Qubit SDK ReactNative
Javascript ReactNative Bridge API
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Android Bridge API iOS Bridge API
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Qubit SDK Android Qubit SDK iOS
List of functions of Javascript module, which have to be implemented in native modules for both platforms: Android and iOS.
- init
- sendEvent
- enableTracker
- getTrackingId
- getDeviceId
- getLookupData
- getExperiences
- experienceShown
Initialization of SDK. It should be called as early as possible after application start, only once and before any other interaction with the API.
- trackingId
- Type: String
- Constraints: Not null, not empty
- Description: Tracking id (identifier of application/company etc.)
- logLevel
- Type: String
- Constraints: Not null. One of values: SILENT, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, VERBOSE. Any other value causes setting default value, which is WARN.
- Level of logs produced by native SDK.
QubitSDK.init("miquido", "DEBUG");
Sends event to the server.
- eventType
- Type: String
- Constraints: Not null
- Description: Type of event. eg. ecView
- eventBody
- Type: Javascript map of any structure
- Type: Not null
- Description: Event body
- Exception is thrown, when SDK is not initialized.
QubitSDK.sendEvent("ecView", { "type": "button", "value": "click" });
Enables or disables receiving events.
- enable
- Type: Boolean
- Constraints: Not null
- Description: true for enabling, false for disabling
- Exception is thrown, when SDK is not initialized.
Returns trackingId. Debug purposes.
Promise with String trackingId.
- Exception is thrown, when SDK is not initialized.
async function asyncFunction() {
var deviceId = await QubitSDK.getTrackingId();
Returns device id established by the SDK. Debug purposes.
Promise with String deviceId.
- Exception is thrown, when SDK is not initialized.
async function asyncFunction() {
var deviceId = await QubitSDK.getDeviceId();
Returns current Lookup Data. Debug purposes. Although it returns Promise, it returns value only if SDK have these information at the moment of the function call.
Promise with Javascript map:
{ viewNumber: 10,
sessionNumber: 4,
lastViewTs: 1863218003,
{ regionCode: '36004',
region: 'unknown',
longitude: 19.9612,
latitude: 50.0495,
countryCode: 'PL',
country: 'poland',
cityCode: '1803',
city: 'krakow',
areaCode: 'unknown',
area: 'unknown' },
ipAddress: '',
firstViewTs: 1696635454
- Exception is thrown, when SDK is not initialized.
- Exception is thrown, when SDK hasn't fetched Lookup data from server yet.
async function asyncFunction() {
var lookupData = await QubitSDK.getLookupData();
getExperiences(experienceIds, isVariationSet, variation, isPreviewSet, preview, isIgnoreSegmentsSet, ignoreSegments)
Returns list of Experiences.
- experienceIds
- Type: Array of Integers
- Constraints: Not null.
- Description: List of experiences ids. When array is empty, returns all experiences.
- isVariationSet
- Type: Boolean
- Constraints: Not null.
- Description: Is
parameter meaningful?
- variation
- Type: Integer
- Constraints: Not null.
- Description: Meaningful only when
is true?
- isPreviewSet
- Type: Boolean
- Constraints: Not null.
- Description: Is
parameter meaningful?
- preview
- Type: Boolean
- Constraints: Not null.
- Description: Meaningful only when
is true?
- isIgnoreSegmentsSet
- Type: Boolean
- Constraints: Not null.
- Description: Is
parameter meaningful?
- ignoreSegments
- Type: Boolean
- Constraints: Not null.
- Description: Meaningful only when
is true?
Promise with an array of Experiences objects. Example:
{ variation: 852190,
payload: {},
isControl: false,
id: 143640,
callback: ''
{ variation: 855620,
payload: { show_share: false,
show_sale_banner: false,
sale_banner: '',
free_shipping: 'Shipping is free for you!' },
isControl: false,
id: 144119,
callback: ''
{ variation: 972984,
payload: {},
isControl: true,
id: 160862,
callback: ''
- Exception is thrown, when SDK is not initialized.
async function asyncFunction() {
var experiences = await QubitSDK.getExperiences([], false, 0, false, false, false, false);
Sends to server information, that experience was shown
- callback
- Type: String
- Constraints: Not null.
- Description: Value of callback property in the result of getExperiences function.
- Exception is thrown, when SDK is not initialized.