All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- PNDA-3673: Add consul service and agents
- PNDA-4428: Deploy & configure Flink
- PNDA-4417: Add fastavro library for more efficient avro handling in applications
- PNDA-4431: Add basic platform test & console elements for Flink
- PNDA-4432: Handle logging for Flink
- PNDA-4483: Log cleanup etc. Flink by hdfs-cleaner
- PNDA-4464: (PDP-2) Experimental support for protobuf and user defined avro schemas for ingest
- PNDA-4532: Add supervisor log for spark streaming applications to PNDA logshipper
- PNDA-4398: Support Spark 2 for Oozie jobs
- PNDA-4546: Define an admin user for the Deployment Manager who is authorised to modify any application
- PNDA-4558: Add Knox as gateway to cluster
- PNDA-4559: Add deployment-manager to knox topology
- PNDA-4588: Enable TLS on Knox if certificate is supplied
- PNDA-4563: Proxy package repository service via knox
- PNDA-4583: Configure knox to proxy hadoop services
- PNDA-4585: Proxy opentsdb query api through knox
- PNDA-4426: Added a config to control the log level for the dataset service
- PNDA-4697: Provision required elements for new users after a successful log in
- PNDA-4598: Configure PAM to use LDAP if an LDAP server is provided in the pillar
- PNDA-4578: Reverse proxy Jupyter & Grafana through gateway node
- PNDA-4569: Proxy PNDA console through knox
- PNDA-4643: Add TLS support for haproxy
- PNDA-4712: Use LDAP for Grafana authentication
- PNDA-4794: Flink reverse proxy via Knox
- PNDA-4853: Register nodes using Consul Catalog API so that they are not removed if the node fails
- PNDA-4517: Oozie ssh action support for flink batch jobs
- PNDA-4929: Rename folder used to stage application dependencies before syncing to HDFS from apps-packages to app-packages-hdfs-stage
- PNDA-4400: Update Anaconda to 5.1.0, remove Anaconda CDH parcel mirror and install Anaconda on CDH from a bundle in the same way as already done for HDP
- PNDA-4394: Add various libraries to app-packages so they are available 'out of the box' to PNDA users
- PNDA-4396: Update Kibana, Logstash and ElasticSearch to 6.2.1 for Log Server
- PNDA-4408: Update kafka-python to 1.3.5
- PNDA-4408: Update kafka to
- PNDA-4430: Handle mapping of users to yarn queues
- PNDA-4384: Use the PNDARegistryBasedConverter for gobblin in experimental mode
- PNDA-4122: Remove scalable ELK
- PNDA-4525: Deprecate Ubuntu 14.04
- PNDA-4511: Use a config property to set which spark-submit command the Deployment Manager calls for spark streaming components
- PNDA-4553: Remove experimental flag on PNDARegistryBasedConverter and add default topic config
- PNDA-4537: Graphite metrics retention set per-flavor
- PNDA-4503: Change jupyter data generation for using user permissions
- PNDA-4560: Remove admin_user setting from deployment-manager config
- PNDA-4386: Add option for services to register their own DNS entry
- PNDA-4075: Load the number of disks to use for hadoop datanodes from env-parameters.sls instead of being fixed per flavour
- PNDA-4673: Use HTTP transport instead of TCP transport for PyHive and use JDBC to query Hive because PyHive does not support HTTP transport
- PNDA-4693: Alter Knox to use PAM rather than LDAP
- PNDA-4544: Upgrade Flink to 1.4.2
- PNDA-4541: Compress yarn application logs into a tar.gz to prevent the number of files growing too large
- PNDA-4730: Create a base-services sls that encapsulates consul and ldap
- PNDA-4440: Upgrade Kafka from to 1.1.0
- PNDA-4536: Make data directories used by Kafka configurable in env-parameters.sls instead of fixed per flavor
- PNDA-4779: Use TLS 1.2 between agents and server
- PNDA-4768: Set HTTPFS link from config similar to other links
- PNDA-4791: Enable links in console through knox to KM and ELK
- PNDA-4586: Disable default opentsdb ui
- PNDA-4818: Update Ambari to and HDP to
- PNDA-4500: Redesigned application detailed summary and added flink application detailed summary
- PNDA-4837: Upgrade Grafana version to 5.1.3
- PNDA-4892: Remove kafkat
- PNDA-4909: Remove livy & sparkmagic
- PNDA-4858: Remove redundant Hive view code
- PNDA-4899: Introduce conditionality to produce build/mirror with only artefacts required
- PNDA-4200: Fix missing matplotlib and dependencies for Jupyter python3 kernel
- PNDA-4399: Remove IPV6 dependency in nginx
- PNDA-4243: Fix update mode for HDP
- PNDA-4514: Fix issue on volume state which affects Ubuntu update
- PNDA-4045: Re-enable logstash multiline plugin for YARN application logs
- PNDA-4510: Logrotate fixed for /var/log/pnda
- PNDA-4604: Ensure re-runnability of Knox state
- PNDA-4422: Fix selinux SLS so that it's successful regardless of initial selinux state
- PNDA-4664: Start redis service before console backend services on system boot
- PNDA-4053: Ensure that /var/run/ambari-server is owned by ambari by setting the owner on reboot
- PNDA-4606: Append domain name if "search" string doesn't exist
- PNDA-4548: Flink Metric reporting for Graphite not working
- PNDA-4726: Make knox service name for console consistent everywhere
- PNDA-4722: Fix Knox rewrite rules for YARNUI and JOBHISTORYUI
- PNDA-4742: Knox failed to match yarn spark job history
- PNDA-4762: Support YARN resource manager HA mode
- PNDA-4766: Enable access to Ambari through Knox
- PNDA-4804: Fixed flink history service infinite 404 loop
- PNDA-4787: Remove unnecessary knox topologies that come by default
- PNDA-4809: Fix opentsdb/dm cog redirect to logserver via knox
- PNDA-4805: Reduce verbosity of routes through gateway
- PNDA-4813: Fix Ambari service quicklinks via knox proxy
- PNDA-4810: Introduced knox rewrite rules for KM parameterised URL
- PNDA-4797: ELK deployed twice in PICO Setup
- PNDA-4774: Remove MySQL server from ambari/cloudera-manager
- PNDA-4826: Spark2 history server (show incomplete applications)
- PNDA-4838: Fix Spark job description access through knox
- PNDA-4775: Internet not reached from deployed online cluster
- PNDA-4889: Modified user.sls to create group before user
- PNDA-4409: Correctly configure systemd supervisor for httpfs
- PNDA-4917: Permission denied to access Hbase rest and thrift logs
- PNDA-4860: Some logs coming into Kibana are big aggregated blob rather than time series
- PNDA-4874 Failed to execute jupyter notebook with PySpark2 kernel
- PNDA-3127: Post ingress compaction for Kafka datasets
- PNDA-3562: Enable PAM authentication on PNDA console frontend
- PNDA-3580: Add spark cli that implements a user/group placement policy.
- PNDA-2832: Jupyter %sql magic support.
- PNDA-3478: Added support for Spark2 on HDP
- PNDA-3345: Provide the app_packages HDFS location (from Pillar) to applications deployed with DM
- PNDA-3548: Upgrade Kafka manager to version
- PNDA-3527: Add dev/prod queues to YARN CDH config.
- PNDA-3528: Add some pillars for the resource manager and used in the dm-config.
- PNDA-2834: Application status reported by DM / console should indicate real status of application
- PNDA-3126: Create files from multiple Kafka partitions.
- PNDA-3273: Capture spark metrics for all applications
- PNDA-3630: Added EXPERIMENTAL flag section to pillar which is initially only used to include Jupyter Scala support
- PNDA-3128: Add kafka-python (new version) and avro python packages to app-packages
- PNDA-3623: Add support for configuring Jupyter with SSL cert/key.
- PNDA-3550: Add a pyspark2 Jupyter kernel for HDP clusters to allow Jupyter to use Spark 2
- PNDA-3549: Include common jar and egg dependencies used by applications that run on PNDA
- PNDA-3654: Add wrapper functions for the Hive and Beeline cli
- PNDA-3545: Configure Hive and Hive2 Ambari views to run as the hdfs super user
- PNDA-3555: Use /pnda/deployment as HDFS library location
- PNDA-3583: Hadoop distro is now part of grains
- PNDA-2540: Stop supplying 'cloud-user' as the default operating system user as this is deployment specific and must be supplied in the pnda-env.yaml
- PNDA-1899: Scala Spark Jupyter Integration
- PNDA-3530: Ambari version and HDP version
- PNDA-3518: Reduce log output in hadoop_setup.log on HDP by only logging task details on state change
- PNDA-3487: Manage tmpfs in volume mapping
- PNDA-3483: Zookeeper version 3.4.11
- PNDA-3600: Make the spark/MR cli wrapper the master system cli.
- PNDA-3581: Create a mapping table for the Fair Scheduler queue setup (CDH) of PNDA-3527.
- PNDA-3529: Make Jupyter use the system spark cli.
- PNDA-3582: Create a mapping table for the Capacity Scheduler queue setup (HDP) from PNDA-3526.
- PNDA-4043: Update HDP to version
- PNDA-4016: Use file.append instead of in httpfs.sls
- PNDA-3542: Modify deployment manager plugins to execute commands as the supplied user
- PNDA-3133: Remove Gobblin fork and use release distribution instead
- PNDA-3515: Move all hadoop app data to a sensible directory for app data like /mnt and not /data0
- PNDA-3573: Remove eth0 default value on kafka
- PNDA-3553: Configure PNDA log aggregation to use HDP specific paths when collecting hadoop service logs on HDP
- PNDA-3535: Make ambari server sls idempotent
- PNDA-3323: Clean up files for all users in hdfs_cleaner
- PNDA-3521: Fix issue on push/getting DM keys
- PNDA-3428: Daemonize HDP HBase services
- PNDA-3530: Update yarn resource manager config to include both resource managers for webapp settings in the standard flavor
- PNDA-3574: Make hdp.oozie_libs sls idempotent
- PNDA-3651: Fix HDP capacity scheduler's ACL settings
- PNDA-4029: Allow YARN RM to view task logs
- PNDA-4056: Expanded Data Nodes not being recognized in Deployment Manager
- PNDA-3360: Remove skip_verify on hadoop-httpfs for hdp ubuntu clusters
- PNDA-3519: Failure to copy some files to Hadoop during setup
- PNDA-3330: Add default application user configuration to the deployment manager.
- PNDA-2389: PNDA automatically reboots instances that need rebooting following kernel updates
- PNDA-2982: Added support for adding pyspark application dependencies
- PNDA-1960: Make Kafkat available on nodes as option for Kafka management at CLI
- PNDA-2445: Support for Hortonworks HDP hadoop distro
- PNDA-2163: Support for OpenTSDB Platform testing
- PNDA-2832: Added sql magic support for Jupyter notebooks (experimental)
- PNDA-1788: Cloudera version can be set in the salt pillar
- PNDA-3314: Added new flavor for larger PNDAs called "production"
- PNDA-3484: Add CentOS support
- PNDA-3497: Add pillar config to set how many data directories to configure HDFS to use.
- PNDA-2965: Rename
role grains tohadoop_*
- PNDA-3216: Uprev to logstash 5.2.2
- PNDA-3180: Limit orchestrate commands to new nodes only
- PNDA-3212: Link logstash install directory using salt file.symlink command as the version was preventing logshipper/logserver upgrades
- PNDA-3249: Upgrade Kafka version to
- PNDA-3264: Use redis 3.2.10 on redhat
- PNDA-2884: Upgrade CDH and Cloudera Manager version 5.12.1
- PNDA-3380: Move opentsdb log to /var/log/pnda
- PNDA-3441: Cleanup warnings from script
- PNDA-3451: Use existing MySQL for the Ambari database
- PNDA-2486: Move yarn local directories to /data0 to separate the data from the operating system partition.
- PNDA-3499: Cleanup CHANGELOG with missing release info.
- PNDA-3213: fix issue on wrong checksum file name for logserver sls
- PNDA-3615: conda command now works 'out-of-the-box' with correct PATH additions
- PNDA-3216: Use new logstash plugin mechanism in 5.2.2 that actually works when offline
- PNDA-3111: Report failures up if opentsdb.hbase_tables fails
- PNDA-3309: use local gem installation for Kafka tool
- PNDA-3343: When expanding a cluster new datanodes are given a spark gateway role
- PNDA-3309: Write
into a fixed directory - PNDA-3369: fix issue on offsets topic replication factor on kafka configuration zhere default value is 3
- PNDA-3238: Add jupyter extensions to the kenel virtual environment.
- PNDA-3350: Fix dm.pem permission post deployment highstate.
- PNDA-3432: Jupyter not launching after reboot on RHEL.
- PNDA-3013: Fix issue on Keystone passwords with illegal XML characters (such as &) cause Hadoop setup to fail.
- PNDA-3524: remove beacons logic
- PNDA-2375: Isolate PNDA from breaking dependency changes
- PNDA-2456: Support for Redhat 7
- PNDA-2480: Added a per flavor pillar setting for kafka log retention (log.retention.bytes) set to 300MB (pico) 1GB (standard) to stop disks filling up on pico clusters.
- PNDA-2682: review console backend deployment
- Add a simple jupyter notebook
- Allow salt mine for all interfaces
- PNDA-2446: Download java with wget
- PNDA-2517: If Cloudera setup (
) fails, orchestrate can be re-run
will attempt to continue from where it completed up to last time. Progress is recorded in/root/.CM_SETUP_SUCCESS
which can be edited if manual control is required over the point to continue from. - PNDA-2577: Use spur 0.3.20 for
- PNDA-2596: Stop ingesting internal PNDA testbot topic
- PNDA-2672: Explicitly set CM API version number
- PNDA-2679: Set virtual env for impala-wrapper
- PNDA-2691: Install nodejs/npm from deb/rhel packages
- PNDA-2717: Remove pypi default URL
- PNDA-2721: Add spark gateway roles to datanodes
- PNDA-2756: Move Cloudera Manager installation in orchestrate stage instead of highstate stage
- PNDA-2758: Add a wait on elasticsearch running for kibana-dashboard
- PNDA-2787: Write cm_setup.log to /var/log/pnda instead of /tmp
- PNDA-2808: Install PNDA platform-libraries on all CDH nodes instead of just the jupyter node.
- PNDA-2810: Update boto library to 2.46.1 required to work with certain AWS regions (e.g. London)
- PNDA-2817: Remove cloudera-keys sls
- PNDA-2820: Refactoring of the installation of graphite-api
- PNDA-2883: add
to set the swift keystone auth version associated withauth_url
- PNDA-2885: Add gcc dependency for package-repository
- PNDA-2903: Install node.js from tar.gz instead of deb package
- PNDA-2966: Replace separate
with function
- PNDA-2964: Stop using ec2 grains during deployment as it's not needed anymore
- PNDA-2984: Upgrade JDK to 8u131
- PNDA-2881: Update Kafka Manager version to
- PNDA-2839: Update Grafana version to 4.2.0. Warning: the default pnda password has changed.
- PNDA-2841: Update Logstash version to 5.0.2 for PNDA logshipper/logserver
- PNDA-2838: Update OpenTSDB to version 2.3.0
- PNDA-3085: Set timezone to UTC (UTC by default but can be configured with ntp:timezone pillar)
- PNDA-3114: Install CDH platform testing modules after CDH has been set up.
- Update versions of cloudera manager and redis
- Add a flavor parameter to change kafka/zookeeper listening interface
- Install cloudera manager agents manually
- Explicitly set API version for CM
- PNDA-2710: Remove online URL for logstash
- PNDA-2781 Fixes for redhat mirror usage
- PNDA-2874: Install correct snappy compression libraries, so avro files can be viewed in HUE again
- PNDA-3059: Use latest version of numerous base packages from distro
- PNDA-3112: Multiline log messages from file input
- PNDA-3129: Create log directory for gobblin which was missing and preventing log from being written.
- Update console-frontend owner to allow nginx to read files
- Update Elasticsearch/Kibana extraction to fix permission issues
- PNDA-2533: Ability to create an ElasticSearch cluster for external usage
- A new motd when login to nodes via SSH
- PNDA-2121: Improve jupyter sls files
- PNDA-2239: The 'pnda' user and 'pnda' group are able to write/delete files written by Gobblin which now runs as 'pnda' user instead of 'gobblin' user
- PNDA-2467: Put platform-data-mgmt in a virtualenv
- PNDA-2468: Put platform-deployment manager in a virtualenv
- PNDA-2469: Put platform-package-repository in a virtualenv
- PNDA-2484: Put hdfs-cleaner in a virtualenv
- PNDA-2485: Pin all versions of pnda python components and upgrade the version of libraries
- PNDA-2489: Remove _modules/ file and move it to _modules/ and do simple REST queries instead of using cm-api
- PNDA-2542: Put elastic-search-curator in a virtualenv
- PNDA-2544: Download Zookeeper from top level mirror instead of US mirror
- PNDA-2547: Put impala-shell in a virtualenv
- PNDA-2550: kibana dashboard are now imported without elasticdump, which simplifies the installation
- PNDA-2551: Put Jupyter python components in a virtualenv
- PNDA-2552: Put graphite of the console in a virtualenv
- PNDA-2560: Put cm_setup cloudera installation script in a virtualenv
- PNDA-2598: Put pnda_restart script in a virtualenv
- PNDA-2494: Concurrency issue during deployment related to master dataset creation
- PNDA-2498: Deployment-manager was passing the wrong thrift server to the Happybase library
- PNDA-2511: Pin version of nodejs to avoid installation failure of kibana
- PNDA-2543: Make the creation of the cloudera manager external database idempotent
- PNDA-2250: Provide tools that allow pnda infra to be rebooted and the services started again
- Aggregating redundant services into common VMs (anti-affinity on OpenStack)
- PNDA-2284: hdfs-cleaner creates the archive container it needs
- PNDA-1918: Simplify component paths
- PNDA-2392: Refactor hue user creation
- Update CDH to 5.9.0
- PNDA-1812: Add a re-apply config mode to cm_setup
- Merge general zookeeper/kafka white and black box tests
- PNDA-2487: Increase HBase heaps for CDH5.9
- PNDA-2496: CM now uses external MySQL database instead of embedded postgres db
- PNDA-2231: Don't fail if the pnda user is already created in grafana
- Change 'heap_dump_directory_free_space' warnings for PICO flavor
- Update logshipping for gobblin
- PNDA-2431: Reduce impala catalog server heap size for pico
- Fix UTF8 issue on master-dataset
- PNDA-2434: Pin version of ES curator and specify full path
- PNDA-2435: Reduce ES data retention for pico
- Create a python virtualenv for platform testing
- PNDA-2488: Harmonize heap dump warning and reduce firehose size
- Fix issue on DM config as OpenTSDB configuration should be IP:PORT not a link
- Alter YARN parameters to give 512MB map tasks
- PNDA-2487: Adjust hbase, yarn and mapred to better fit pico
- PNDA-2368: Include console-backend 0.2.2 to fix version of the redis-parser npm module to 2.0.4
- Multi-flavor mechanism, with pico flavor
- PNDA-2320 Kafka manager port is now in pillar
- PNDA-2272 review formulas in order to ensure no issue on deployment even if there is not all roles
- PNDA-2233 Jupyter notebook plugin added to deployment manager
- Some logs were not in /var/log/pnda and so, were not shipped to the logserver
- The 'bulk' directory in HDFS is now owned by the 'pnda' user
- Prevent Gobblin from ingesting internal kafka __consumer_offsets topic
- ntp:servers pillar default was removed, but can still be set
- Install Jupyter-Spark extension
- Add default Grafana dashboards for PNDA metrics
- PNDA-2010 Create Graphite datasource
- Add a simple minimal notebook to explain basic Jupyter usage
- Create PNDA OpenTSDB default datasource in Grafana
- PNDA-820 Added graphite formula to salt
- PNDA-2022 Re-raise exceptions from cm_setup for fail fast behaviour
- PNDA-2009 Tell upstart to not log console output of data-logger
- PNDA-1933 CM setup waits on cloudera manager being available
- Do not use http download for cloudera manager
- Clean ups to Grafana states
- Clean ups to OpenTSDB states
- Clean ups to Jupyter states
- PNDA-2012 Update to Grafana 3.1.1
- PNDA-1485 Update OpenTSDB to 2.2.0
- PNDA-2016 Update Zookeeper to 3.4.6
- Update Kafka Manager to
- Update Kafka to
- Use saltenv instead of env in anticipation of upcoming Salt Boron
- Automatically set test topic replication based on broker cluster size
- Make the pnda user home directory configurable
- For AWS, launch PNDA on private network
- PNDA-1923 Add the yarn daemon and application logs to logserver
- PNDA-2005 Add a state that creates a PNDA test topic on Kafka instead of using KM
- Creates and configures all PNDA services