155 commits
to main
since this release
Minor Changes
edc8847: Breaking: change how
exports components.// before import { Row, Label, String } from 'leva/plugin' // after import { Components } from 'leva/plugin' const { Row, Label, String } = Components
Feat: add
hooks that let an input query other inputs values.Feat:
has additional arguments to its signature:/** * @path the path of the input * @data the data available in the store */ const normalize = (input: Input, path: string, data: Data)
has additional arguments to its signature:/** * @path the path of the input * @store the store */ const sanitize = ( value: any, settings: Settings, prevValue: any, path: string, store: StoreType )
Styles: better feedback when dragging number from inner label.
Plugin: add the Plot plugin 📈
import { plot } from '@leva-ui/plugin-plot' useControls({ y: plot({ expression: 'cos(x)', graph: true, boundsX: [-10, 10], boundsY: [0, 100] }) })