Some sketches of commands used during development that could be used to build an old to new DB migration script.
Create & migrate the new database:
createdb sleepanarchy-blog
cd sleepanarchy-api
sql-migrate up
Create & import the old database:
createdb sa-old -O $(whoami)
psql sa-old < blog-dump.sql
Dump the old tables, load them into the new database:
pg_dump sa-old -h -U postgres \
-t blog_blogcategory -t blog_blogpost > blogpost.sql
psql sleepanarchy-blog -h -U postgres < blogpost.sql
psql sleepanarchy-blog -h -U postgres
Migrate rows from old tables to new tables:
INSERT INTO "blog_category"
(id, title, slug, created_at, updated_at)
id, title, slug, NOW(), NOW()
FROM "blog_blogcategory"
INSERT INTO "blog_post"
( id, title, slug
, description, content, tags
, author_id, category_id, created_at
, updated_at, published_at, content_html, description_html
id, title, slug,
description, content, REPLACE(REPLACE(keywords_string, ' ', ','), 'Package,Management', 'Package Management'),
1, 1, created,
updated, publish_date, '', ''
FROM "blog_blogpost"
Drop old tables:
DROP TABLE "blog_blogpost";
DROP TABLE "blog_blogcategory";
You will need to tweak the post markdown to render the code blocks with syntax
highlighting(old format used indented blocks with :::language
, new format
should use fenced code blocks).
You will need to tweak the description fields to include any missing HTML - the previous website generated the HTML from the post contents & only put plaintext versions in the database..
Finally, run the regnerate-html
command to pre-generate the HTML for every
stack run sleepanarchy-api-management -- regenerate-html
Dump the old tables, load them into the new database:
pg_dump sa-old -h -U postgres \
-t linkdump_dump -t linkdump_dumpcategory > linkdump.sql
psql sleepanarchy-blog -h -U postgres < linkdump.sql
psql sleepanarchy-blog -h -U postgres
Migrate rows from old tables to new tables:
INSERT INTO "link_category"
(id, title, slug, parent_id)
id, title, slug, parent_id
FROM "linkdump_dumpcategory"
(id, title, slug, description, link, tags, parent_id, views,
created_at, updated_at
id, title, slug, description, link, tags_string, category_id, views,
created, updated
FROM "linkdump_dump";
Drop old tables:
DROP TABLE "linkdump_dump";
DROP TABLE "linkdump_dumpcategory";