- GitBook.io's Javascript introduction
- Codecademy - JS - Good for practicing and learning syntax.
- Crockford's videos
- Eloquent JavaScript for beginners
- A reintroduction to javaScript
- How to Learn JavaScript Properly
- Advanced JavaScript Fundamentals
- Understand JavaScript Closures With Ease
- JS The Right Way
- JavaScript garden
- JavaScript: The Good Parts Book
- Pour enfin comprendre Javascript
- A Huge collection of free books about JS
- Human Javascript
- You don't know Js
- JavaScript Style Guide (Best Practices): write maintainable JavaScript applications
- Understanding JavaScript Inheritance
- (MDN) "Une réintroduction à JavaScript" : Les chapitre "Les objets" et suivants
- (Miximum) "Pour enfin comprendre Javascript" : chapitre "Rappel sur les classes" (qui n'existent pas en Js) et suivants
, le contexte en Javascript
- Why web modules? about Js modules calls
- Mastering the Module Pattern
- The Js Module Pattern
- The Js Revealing Module Pattern
- JavaScript design pattern: difference between module pattern and revealing module pattern
- Understanding RequireJS for Effective JavaScript Module Loading
...and then, tada! Browserify!!
- Getting Started With Browserify: Node.js style modules in the browser
Pour aller plus loin :
- Writing Modular JavaScript With AMD, CommonJS & ES Harmony by Addy Osmani
- Why AMD présentation et défense du modèle AMD
- some best practices for JS modules in a sharing perspective
- Authoring AMD Modules
- Javascript Generators
- JavaScript Promises
- PromiseJs
- Promise: Anti-Patterns
- Promises explain with Ken & Barbie
- Les Promesses en Javascript
- JavaScript design patterns #blogPost
- Essential JavaScript Design Patterns For Beginners
- JavaScript Patterns Book
- Les patterns en Js
- Scalable JavaScript Application Architecture
- Patterns For Large-Scale JavaScript Application Architecture
- http://nodejs.org
- http://nodeschool.io
- sergtitov / NodeJS-Learning
- how to write node programs with streams
- How To Build A CLI Tool With Node.js And PhantomJS
- So you want to learn NodeJs?
- Yeoman - Project and modules generator
- Gulp - Task runner/build system
- Building with Gulp
- Getting started with Gulp
- Gulp 5 minutes guide
- Grunt - Task runner/build system
- [Premiers pas avec Grunt](http://putaindecode.fr/posts/js/premiers-pas-avec-grunt
- Coding style: Google Javascript style Guide
- JsLinting: Comprendre la différence entre JSLint, JSHint, JSCS & ESLint
- A bit of Mustache. A really extra super simple templating library. (10 minutes tutorial)
- Ractive : Fun, 60 seconds to get running.
- [Apprendre MeteorJS] (http://mquandalle.gitbooks.io/apprendre-meteor/)