This is a sbt plugin for
Server example at (do not use plugin, only a normal graphql server )
// plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("io.github.jxnu-liguobin" % "graphql-codegen-sbt-plugin" % "<version>")
//since graphql-java-codegen V2.2.1
// build.sbt
//default graphqlJavaCodegen is release
graphqlJavaCodegenVersion := Some("3.1.1")
graphqlSchemaPaths := List("src/main/resources/schema.graphqls")
modelPackageName := Some("io.github.dreamylost.model")
apiPackageName := Some("io.github.dreamylost.api")
generateClient := false
generateApis := true
// Scala collection cannot be used. The latter one uses the put method, which is not supported by Scala collection.
// in FB, collection is immutable
customTypesMapping := {
val mapping = new util.HashMap[String, String]
mapping.put("Email", "io.github.dreamylost.scalar.EmailScalar")
//Character will conflict with java.lang.Character. maybe because Scala imports it automatically java.lang *.
//So we use Full class name
//Of course, you can also add a suffix to be different from it
modelNameSuffix := Some("DO")
customAnnotationsMapping := {
val mapping = new util.HashMap[String, String]
//must add this annotation
//property is __typename and you must with __typename while invoke, like new CharacterResponseProjection().id().name().typename()
//and in @JsonSubTypes.Type, name is __typename's value
s"""@com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeInfo(use=com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include=com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY,property = "__typename")${System.lineSeparator()}@com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonSubTypes(value = {
| @com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonSubTypes.Type(value = HumanDO.class, name = "Human"),
| @com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonSubTypes.Type(value = DroidDO.class, name = "Droid")})
SBT task
- graphqlSchemaValidate
- use validate at terminal by user, can get args from terminal, such as
graphqlSchemaValidate src/main/resources/schema.graphqls
, args split with space
- use validate at terminal by user, can get args from terminal, such as
- graphqlCodegen
- generate java code from graphql schema
- graphqlCodegenValidate
- use validate schemas that config in build.sbt key:
- use validate schemas that config in build.sbt key:
Please refer to Codegen Options
in sbt plugin option
was rename togeneratePackageName
can be used for setting codegen path where code have bean created by taskgraphqlCodegen
, since 3.0.0 .