Schedulers abstract away mechanism for performing work.
Different mechanisms for performing work include, current thread, dispatch queues, operation queues, new threads, thread pools, run loops ...
There are two main operators that work with schedulers. observeOn
and subscribeOn
If you want to perform work on different scheduler just use observeOn(scheduler)
You would usually use observeOn
a lot more often then subscribeOn
In case observeOn
isn't explicitly specified, work will be performed on which ever thread/scheduler elements are generated.
Example of using observeOn
.map { n in
print("This is performed on background scheduler")
.map { n in
print("This is performed on main scheduler")
If you want to start sequence generation (subscribe
method) and call dispose on a specific scheduler, use subscribeOn(scheduler)
In case subscribeOn
isn't explicitly specified, subscribe
method will be called on the same thread/scheduler that subscribeNext
or subscribe
is called.
In case subscribeOn
isn't explicitly specified, dispose
method will be called on the same thread/scheduler that initiated disposing.
In short, if no explicit scheduler is chosen, those methods will be called on current thread/scheduler.
Since schedulers can really be anything, and all operators that transform sequences need to preserve additional implicit guarantees, it is important what kind of schedulers are you creating.
In case scheduler is concurrent, Rx's observeOn
and subscribeOn
operators will make sure everything works perfect.
If you use some scheduler that for which Rx can prove that it's serial, it will able to perform additional optimizations.
So far it only performing those optimizations for dispatch queue schedulers.
In case of serial dispatch queue schedulers observeOn
is optimized to just a simple dispatch_async
Besides current schedulers, you can write your own schedulers.
If you just want to describe who needs to perform work immediately, you can create your own scheduler by implementing ImmediateScheduler
public protocol ImmediateScheduler {
func schedule<StateType>(state: StateType, action: (/*ImmediateScheduler,*/ StateType) -> RxResult<Disposable>) -> RxResult<Disposable>
If you want to create new scheduler that supports time based operations, then you'll need to implement.
public protocol Scheduler: ImmediateScheduler {
associatedtype TimeInterval
associatedtype Time
var now : Time {
func scheduleRelative<StateType>(state: StateType, dueTime: TimeInterval, action: (StateType) -> RxResult<Disposable>) -> RxResult<Disposable>
In case scheduler only has periodic scheduling capabilities, you can inform Rx by implementing PeriodicScheduler
public protocol PeriodicScheduler : Scheduler {
func schedulePeriodic<StateType>(state: StateType, startAfter: TimeInterval, period: TimeInterval, action: (StateType) -> StateType) -> RxResult<Disposable>
In case scheduler doesn't support PeriodicScheduling
capabilities, Rx will emulate periodic scheduling transparently.
Rx can use all types of schedulers, but it can also perform some additional optimizations if it has proof that scheduler is serial.
These are currently supported schedulers
Schedules units of work on the current thread. This is the default scheduler for operators that generate elements.
This scheduler is also sometimes called trampoline scheduler
If CurrentThreadScheduler.instance.schedule(state) { }
is called for first time on some thread, scheduled action will be executed immediately and hidden queue will be created where all recursively scheduled actions will be temporarily enqueued.
If some parent frame on call stack is already running CurrentThreadScheduler.instance.schedule(state) { }
, scheduled action will be enqueued and executed when currently running action and all previously enqueued actions have finished executing.
Abstracts work that needs to be performed on MainThread
. In case schedule
methods are called from main thread, it will perform action immediately without scheduling.
This scheduler is usually used to perform UI work.
Abstracts the work that needs to be performed on a specific dispatch_queue_t
. It will make sure that even if concurrent dispatch queue is passed, it's transformed into a serial one.
Serial schedulers enable certain optimizations for observeOn
Main scheduler is an instance of SerialDispatchQueueScheduler
Abstracts the work that needs to be performed on a specific dispatch_queue_t
. You can also pass a serial dispatch queue, it shouldn't cause any problems.
This scheduler is suitable when some work needs to be performed in background.
Abstracts the work that needs to be performed on a specific NSOperationQueue
This scheduler is suitable for cases when there is some bigger chunk of work that needs to be performed in background and you want to fine tune concurrent processing using maxConcurrentOperationCount