Poderopedia Plug & Play Platform is a Data Intelligence Semantic Management System that provides media organizations and private companies a new data toolkit and revenue model, by allowing them to create and manage large semantic datasets of information about entities, to show and map their connections, related documents, information sources and news mentions.
Poderopedia Plug & Play Platform is built on top of open source technology, it's award winning research methodology and it's own semantic ontology that turns the entities information into linked data, readable by machines. The Platform provides journalist -who don't know how to code- a way to create data visualizations by simply adding connections in a form built into Plug & Play.
The Platform enables to define roles and editing permissions, receive collaborations from registered users, permit users to embed profiles and data visualizations in other websites and last but not least: display all the information in a public or private website, that can work as standalone product or as a public searchable database that can interoperate with a Newsroom`s website providing rich contextual information for news content using it's archive.
Problems Poderopedia Plug & Play Platform helps to solve
In most countries in the world, but specially in under developed and third world countries, the elites, companies, businessmen and politicians are very much inter connected. Their members have the same last names, they marry each other, they go to the same schools and universities, are members of the same private clubs, secular and non secular groups and have strong political and business ties.
Decisions that become news and affect people`s every day life for good or bad are made by this influential people, companies and institutions. Having the big picture of who is who in business and politics and their networks helps you understand why things happen in one way or another, cuts information asymmetry, helps everyone to make more informed decisions, makes powerful people more accountable of their acts and promotes better democracy and a healthier society.