We appreciate all contributions. If you are planning to contribute bug-fixes or documentation improvements, please open a pull request (PR) without further discussion. If you planning to contribute new features, please open an issue and discuss the feature with us first.
To start working on tox-ltt
clone from the latest version and install
the development requirements:
TOX_LTT_ROOT = tox-ltt
git clone https://github.com/pmeier/tox-ltt $TOX_LTT_ROOT
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
pre-commit install
Every PR is subjected to multiple checks that it has to pass before it can be merged. The checks are performed by tox . Below you can find details and instructions how to run the checks locally.
uses isort to sort the
imports, black to format the code, and
flake8 to enforce
PEP8 compliance.
Furthermore, tox-ltt
is PEP561
compliant and checks the type annotations with mypy .
To format your code run
tox -e format
Amongst others, isort
and black
are run by
pre-commit before every commit.
To run the full lint check locally run
tox -e lint
uses pytest to run
the test suite. You can run it locally with
adds the following custom options with the
corresponding @pytest.mark.*
- --skip-large-download
: @pytest.mark.large_download
- --skip-slow
: @pytest.mark.slow
- --run-flaky
: @pytest.mark.flaky
Options prefixed with --skip
are run by default and skipped if the option is
given. Options prefixed with --run
are skipped by default and run if the option
is given.
These options are passed through tox
if given after a --
flag. For example,
the CI invocation command is equivalent to:
tox -- --skip-large-download