Marvelous language from the 20th century.
a great PHP overview
PHP Practicals (TPs)
Do your homework.
Please read the whole page.
A shorter version of the last 2 links: "Best Practices for Modern PHP Development"
Please understand this : First 5 Principles of Object Oriented Design
- PhpUnit manual: Read the 5 first chapters
- Composer: The entire "getting started" chapter. Check this cheat sheet
- Vagrant: The entire "getting started" chapter, because you don't want to use MAMP nor WAMP
- Behat: The entire "Quick Intro to Behat" chapter
- PhpSpec: The entire "Spec BDD with phpspec" introduction chapter
- PHP Standard Recommendations in the PHP Framework Interop Group documentation: The PSR-0 to 4 presentations
- list the concepts & tools you already know well
- list the concepts & tools you need to learn
- being able to boot up a LAMP environment from a VagrantFile
- being able to use composer.json conf file
- being able to write tests
- being able to understand & use PSR
Discover each tool listed.
Being able to understand the interest of each of them & choose the right tool
A curated list of amazingly awesome PHP libraries, resources and shiny things, on Github.