Atomatic Attendence System
Atomatic Attendence System using face recognition
Step 0)Create a python environment with version 3.5.0(Compulsory step)
Then activate your environment
Install all the packages using following command
pip install -r requirements.txt
Step 1)Create Dataset (refer Videotoimg.ipynb)
For better results use the camera that will be used at the time of attendance taking.
Divide the images like in folderstructure.png
Upload the dataset to google Drive and face_detection_model(Given above) folder
Now the colab folder structure should look like colabstructure.png
step 3)Crop the faces and save them to original paths.(refer facex.ipynb)
For better results I'm doing this.
step 4)Train the model(refer vggface.ipynb)
Colab work is done.
Now download the modelname.hdf5 file from the google drive,which is saved using
step 5)Integrate the trained model with openCV to recognize the faces(refer output.ipynb) locally.
The folder structure should look like project.png
Run the output.ipynb locally
You can see the sample outputs in SampleOutputs folder.