- Google word lookup for the floating definitions is no longer available; use Bing instead.
- English floating definitions now include dots for pronunciation.
- Naver is no longer available for Korean; use Wiktionary instead.
- Improved word conjugation tracking, especially for Swedish.
- Ignore selected words with punctuation in the middle, except for hyphens.
- Faster dropdown list opening in the popup dictionary.
- Fixed real person pronunciation issue (#148).
- Fixed floating definitions for German, Tajik, Thai, Japanese, Indonesian, etc.
- Fixed ChatGPT dictionary lookup when a previous word is still processing.
- Fixed word auto-completions in the popup dictionary.
- Inject the lookup popover to customized container so that it's able to look up word on Captionz even in fullscreen.
- Add/remove the lookup item from contextmenu without needing to restart, fix issue#145.
- Ignore stopwords when checking sentence to support phrase like "get it in the bag".
- Remove info about dictionariez pro.
- Ignore single letter and words contain special characters in the middle when selected.
- Promote Captionz.
- Not showing the share page after every update.
- Add back the excludedSites setting so that it won't run on some websites.
- Update the privacy notice regarding tab url.
- CatsLoveYouTube has changed to Captionz.
- Add a delay to toggle the dropdown lists so that it's less sensitive.
- No autocomplete after the word is searched.
- Fix getting the word and it's context from iframe embeded page.
- Increase the default dict window size.
- Close the dropdown list when ESC is pressed.
- No open the share page when update.
- Add Captionz to the default dicts.
- Update TextPixie in the defualt dicts.
- Fix opening dict window when somehow the screenWith can be undefined.
- Fix styles on the privacy notice page.
- Support more dynamic dicts like textpixie.
- Rewrite the privacy notice according to Firefox's review.
- Try to use wiktionary when google dict is unavailable.
- Remove the window move for Firefox as Firefox has fixed the issue of setting window's position.
- Close the dropdown list when query word from suggestions.
- Address the privacy policy and require user consent at the beging of INSTALL or UPDATE this plugin as Firefox required.
- Removed the functionality of CatsLoveYoutube as it might violate user privacy.
- Removed the functionality of ShareWithPals as it might violate user privacy.
- Fix the dict of ChatGPT.
- Fix the dict of Claude.
- Auto close the dropdown menu when mouse moved out. issues#137
- Open share page when update.
- Inject css for dict sooner.
- Use ChatGPT, Gemini and Claude for translation too.
- Auto fill word for websites not accepting word query in their url, such as Aryanpour.com. issue#135
- Auto open the dropdown list when mouse hovered on it. issue#134
- Fix sentence checking for CJK languages.
- Fix duplicate lookups on ChatGPT and other AIs.
- No save translation sentence(> 3 words) esp on Google translate.
- Refresh(focus) all opened dicts even when open a new dict.
- Fix looping the previous property when there is only one word in history.
- Fix the options page on small screens like macbook air.
- Fix some styles for thefreedictionary, urban, and merriamwebster.
- Fix chatgpt button selector so that it could stop responding.
- Fix looking up through context menu in pdf, issue#136.
- Auto focus on the search input on the dict
- Fix rating the word.
- Fix exporting to Anki on Firefox.
- Fix pasting images that got duplicated on Firefox when exporting to Anki.
- Change to Manifest V2 for Firefox, as Firefox Manifest V3 uses opt-in for site permissions which makes Dictionariez not work at all.
- Remove Scripting and all host permissions, use activeTab permission instead, which is more restricted but much safer.
- excludedSites option is removed now as the content-scripts injection is specified in manifest, couldn't be filtered anymore.
- Fix the submit button selector for the ChatGPT dict.
- Quicker pronounciation of word.
- Some minor style changes in the anki editor.
- Change the default key shortcut to open options to H instead of D as D on browsers is for bookmarks by default.
- Add the notice for Dictionariez Pro.
- Rename to Dictionariez: Your Dictionary, Your Language.
- Fix not querying word again when click on the dict but word is not changed.
- Fix dict name changing when querying.
- Fix opening dict window when a second screen is removed while the dict was open on it before.
- Fix using Enter to submit on ChatGPT.
- Upgrade to Google's new manifest v3 standard, which involves a lot of hassle.
- Be able to parse dict from any code block on pnlpal.dev.
- Fix dict positions on multiple screens.
- Fix chatgpt dict.
- Fix getting definitions from wiktionary.
- Better positioning images on Anki editor.
- Fix flickering dark theme at the opening of the dict.
- Dark theme for the options page as well.
- Fix close-image icon on Anki.
- Remove the volume icon when showing Thai definitions.
- Dark theme for the dict according to system preference.
- Fix adding words on Anki.
- Fix adding images on Anki.
- Fix using the default dict set by user when querying.
- Fix parsing some words with accent mark esp for Russian, see issue#116.
- Be able to get video info for cats-love-youtube.
- Add integration with Cats Love YouTube.
- Fix looking up words in iframes.
- Fix querying a word always using lowercase.
- Fix speaking voice for some languages.
- Add pronunciations to ChatGPT examples and definitions.
- Setup dictionary when open ChatGPT on mobile.
- Setup dev functions and examples in the console of the options page.
- Fix closing dropdown menus when clicking on the area of the dict.
- Integrate with ChatGPT.
- Reduce the default dicts.
- Fix getting sentence when looking up with keyboard shortcut.
- Fix layout of the options page on mobile.
- More concise view on mobile.
- Fix the refresh of the dict on open it again.
- Fix changing dict when opened multiple dict windows.
- Remove promotion of Twitter and Telegram channel.
- Remove the sharing btn to pnlpal in the word history.
- Support Finnish.
- Support Indonesian.
- Fix parsing words in multiple languages.
- Finnally get rid of invalid requests when parsing some words.
- Fix hiding the loading box when no result found.
- Auto adapt the image size when adding to Anki.
- Export the sentence column to csv.
- Can change the mark color of highlight.
- Support Polish.
- Fix getting the real person pronunciation of English words.
- Follow more conjugated words if possible.
- Won't show the share page anymore when update.
- Parse the Swedish wiktionary when the Swedish word couldn't be found on the English wiktionary site.
- Fix reordering the dicts when the sequence has a duplicate.
- Parse multiple languages if possible.
- Parse word conjugation if possible.
- Add a skip button on Anki when importing words.
- Fix dict position on multiple monitors.
- Fix installing dict from non-json code block.
- Fix thefreedictionry style on #issues/82.
- Add Naver dict for Korean language
- Fix sharing to pnlpal
- Fix styles esp for mobile phone
- Fix range object not exist error in inject.js
- fix recursively following words.
- fix looking up when English is disabled.
- Support mobile browsers like Kiwi and Flow.
- Follow transformed words in some languages such as Swedish.
- Set tts to the sentence when export to Anki.
- Auto select the word when focus on the input.
- Fix loading images when exporting word to Anki.
- Add hotkey to mark words.
- Support reading text from clipboard.
- Support to exclude running on specific websites.
- Fix refreshing page when click on pronunciation.
- Fix bab.la and oxford learner dicts.
- Support Ctrl/Meta + n to access correspondent dict.
- fix: add word to history when automactically pop up dict. #60
- fix: only show the share page on install or update the app. #64
- Add Swedish, Norwegian, Danish support when double-click on a word.
- Search dicts when input keywords in the search bar to show in auto-completion list.
- Enable Keyboard(Tab or Down key) to navigate the auto-completion list in the search bar.
- Add a setting to disable "share with pals" in the context menu.
- Remove the Spotify player.
- Add settings to show other lang definition alongside the English definition of some words.
- Don't inject code in editable frames, see issue #45.
- Fix getting selected words from some editors.
- Don't refresh the dict window on the same query.
- Support Vietnamese.
- Fix deleting the current using dict.
- Show all dicts on the header bar.
- Hide some UI elements on really small window.
- A donation button.
- Add settings of getting UK & US phonetic symbols and real person pronunciation.
- Add settings of changing English lookup sources
- Support captionz to watch YouTube videos with dual captions.
- Ignore highlight on Twitter due to #38.
- Fix dict window out of screen on Windows;
- Remove word's ending of punctuation signs;
- Restore the default dictionaries button;
- Launched helper of watching YouTube video on Captionz.
- Fix looking up words in frames.
- Settings of disable context menu items.
- fix dict window disappeared when its width & height is wrongly set to 0
- Simple way to add more dictionaries to your collection.
- Now support Portuguese and Russian.
- Improved result for German, French etc.
- Share on pnlpal using context menu
- Launched pnlpal community.
- Now French, German, Spanish, Italian are all supported with floating definition.
- Fix getting sentence of the word on Firefox.
- Automatically open the dict to look up when you export words to Anki.
- Not show wikipedia result on other dict windows(non-main windows)
- Open multiple dict window with Ctrl key pressed.
- Fix getting selected word when click on the icon and from the context menu.
- Fix too sensitive of pronunciation when hover on the speaker.
- Remove some background color when export to anki, compatible with night-mode of anki;
- Enlarge font-size when export to anki.
- Show wikipedia result on dict window
- Get images on some words when export to anki
- Export words to anki!
- Simplify english floating definition, use Google as source.
- For Chinese language, now supports Pinyin and definition in Chinese.
- Add synthesis speak for Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Thai languages.
- Floating definitions now support Thai language.
- Cancel default word highlight and pronunciations.
- Can disable word history now.
- Fix lookup in editable elements.
- Floating definition of Korean and Tajik languages support, will add more.
For more history check on Firefox version history page