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title: Pragathi Praveena
- subtitle: "ππΌ I design,
-build, and evaluate **human-robot interfaces** to enable remote work and collaboration. I am a Ph.D. candidate in [Computer Science](https://www.cs.wisc.edu/) at the [University
+ subtitle: "ππΌ I am interested in **human-robot interaction** and **collaborative systems**. I am a Postdoctoral Fellow at the [Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University.](https://www.ri.cmu.edu/)
+ I have a Ph.D. in [Computer Science](https://www.cs.wisc.edu/) from the [University
of Wisconsin-Madison.](https://www.wisc.edu/) I am advised by [Dr. Bilge Mutlu](http://bilgemutlu.com/) and
[Dr. Michael Gleicher.](https://gleicher.sites.cs.wisc.edu/)
Get a glimpse of my current
-research in this [1-minute teaser!](https://twitter.com/HRIPioneers/status/1626663545810354176?s=20)
-π I am most excited about the [*Periscope* robotic camera system](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/370602657_Periscope_A_Robotic_Camera_System_to_Support_Remote_Physical_Collaboration)
-which facilitates remote collaboration between two people. I have also been
-exploring the use of [collaborative robot arms in cinematography.](https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3544549.3585715)
My dissertation work is most concisely accessible in this [1-minute teaser!](https://twitter.com/HRIPioneers/status/1626663545810354176?s=20)
+π and/or feel free to read my (long) dissertation on [Robotic Groupware.](https://www.proquest.com/dissertations-theses/towards-effective-robotic-groupware/docview/2937238328/se-2)
+My favorite paper from my Ph.D. journey is the [*Periscope* robotic camera system](https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3610199)
+which facilitates remote collaboration between two people. My second favorite paper explored the use of [collaborative robot arms in cinematography.](https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3544549.3585715)
Prior to joining graduate school, I was a junior research scientist for two years at [Xerox Research Center India](https://www.news.conduent.com/news/Xerox-expands-healthcare-research-at-hospitals-with-remote-sensing)
where I built algorithms for monitoring a personβs breathing using webcams [(see video).](https://youtu.be/a7BPu4mUKaY)
I have a B.Tech. in Electrical Engineering from the [Indian Institute of Technology Madras.](https://www.iitm.ac.in/)
**I am on the job market** for post-doc/research scientist/faculty positions! I prototype interactive -robot systems (especially with cobots and cameras) and study user -interactions with them (through mixed methods). I enjoy mentoring and put effort into -fostering collective growth. I am deeply passionate about human -collaboration, both in my research and outside." +
I enjoy mentoring and put effort into +fostering collective growth. I initiated the [HRI Pioneers Mentoring Program.](https://hripioneers.org/mentors) If this interests you, I would love to hear from you!" imageUrl: "/picture.jpeg" imageWidth: 200 imageHeight: 200 imageTitle: Pragathi Praveena socialIcons: - - name: CV - url: /praveena-cv.pdf - name: Google Scholar url: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=1VSKpsIAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate - name: Email - url: mailto:praveena@wisc.edu + url: mailto:pragathi@cmu.edu - name: LinkedIn url: https://www.linkedin.com/in/itispragathi/ - name: Twitter