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A node client for the Salesforce Pub/Sub API


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Node client for the Salesforce Pub/Sub API

See the official Pub/Sub API repo for more information on the Salesforce gRPC-based Pub/Sub API.

Installation and Configuration

Install the client library with npm install salesforce-pubsub-api-client.

Create a .env file at the root of the project for configuration.

Pick one of these authentication flows and fill the relevant configuration:

  • User supplied authentication
  • Username/password authentication (recommended for tests)
  • OAuth 2.0 client credentials
  • OAuth 2.0 JWT Bearer (recommended for production)

The default client logger is fine for a test environement but you'll want to switch to a custom logger with asynchronous logging for increased performance.

User supplied authentication

If you already have a Salesforce client in your app, you can reuse its authentication information. You only need this minimal configuration:


When connecting to the Pub/Sub API, use the following method instead of the standard connect() method to specify authentication information:

await client.connectWithAuth(accessToken, instanceUrl, organizationId);

Username/password flow

Relying on a username/password authentication flow for production is not recommended. Consider switching to JWT auth for extra security.


OAuth 2.0 client credentials flow (client_credentials)


OAuth 2.0 JWT bearer flow

This is the most secure authentication option. Recommended for production use.


Basic Example

Here's an example that will get you started quickly. It listens to a single account change event.

  1. Activate Account change events in Salesforce Setup > Change Data Capture.

  2. Create a sample.js file with this content:

    import PubSubApiClient from 'salesforce-pubsub-api-client';
    async function run() {
        try {
            const client = new PubSubApiClient();
            await client.connect();
            // Subscribe to a single incoming account change event
            const eventEmitter = await client.subscribe(
            // Handle incoming events
            eventEmitter.on('data', (event) => {
                    `Handling ${event.payload.ChangeEventHeader.entityName} change event ` +
                        `with ID ${event.replayId} ` +
                        `on channel ${eventEmitter.getTopicName()} ` +
                        `(${eventEmitter.getReceivedEventCount()}/${eventEmitter.getRequestedEventCount()} ` +
                        `events received so far)`
                console.log(JSON.stringify(event, null, 2));
            // Handle last requested event
            eventEmitter.on('lastevent', (event) => {
                    `Reached last requested event on channel ${eventEmitter.getTopicName()}.`
                // At this point the gRPC client will close automatically
                // unless you re-subscribe to request more events (default Pub/Sub API behavior)
        } catch (error) {
  3. Run the project with node sample.js

    If everything goes well, you'll see output like this:

    Connected to Salesforce org as
    Connected to Pub/Sub API endpoint
    Topic schema loaded: /data/AccountChangeEvent
    Subscribe request sent for 1 events from /data/AccountChangeEvent...

    At this point the script will be on hold and will wait for events.

  4. Modify an account record in Salesforce. This fires an account change event.

    Once the client receives an event, it will display it like this:

    Received 1 events, latest replay ID: 18098167
    Handling Account change event with ID 18098167 on channel /data/AccountChangeEvent (1/1 events received so far)
        "replayId": 18098167,
        "payload": {
            "ChangeEventHeader": {
            "entityName": "Account",
            "recordIds": [
            "changeType": "UPDATE",
            "changeOrigin": "com/salesforce/api/soap/58.0;client=SfdcInternalAPI/",
            "transactionKey": "000046c7-a642-11e2-c29b-229c6786473e",
            "sequenceNumber": 1,
            "commitTimestamp": 1696444513000,
            "commitNumber": 11657372702432,
            "commitUser": "00558000000yFyDAAU",
            "nulledFields": [],
            "diffFields": [],
            "changedFields": [
            "Name": null,
            "Type": null,
            "ParentId": null,
            "BillingAddress": {
                "Street": null,
                "City": "San Francisco",
                "State": "CA",
                "PostalCode": null,
                "Country": null,
                "StateCode": null,
                "CountryCode": null,
                "Latitude": null,
                "Longitude": null,
                "Xyz": null,
                "GeocodeAccuracy": null
            "ShippingAddress": null,
            "Phone": null,
            "Fax": null,
            "AccountNumber": null,
            "Website": null,
            "Sic": null,
            "Industry": null,
            "AnnualRevenue": null,
            "NumberOfEmployees": null,
            "Ownership": null,
            "TickerSymbol": null,
            "Description": null,
            "Rating": null,
            "Site": null,
            "OwnerId": null,
            "CreatedDate": null,
            "CreatedById": null,
            "LastModifiedDate": 1696444513000,
            "LastModifiedById": null,
            "Jigsaw": null,
            "JigsawCompanyId": null,
            "CleanStatus": null,
            "AccountSource": null,
            "DunsNumber": null,
            "Tradestyle": null,
            "NaicsCode": null,
            "NaicsDesc": null,
            "YearStarted": null,
            "SicDesc": null,
            "DandbCompanyId": null

    Note that the change event payloads include all object fields but fields that haven't changed are null. In the above example, the only changes are the Billing State, Billing City and Last Modified Date.

    Use the values from ChangeEventHeader.nulledFields, ChangeEventHeader.diffFields and ChangeEventHeader.changedFields to identify actual value changes.

    After receiving the number of requested events, the script will terminate with these messages:

    Reached last requested event on channel /data/AccountChangeEvent
    gRPC stream status: {"code":0,"details":"","metadata":{}}
    gRPC stream ended

Other Examples

Publish a platform event

Publish a Sample__e Platform Event with a Message__c field:

const payload = {
    CreatedDate: new Date().getTime(), // Non-null value required but there's no validity check performed on this field
    CreatedById: '005_________', // Valid user ID
    Message__c: { string: 'Hello world' } // Field is nullable so we need to specify the 'string' type
const publishResult = await client.publish('/event/Sample__e', payload);
console.log('Published event: ', JSON.stringify(publishResult));

Subscribe with a replay ID

Subscribe to 5 account change events starting from a replay ID:

const eventEmitter = await client.subscribeFromReplayId(

Subscribe to past events in retention window

Subscribe to the 3 earliest past account change events in retention window:

const eventEmitter = await client.subscribeFromEarliestEvent(

Handle gRPC stream lifecycle events

Use the EventEmmitter returned by subscribe methods to handle gRPC stream lifecycle events:

// Stream end
eventEmitter.on('end', () => {
    console.log('gRPC stream ended');

// Stream error
eventEmitter.on('error', (error) => {
    console.error('gRPC stream error: ', JSON.stringify(error));

// Stream status update
eventEmitter.on('status', (status) => {
    console.log('gRPC stream status: ', status);

Use a custom logger

The client logs output to the console by default but you can provide your favorite logger in the client constructor.

When in production, asynchronous logging is preferable for performance reasons.

For example:

import pino from 'pino';

const logger = pino();
const client = new PubSubApiClient(logger);



Client for the Salesforce Pub/Sub API


Builds a new Pub/Sub API client.

Name Type Description
logger Logger an optional custom logger. The client uses the console if no value is supplied.


Closes the gRPC connection. The client will no longer receive events for any topic.

async connect() → {Promise.<void>}

Authenticates with Salesforce then, connects to the Pub/Sub API.

Returns: Promise that resolves once the connection is established.

async connectWithAuth(accessToken, instanceUrl, organizationIdopt) → {Promise.<void>}

Connects to the Pub/Sub API with user-supplied authentication.

Returns: Promise that resolves once the connection is established.

Name Type Description
accessToken string Salesforce access token
instanceUrl string Salesforce instance URL
organizationId string optional organization ID. If you don't provide one, we'll attempt to parse it from the accessToken.

async publish(topicName, payload, correlationKeyopt) → {Promise.<PublishResult>}

Publishes a payload to a topic using the gRPC client.

Returns: Promise holding a PublishResult object with replayId and correlationKey.

Name Type Description
topicName string name of the topic that we're subscribing to
payload Object
correlationKey string optional correlation key. If you don't provide one, we'll generate a random UUID for you.

async subscribe(topicName, numRequested) → {Promise.<EventEmitter>}

Subscribes to a topic.

Returns: Promise that holds an EventEmitter that allows you to listen to received events and stream lifecycle events.

Name Type Description
topicName string name of the topic that we're subscribing to
numRequested number number of events requested

async subscribeFromEarliestEvent(topicName, numRequested) → {Promise.<EventEmitter>}

Subscribes to a topic and retrieves all past events in retention window.

Returns: Promise that holds an EventEmitter that allows you to listen to received events and stream lifecycle events.

Name Type Description
topicName string name of the topic that we're subscribing to
numRequested number number of events requested

async subscribeFromReplayId(topicName, numRequested, replayId) → {Promise.<EventEmitter>}

Subscribes to a topic and retrieve past events starting from a replay ID.

Returns: Promise that holds an EventEmitter that allows you to listen to received events and stream lifecycle events.

Name Type Description
topicName string name of the topic that we're subscribing to
numRequested number number of events requested
replayId number replay ID


EventEmitter wrapper for processing incoming Pub/Sub API events while keeping track of the topic name and the volume of events requested/received.

The emitter sends the following events:

Event Name Event Data Description
data Object Client received a new event. The attached data is the parsed event data.
error EventParseError | Object Signals an event parsing error or a gRPC stream error.
lastevent void Signals that we received the last event that the client requested. The stream will end shortly.
keepalive { latestReplayId: number, pendingNumRequested: number } Server publishes this keep alive message every 270 seconds (or less) if there are no events
end void Signals the end of the gRPC stream.
status Object Misc gRPC stream status information.


Holds the information related to an event parsing error. This class attempts to extract the event replay ID from the event that caused the error.

Name Type Description
message string The error message.
cause Error The cause of the error.
replayId number The replay ID of the event at the origin of the error. Could be undefined if we're not able to extract it from the event data.
event Object The un-parsed event data at the origin of the error.
latestReplayId number The latest replay ID that was received before the error.