diff --git a/.changeset/giant-camels-care.md b/.changeset/giant-camels-care.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3c91a3b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.changeset/giant-camels-care.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+'ptokens-dapp-v2': patch
+fix endpoint update and algorand pool availability warnings.
diff --git a/__mocks__/react-web3-settings.js b/__mocks__/@p.network/react-web3-settings.js
similarity index 100%
rename from __mocks__/react-web3-settings.js
rename to __mocks__/@p.network/react-web3-settings.js
diff --git a/src/components/pages/swap/__test__/Swap.test.jsx b/src/components/pages/swap/__test__/Swap.test.jsx
index 2eaa9095..c72408af 100644
--- a/src/components/pages/swap/__test__/Swap.test.jsx
+++ b/src/components/pages/swap/__test__/Swap.test.jsx
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import { ThemeContext } from 'styled-components'
import { describe, expect, it, vi } from 'vitest'
import { PBTC_ON_ETH_MAINNET, PNT_ON_BSC_MAINNET, PNT_ON_ETH_MAINNET } from '../../../../constants'
+import * as UseSwapInfo from '../../../../hooks/use-swap-info'
import swapAssets from '../../../../settings/swap-assets'
import { getDefaultSelection } from '../../../../store/swap/utils/default-selection'
import * as feeUtils from '../../../../utils/fee'
@@ -14,10 +15,10 @@ import * as AssetListModal from '../../../organisms/assetListModal/AssetListModa
import * as SwapInfo from '../../../organisms/swapInfo/SwapInfo'
import Swap from '../Swap'
-const Wrapper = ({ asset, originBlockchain, destBlockchain }) => {
+const Wrapper = ({ asset, originBlockchain, destBlockchain, algorand_from_assetid, algorand_to_assetid }) => {
const ThemeContextMock = {}
const [button, setButton] = useState({})
- const [wallets] = useState({ eth: {}, bsc: {} })
+ const [wallets] = useState({ eth: {}, bsc: {}, algorand: {} })
const updateSwapButton = useCallback((_text, _disabled = false) => {
setButton({ text: _text, disabled: _disabled })
}, [])
@@ -26,6 +27,8 @@ const Wrapper = ({ asset, originBlockchain, destBlockchain }) => {
v2selection.asset = asset
v2selection.from = originBlockchain
v2selection.to = destBlockchain
+ v2selection.algorand_from_assetid = algorand_from_assetid
+ v2selection.algorand_to_assetid = algorand_to_assetid
const [assets] = useState([...swapAssets, ...getDefaultSelection(swapAssets, v2selection)])
return (
@@ -81,6 +84,72 @@ describe('Swap', async () => {
+ it('Should prevent USDT swap from Algorand if pool is not reachable', async () => {
+ vi.spyOn(UseSwapInfo, 'useSwapInfo').mockReturnValue({ eta: '1', poolAmount: undefined })
+ vi.spyOn(SwapInfo, 'default').mockImplementation(() =>
+ vi.spyOn(feeUtils, 'getSwapFees').mockResolvedValue({ basisPoints: 15, networkFee: 1e18, minProtocolFee: 2e18 })
+ render()
+ await waitFor(() => expect(screen.getByText(/Unknown liquidity/)).toBeInTheDocument())
+ const [swapButton] = screen.getAllByRole('button')
+ const [fromInput, toInput] = screen.getAllByRole('textbox')
+ await UserEvent.type(fromInput, '1')
+ expect(fromInput).toHaveAttribute('value', '1')
+ expect(toInput).toHaveAttribute('value', '-2')
+ expect(swapButton).toHaveTextContent('Unknown liquidity')
+ expect(screen.getByText(/It is currently not possible to check the/)).toBeInTheDocument()
+ expect(swapButton).toBeDisabled()
+ })
+ it('Should continue and warn USDT swap from Algorand if pool liquidity is insufficient', async () => {
+ vi.spyOn(UseSwapInfo, 'useSwapInfo').mockReturnValue({ eta: '1', poolAmount: '1000' })
+ vi.spyOn(SwapInfo, 'default').mockImplementation(() => )
+ vi.spyOn(feeUtils, 'getSwapFees').mockResolvedValue({ basisPoints: 15, networkFee: 1e18, minProtocolFee: 2e18 })
+ render()
+ await waitFor(() => expect(screen.getByText(/Enter an amount/)).toBeInTheDocument())
+ const [swapButton] = screen.getAllByRole('button')
+ const [fromInput, toInput] = screen.getAllByRole('textbox')
+ await UserEvent.type(fromInput, '10000')
+ expect(fromInput).toHaveAttribute('value', '10,000')
+ expect(toInput).toHaveAttribute('value', '9,984')
+ expect(swapButton).toHaveTextContent('Insufficient liquidity')
+ expect(screen.getByText(/There is not enough liquidity in the stableswap/)).toBeInTheDocument()
+ expect(swapButton).toBeDisabled()
+ })
+ it('Should continue and warn USDT swap to Algorand if pool is not reachable', async () => {
+ vi.spyOn(UseSwapInfo, 'useSwapInfo').mockReturnValue({ eta: '1', poolAmount: undefined })
+ vi.spyOn(SwapInfo, 'default').mockImplementation(() => )
+ vi.spyOn(feeUtils, 'getSwapFees').mockResolvedValue({ basisPoints: 15, networkFee: 1e18, minProtocolFee: 2e18 })
+ render()
+ await waitFor(() => expect(screen.getByText(/Enter an amount/)).toBeInTheDocument())
+ const [swapButton] = screen.getAllByRole('button')
+ const [fromInput, toInput] = screen.getAllByRole('textbox')
+ await UserEvent.type(fromInput, '100')
+ expect(fromInput).toHaveAttribute('value', '100')
+ expect(toInput).toHaveAttribute('value', '97')
+ expect(swapButton).toHaveTextContent('Connect Wallet')
+ expect(screen.getByText(/It is currently not possible to check the/)).toBeInTheDocument()
+ expect(swapButton).toBeEnabled()
+ })
+ it('Should continue and warn USDT swap to Algorand if pool liquidity is insufficient', async () => {
+ vi.spyOn(UseSwapInfo, 'useSwapInfo').mockReturnValue({ eta: '1', poolAmount: '1000' })
+ vi.spyOn(SwapInfo, 'default').mockImplementation(() => )
+ vi.spyOn(feeUtils, 'getSwapFees').mockResolvedValue({ basisPoints: 15, networkFee: 1e18, minProtocolFee: 2e18 })
+ render()
+ await waitFor(() => expect(screen.getByText(/Enter an amount/)).toBeInTheDocument())
+ const [swapButton] = screen.getAllByRole('button')
+ const [fromInput, toInput] = screen.getAllByRole('textbox')
+ await UserEvent.type(fromInput, '10000')
+ expect(fromInput).toHaveAttribute('value', '10,000')
+ expect(toInput).toHaveAttribute('value', '9,984')
+ expect(swapButton).toHaveTextContent('Connect Wallet')
+ expect(
+ screen.getByText(/Due to insufficient liquidity it may not be possible to process a swap of this size/)
+ ).toBeInTheDocument()
+ expect(swapButton).toBeEnabled()
+ })
it('Should continue with balance null', async () => {
vi.spyOn(SwapInfo, 'default').mockImplementation(() => )
vi.spyOn(feeUtils, 'getSwapFees').mockResolvedValue({ basisPoints: 15, networkFee: 1e18, minProtocolFee: 2e18 })