matched for this value.
  • Then, we just shift data by value_starting_bytes to the left and truncate data length to maxValueLen.

We encourage you to look at tests, if you need deeper understanding of examples.