All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning and Keep a CHANGELOG.
- For 50.1
- For 50
- Foo
- Stuff
- So much stuff
- Bar
- Foo
- A thing
- Does anything break on PR with branch rename? (PR #134)
- Foo (PR #123)
- Nothing here
- Something big (PR #109)
- Something big (PR #109)
- Test (PR #110)
- Test (PR #111)
- Test (PR #112)
- Test (PR #114)
- Testing (PR #120)
- Action version testing (PR #105)
- Bold Philadelphia change (PR #104)
- stuff happened
- more changelog
- Stuff
- New thing
- Not my fault
- Really fixed. I swear.
- Got that release process working
- Release process tooling
- A new changelog entry
- Cbl9 (PR #25)
- Hopefully correct URL (PR #22)
- Coming from a fork (PR #21)
- clb5 pr with changelog label (PR #20)
- clb5 pr with changelog label (PR #20)
- Another PR with changelog label (PR #19)
- stuff