threex.daynight is a three.js extension which provide an daynight cycle. It is easy to include in in your own game. It is from this shaders oceans.
- examples/basic.html [view source] : It shows this feature, and that one which is coded like that.
You can install it via script tag
<script src='threex.daynight.js'></script>
Or you can install with bower, as you wish.
bower install threex.daynight
The day-night cycle is composed of 4 parts:
- the sun sphere: the physical sphere representing the sun
- the sun light: the light projected from the sun
- the sky dom: the sky dom aka what you see above your head during sunny days.
- the star field: the stars field displayed during the night
Each of them may be updated according to current sunAngle
It handles the color and moving of the sun sphere. First you create it and add it to your scene.
var sunSphere = new THREEx.DayNight.SunSphere()
scene.add( sunSphere.object3d )
Everytime you want to update it, pass it the current sunAngle
It handles the directional light from the sun. First you create it, then you add it to your scene.
var sunLight = new THREEx.DayNight.SunLight()
scene.add( sunLight.object3d )
Everytime you want to update it, pass it the current sunAngle
IT Handles the sky dom and update its change of colors. First you create it, then you add it to your scene.
var skydom = new THREEx.DayNight.Skydom()
scene.add( skydom.object3d )
Everytime you want to update it, pass it the current sunAngle
It handles the stars during the night First you create it and add it to your scene.
var starField = new THREEx.DayNight.StarField()
scene.add( starField.object3d )
Everytime you want to update it, pass it the current sunAngle
As sunAngle is asked everywhere, here is a simple way to handle it.
// begining position
var sunAngle = -1/6*Math.PI*2;
// the day duraction in seconds
var dayDuration = 10
// then you periodically update it
onRenderFcts.push(function(delta, now){
sunAngle += delta/dayDuration * Math.PI*2