Resolved all the issues for IOS and Android. Android is compatible with Android X release
Resolved bug on android -> when image is uploaded to s3 and image upload fails, the app crashes.
updated readme to contain proper instruction set
updated kotlin version in android to resolve conflicts with flutter version 1.9 and updated android studio version.
added new regions into the package.
plugin now supports pdf and other file type uploads. Other file uploads were working properly on Android before, but they were broken for IOS, so we have fixed those now too. NOTE **** Use upload method in order to upload files other than images.
Buggy -> do not use Do not use this version. older or newer version instead
Buggy -> do not use plugin is not fixed for xcode version 12
plugin is now working for ios upload also. However plugin is still not using TransferUtiltiy classes as thosee are giving issues on image uploads.
the documents and image urls path are now returned correctly.
prerelease -> this version includes null safety