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OpenDaylight Kafka Plugin


prod-odl-kafka is an OpenDaylight (ODL) northbound plugin that allows real-time or near real-time event or telemetry data streaming into a kafka cluster (version 0.9 +). The key design goal of this plugin is to provide a genenric and configurable data connector that subscribes to southbound event source(s) via ODL's Event Topic Broker (ETB) on one side, and forward notifications to a Kafka endpoint. The high-level architecture of prod-odl-kafka is shown in the diagram below.


The prod-odl-kafka has been development using Lithium maven artetype and tested against ODL Lithium 0.3.* releases (i.e. Lithium SR1, SR2, SR3, and SR4).


  • Java version 8
  • Maven version 3.3.*
  • Apache Kafka 0.9.*
  • OpenDayLight Lithium 0.3.*


Step 1: Clone source code

git clone

Step 2: Build from source

In order to make the "build" process work, you will need OpenDaylight dependencies, which are organised as multiple inter-dependent projects within OpenDaylight repositories outside of Maven Central. This is achieved by placing the OpenDaylight settings.xml file into your local maven repository (see the development environment setup guide for more details).

# Shortcut command for grabbing settings.xml
cp -n ~/.m2/settings.xml{,.orig} ; \
wget -q -O - > ~/.m2/settings.xml

If this plugin is supposed to be deployed on a pre-existed ODL container, you will also need to replace the '' value with the release version of your target ODL container. [NOTE: at the moment only Lithium releases have been tested and supported]

This can be done by editing the <parent> section of the prod-odl-kafka/kafka-agent/impl/pom.xml file. Below is an example that builds for Lithium-SR3 release.


Now go to kafka-agent directory and build.

cd kafka-agent 
mvn clean install -Dcheckstyle.skip=true -DskipTests=true

###Step 3: Start Karaf container

Start karaf container by running the following command.


Once it starts successfully, you should be able to check all the features are deployed automatically.

   ________                       ________                .__  .__       .__     __       
    \_____  \ ______   ____   ____ \______ \ _____  ___.__.|  | |__| ____ |  |___/  |_     
     /   |   \\____ \_/ __ \ /    \ |    |  \\__  \<   |  ||  | |  |/ ___\|  |  \   __\    
    /    |    \  |_> >  ___/|   |  \|    `   \/ __ \\___  ||  |_|  / /_/  >   Y  \  |      
    \_______  /   __/ \___  >___|  /_______  (____  / ____||____/__\___  /|___|  /__|      
            \/|__|        \/     \/        \/     \/\/            /_____/      \/          

Hit '<tab>' for a list of available commands
and '[cmd] --help' for help on a specific command.
Hit '<ctrl-d>' or type 'system:shutdown' or 'logout' to shutdown OpenDaylight.

opendaylight-user@root>feature:list | grep 'kafka'
odl-kafka-agent-api               | 2.0.1-Lithium     | x         | odl-kafka-agent-2.0.1-Lithium            | OpenDaylight :: kafka-agent :: api                
odl-kafka-agent                   | 2.0.1-Lithium     | x         | odl-kafka-agent-2.0.1-Lithium            | OpenDaylight :: kafka-agent                       
odl-kafka-agent-rest              | 2.0.1-Lithium     | x         | odl-kafka-agent-2.0.1-Lithium            | OpenDaylight :: kafka-agent :: REST               
odl-kafka-agent-ui                | 2.0.1-Lithium     | x         | odl-kafka-agent-2.0.1-Lithium            | OpenDaylight :: kafka-agent :: UI                 

Deploy to pre-existed ODL container (optional)

If you have an existed ODL container, simply copy the .kar file to the deploy directory. See example below.

sudo cp kafka-agent/features/target/kafka-agent-features-1.0.0-Lithium.kar /opt/distribution-karaf-0.3.3-Lithium-SR3/deploy/

prod-odl-kafka plugin should then be automatically deployed to the ODL container. To verify the success of the deployment, run feature:list | grep 'kafka' command from ODL console, and you should see outputs as below.

opendaylight-user@root>feature:list | grep 'kafka'
odl-kafka-agent-api               | 2.0.1-Lithium     | x         | odl-kafka-agent-2.0.1-Lithium            | OpenDaylight :: kafka-agent :: api                
odl-kafka-agent                   | 2.0.1-Lithium     | x         | odl-kafka-agent-2.0.1-Lithium            | OpenDaylight :: kafka-agent                       
odl-kafka-agent-rest              | 2.0.1-Lithium     | x         | odl-kafka-agent-2.0.1-Lithium            | OpenDaylight :: kafka-agent :: REST               
odl-kafka-agent-ui                | 2.0.1-Lithium     | x         | odl-kafka-agent-2.0.1-Lithium            | OpenDaylight :: kafka-agent :: UI                 


Kafka plugin needs to be configured before starting consuming ETB messages. The list of configuration parameters are given below.

parameter description data type examples default mandatory
kafka-broker-list The Kafka bootstrapping broker list string - Yes
compression-type Compression codec for all messages enum none/gzip/snappy none Yes
kafka-topic kafka topic name string "snmp" - Yes
message-serialization Kafka message serialisation type enum raw/avro raw Yes
avro-schema-namespace avro schema namespace string com.example.project %s Yes
event-subscriptions List of ODL topic subscriptions (if not set, kafka plugin listens to all ETB topics) string "[topic-id-1],[topic-id-2]" - No
default-host-ip Default host ip address of event source (if not set, default value is set as string
default-message-source Default event source name string bpg-ls value No
timestamp-xpath Xpath statement used to extract timestamp from ODL message payload (if not set, the ODL system time is used by default) string //timestamp ODL system timestamp No
message-host-ip-xpath XPath statement used to extract host-ip value from ODL message payload (if not set, default-host-ip value is used). string //hostIP default-host-ip value if not set No
message-source-xpath XPath statement used to extract message source value string //src default-message-source value if set No

Integration tests

In order to demonstrate how prod-odl-kafka works, the HWEventSource project was used. Make sure you use a Lithium release that matches target ODL container. For example use this release in consistence with the maven snippet in step 2.

The following diagram shows the details of the integration tests.

integration test

download hweventsource Lithium SR3 release

tar zxvf lithium-sr3.tar.gz

build hweventsource project

cd coretutorials/hweventsource/
mvn clean install -Dcheckstyle.skip=true -DskipTests=true

deploy hweventsource southbound event source

The deployment of hweventsource is as simple as copy the .kar file to a target ODL container, either the one comes with prod-odl-agent

cp hweventsource/features/target/hweventsource-features-1.0-Lithium.kar /path/to/prod-odl-kafka/kafka-agent/karaf/target/assembly/deploy/

or a standalone distribution container. For example:

cp hweventsource/features/target/hweventsource-features-1.0-Lithium.kar /path/to/distribution-karaf-0.3.3-Lithium-SR3/deploy/

NOTE: make sure you start ODL container as a sudoer user, as hwevent source requires us to create /var/tmp/test-logs folder with appropriate write permissions.

mkdir /var/tmp/test-logs
chmod -R 777 /var/tmp/test-logs
touch /var/tmp/test-logs/hweventsource-uagent-00.log

Once deployed successfully, you should be able to verify the deployment of hweventsource modules by running the command from ODL console as follows:

opendaylight-user@root>feature:list | grep 'hwevent'
odl-hweventsource-api             | 1.0.3-Lithium-SR3 | x         | odl-hweventsource-1.0.3-Lithium-SR3      | OpenDaylight :: hweventsource :: api              
odl-hweventsource                 | 1.0.3-Lithium-SR3 | x         | odl-hweventsource-1.0.3-Lithium-SR3      | OpenDaylight :: hweventsource                     
odl-hweventsource-rest            | 1.0.3-Lithium-SR3 | x         | odl-hweventsource-1.0.3-Lithium-SR3      | OpenDaylight :: hweventsource :: REST             
odl-hweventsource-ui              | 1.0.3-Lithium-SR3 | x         | odl-hweventsource-1.0.3-Lithium-SR3      | OpenDaylight :: hweventsource :: UI               
odl-hweventsource-uagent          | 1.0.3-Lithium-SR3 | x         | odl-hweventsource-1.0.3-Lithium-SR3      | OpenDaylight :: hweventsource :: UserAgent                

Start local kafka cluster

bin/ config/
bin/ config/

Create a 'odl-test' topic

bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic odl-test

Start a consumer and listens to the topic

bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic odl-test --from-beginning

Congifure prod-odl-kafka plugin

prod-odl-kafka is configured using RESTCONF api.

 curl --user admin:admin \ 
       --request PUT http://localhost:8080/restconf/config/kafka-agent:kafka-producer-config \
       --data '{kafka-producer-config: {kafka-broker-list: "", kafka-topic: "odl-test", compression-type: "none", message-serialization: "raw", avro-schema-namespace:"com.example.project"}}' \
       --header "Content-Type:application/"

To verify configurations are set properly, run:

 curl --user admin:admin --request GET http://localhost:8080/restconf/config/kafka-agent:kafka-producer-config --header "Content-Type:application/"

You should see the output as:


Start "hello world" event source to generate some messages.

Run the following curl command to trigger the sample event source.

curl --user admin:admin --request POST http://localhost:8181/restconf/operations/event-aggregator:create-topic --header "Content-Type:application/json" --data '{ "event-aggregator:input": {"notification-pattern": "**", "node-id-pattern":"*"}}'

If successful, you should be able to see a topic-id is generated, for exmaple:


Meanwhile keep an eye on the Kafka consumer console, you should see messages streamed from both sources (SampleEventSource01 and SampleEventSource00) continuously.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><payload xmlns="urn:cisco:params:xml:ns:yang:messagebus:eventaggregator"><SampleEventSourceNotification><Source>EventSourceSample01</Source><Message>Hello World [Mon Sep 28 14:37:55 BST 2015]</Message></SampleEventSourceNotification></payload>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><payload xmlns="urn:cisco:params:xml:ns:yang:messagebus:eventaggregator"><SampleEventSourceNotification><Source>EventSourceSample00</Source><Message>Hello World [Mon Sep 28 14:37:58 BST 2015]</Message></SampleEventSourceNotification></payload>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><payload xmlns="urn:cisco:params:xml:ns:yang:messagebus:eventaggregator"><SampleEventSourceNotification><Source>EventSourceSample01</Source><Message>Hello World [Mon Sep 28 14:37:58 BST 2015]</Message></SampleEventSourceNotification></payload>

Send data to PNDA

Sending data to a launch PNDA cluster is similar to Integration tests, except that you will need to change prod-odl-kafka configurations linking to kafka endpoints of a target PNDA cluster.