Releases: polito/students-app
Releases · polito/students-app
What's Changed
New Features 🎉
- feat(bookings): allow to create and cancel bookings by @davidecarizzoni in #361
- feat(places): add EventPlacesScreen, update dep marker, fix place resources by @umbopepato in #358
Fixes 🔧
- fix(courses): cannot see previous years virtual classrooms by @lpezzolla in #348
- fix(agenda): mantain agenda screen layout orientation by @emacoricciati in #349
- fix(onboarding): UI and tablet responsiveness by @lpezzolla in #347
- fix(tickets): add clickable links by @emacoricciati in #351
- fix(tickets): eol is not respected in writing a new ticket by @emacoricciati in #350
- fix(courses): restore rendering of courses without id_inc by @lpezzolla in #364
- fix(ui): keep theme across dev reload by @lpezzolla in #365
Full Changelog: v1.5.2...v1.5.3
What's Changed
Fixes 🔧
- fix(places): missing places in search by @QcFe in #308
- fix(auth): fix forgot password link by @lpezzolla in #314
- fix(ui): fix app system theme by @emacoricciati in #316
- fix(courses): improve space usage in course header by @lpezzolla in #321
- fix(courses): prevent unnecessary rerenders when in CourseNoticesScreen by @lpezzolla in #338
- fix: refactor translucent text usages to restore functionality in all services by @lpezzolla in #315
- fix(agenda): hiding a course does not reflect on agenda immediately by @lpezzolla in #339
- fix(courses): notices render badly when teachers include custom styles by @lpezzolla in #343
- fix(agenda): manage multiple rooms in agenda exam card by @lpezzolla in #340
- fix(places): restore free rooms search by @lpezzolla in #313
- fix: onboarding navigation by @lpezzolla in #344
New Contributors
- @emacoricciati made their first contribution in #316
Full Changelog: v1.5.0...v1.5.2
What's Changed
New Features 🎉
- feat(bookings): allow to read and check-in to existing bookings by @davidecarizzoni in #303
- feat(guides): add guide service by @gpiazza-polito in #305
- feat(offering): add offering service by @davidecarizzoni in #299
Other Changes
- Feature/places by @umbopepato in #306
New Contributors
- @gpiazza-polito made their first contribution in #305
Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.5.0
Full Changelog: v1.3.3...v1.4.0
What's Changed
New Features 🎉
- feat(messages): show messages in UI by @davidecarizzoni in #290
Fixes 🔧
- fix: handle language preference forwarding to the server by @lpezzolla in #292
Refactor ♻️
- refactor(exams): improve UI by @lpezzolla in #291
Full Changelog: v1.3.1...v1.3.2
What's Changed
Fixes 🔧
- fix(ui): header accessory wrong background color on Android dark by @umbopepato in f75d5dc
- fix(ui): repeated services and news screens spacing by @umbopepato in 19603e1
Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.3.1
What's Changed
New Features 🎉
- feat(sentry): collect client errors with Sentry by @lpezzolla in #269, #272
- feat(job-offers): add job offers service by @davidecarizzoni in #271
- feat(agenda): add a weekly layout (horizontal) for the agenda by @lpezzolla in #286
- feat(news): add news service by @davidecarizzoni in #284
- feat(ui): add horizontal layout support by @umbopepato in #288
Fixes 🔧
- fix(courses): video player on iOS does not play audio when the device is in silent mode by @lpezzolla in #287
CI/Pipeline 🛁
- ci(sentry): configure Sentry usage in build workflow by @lpezzolla in #273, #274, #275, #276, #277, #278, #279, #280
Other Changes
- revert(sentry): remove fastlane sentry plugin by @lpezzolla in #281
Full Changelog: v1.2.2...v1.3.0
What's Changed
Fixes 🔧
- fix(ui): override native theme based on user preferences by @lpezzolla in #246
- fix(tickets): insert agent id in ticket answer by @lpezzolla in #247
- fix(ui): transcript progress charts wrong values by @umbopepato in #240
- fix(tickets): avoid text area being hidden by the keyboard in ticket creation by @lpezzolla in #248
CI/Pipeline 🛁
Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.2.2
What's Changed
New Features 🎉
- feat(profile): add career status and degree level to profile screen by @lpezzolla in #231
- feat(transcript): add the number of credits next to grades by @lpezzolla in #235
- feat: add github to services by @lpezzolla in #239
Fixes 🔧
- fix(people): remove Department and Courses heading if unavailable by @lpezzolla in #224
- fix(transcript): fix grades translation in english by @lpezzolla in #229
- fix(ui): refresh control collapsing large header titles on iOS by @lpezzolla in #236
- fix(ui): button clicks don't work when the keyboard is open by @lpezzolla in #237
- fix(ui): refresh control not closing by @umbopepato in #238
Refactor ♻️
- refactor: strict null checks by @lpezzolla in #228
- refactor(teaching): move notice detail in dedicated screen by @lpezzolla in #232
- refactor(teaching): improve courses empty state in case all courses are hidden by @lpezzolla in #233
- refactor(ui): improve theme colors by @lpezzolla in #234
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.2.0
What's Changed
New Features 🎉
- feat(services): add "pick from gallery" option for ticket attachments on iOS by @umbopepato in #216
- feat: accessibility by @lpezzolla in #130
Fixes 🔧
- fix(people): translate course role to English by @lpezzolla in #168
- fix(grid): min columns calculation by @umbopepato in #175
- fix(teaching): app crashes in TeachingScreen when totalCredits are missing by @lpezzolla in #203
- fix(course): prevent crashes in lectures when network is unavailable by @lpezzolla in #208
- fix(persons): gracefully handle missing person response in all contexts by @lpezzolla in #202
- fix(course): change header title font size by @lpezzolla in #205
- fix(ui): attachment text overflowing container by @umbopepato in #215
- fix(ui): inconsistent and missing list dividers by @umbopepato in #217
- fix(ui): video player controls and playback while screen is not visible by @umbopepato in #218
- fix(ui): agenda tabs background color on Android by @umbopepato in #219
- fix(profile): smartcard not cached disappears when token expires by @umbopepato in #207
- fix(tickets): ticket issues, reduce duplications, improve composition by @umbopepato in #122
- fix(exams): appearance in sections by @lpezzolla in #120
- fix(person): improve person screens styling by @lpezzolla in #123
- fix: prevent "See all" count from showing when zero by @lpezzolla in #125
- fix(transcript): wrong and missing career metrics by @umbopepato in #126
- fix(tickets): attachments UX, upload and download by @umbopepato in #128
- fix(ui): translucency not refreshing with color scheme manual overrides by @umbopepato in #129
CI/Pipeline 🛁
- ci: add pre-push checks and checks workflow by @lpezzolla in #194
- ci: finalize pipeline for code checks by @QcFe in #200
- ci: labels management for release creation by @QcFe in #206
Refactor ♻️
- refactor(ui): improve flexbox components by @umbopepato in #193
- refactor(teaching): show created date in recent course files by @umbopepato in #213
- refactor(ui): add CtaButton spacer and search to course icon picker screen by @umbopepato in #214
- refactor: add hidden items count to "See all" link in section headers by @lpezzolla in #119
- refactor(services): services screen by @lpezzolla in #124
- refactor(courses): improve state management for course lectures by @lpezzolla in #127
Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v1.1.0