The Presta\SitemapBundle\Service\UrlContainerInterface::addUrl
method first argument accepts
an instance of Presta\SitemapBundle\Sitemap\Url\Url
, which is an interface.
In the examples you've seen in that doc, we used only Presta\SitemapBundle\Sitemap\Url\UrlConcrete
It covers the minimal requirement for a sitemap XML node.
Note: This bundle is only registering
instances for the static routes you configured in your app. To use the following decorators, you must register the URLs all by yourself.
However this bundle provides several implementations of this interface:
All these implementations are using the decorator pattern. Using this pattern you will be able to nest urls and then add some information at nesting each level.
Considering that for each of the following examples after, we are in a sitemap listener method.
Note: URLs of all types (routes, assets, etc...) must be absolute.
Using the image decorator.
use Presta\SitemapBundle\Service\UrlContainerInterface;
use Presta\SitemapBundle\Sitemap\Url as Sitemap;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGeneratorInterface;
/** @var $router UrlGeneratorInterface */
/** @var $urls UrlContainerInterface */
$url = new Sitemap\UrlConcrete($router->generate('homepage', [], UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL));
$decoratedUrl = new Sitemap\GoogleImageUrlDecorator($url);
$decoratedUrl->addImage(new Sitemap\GoogleImage(''));
$decoratedUrl->addImage(new Sitemap\GoogleImage(''));
$decoratedUrl->addImage(new Sitemap\GoogleImage(''));
$urls->addUrl($decoratedUrl, 'default');
Using the mobile decorator.
use Presta\SitemapBundle\Service\UrlContainerInterface;
use Presta\SitemapBundle\Sitemap\Url as Sitemap;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGeneratorInterface;
/** @var $router UrlGeneratorInterface */
/** @var $urls UrlContainerInterface */
$url = new Sitemap\UrlConcrete($router->generate('mobile_homepage', [], UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL));
$decoratedUrl = new Sitemap\GoogleMobileUrlDecorator($url);
$urls->addUrl($decoratedUrl, 'default');
Using the multilang decorator.
use Presta\SitemapBundle\Service\UrlContainerInterface;
use Presta\SitemapBundle\Sitemap\Url as Sitemap;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGeneratorInterface;
/** @var $router UrlGeneratorInterface */
/** @var $urls UrlContainerInterface */
$url = new Sitemap\UrlConcrete($router->generate('homepage', [], UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL));
$decoratedUrl = new Sitemap\GoogleMultilangUrlDecorator($url);
$decoratedUrl->addLink($router->generate('homepage_fr', [], UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL), 'fr');
$decoratedUrl->addLink($router->generate('homepage_de', [], UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL), 'de');
$urls->addUrl($decoratedUrl, 'default');
<xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="fr" href=""/>
<xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="de" href=""/>
Using the news decorator.
use Presta\SitemapBundle\Service\UrlContainerInterface;
use Presta\SitemapBundle\Sitemap\Url as Sitemap;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGeneratorInterface;
/** @var $router UrlGeneratorInterface */
/** @var $urls UrlContainerInterface */
$url = new Sitemap\UrlConcrete($router->generate('homepage', [], UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL));
$decoratedUrl = new Sitemap\GoogleNewsUrlDecorator(
'Symfony Sitemap',
new \DateTime('2020-01-01T10:00:00+00:00'),
'Setup sitemap with Symfony'
$urls->addUrl($decoratedUrl, 'default');
<news:name><![CDATA[Symfony Sitemap]]></news:name>
<news:title><![CDATA[Setup sitemap with Symfony]]></news:title>
Using the video decorator.
use Presta\SitemapBundle\Service\UrlContainerInterface;
use Presta\SitemapBundle\Sitemap\Url as Sitemap;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGeneratorInterface;
/** @var $router UrlGeneratorInterface */
/** @var $urls UrlContainerInterface */
$url = new Sitemap\UrlConcrete($router->generate('homepage', [], UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL));
$video = new Sitemap\GoogleVideo(
'How to use PrestaSitemapBundle in Symfony 2.6 [1/2]',
'In this video you will learn how to use PrestaSitemapBundle in your Symfony 2.6 projects',
['content_loc' => '']
$decoratedUrl = new Sitemap\GoogleVideoUrlDecorator($url);
$urls->addUrl($decoratedUrl, 'default');
<video:title><![CDATA[How to use PrestaSitemapBundle in Symfony 2.6 [1/2]]]></video:title>
<video:description><![CDATA[In this video you will learn how to use PrestaSitemapBundle in your Symfony 2.6 projects]]></video:description>
Of course, you can nest all those decorators for a single URL.
use Presta\SitemapBundle\Service\UrlContainerInterface;
use Presta\SitemapBundle\Sitemap\Url as Sitemap;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGeneratorInterface;
/** @var $router UrlGeneratorInterface */
/** @var $urls UrlContainerInterface */
$url = new Sitemap\UrlConcrete($router->generate('homepage', [], UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL));
// 1st wrap: mobile
$url = new Sitemap\GoogleMobileUrlDecorator($url);
// 2nd wrap: images
$url = new Sitemap\GoogleImageUrlDecorator($url);
$url->addImage(new Sitemap\GoogleImage(''));
$url->addImage(new Sitemap\GoogleImage(''));
$url->addImage(new Sitemap\GoogleImage(''));
// 3rd wrap: multilang
$url = new Sitemap\GoogleMultilangUrlDecorator($url);
$url->addLink($router->generate('homepage_fr', [], UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL), 'fr');
$url->addLink($router->generate('homepage_de', [], UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL), 'de');
// 4th wrap: video
$video = new Sitemap\GoogleVideo(
'How to use PrestaSitemapBundle in Symfony 2.6 [1/2]',
'In this video you will learn how to use PrestaSitemapBundle in your Symfony 2.6 projects',
['content_loc' => '']
$url = new Sitemap\GoogleVideoUrlDecorator($url);
$urls->addUrl($url, 'default');
The bundle takes care about limit constraints. For example, it automatically divides sections into smaller fragments.
But there is some cases for which it will just block you from doing forbidden things with exceptions.
- Registering more than
images for an URL
Exception thrown: Presta\SitemapBundle\Exception\GoogleImageException
- Registering more than
tags for a video
Exception thrown: Presta\SitemapBundle\Exception\GoogleVideoTagException
- Registering more than
stock tickers for a news
Exception thrown: Presta\SitemapBundle\Exception\GoogleNewsUrlException