- Each client's own keys
- identity key pair (both signing + encryption) -- pickled
- Public: 164 B (246 B base64)
- Private: ?
- Curve25519 one-time key pairs -- pickled
- Public: 164 B (246 B base64)
- Private: ?
- From OLM C++ implement, each Curve25519 (public/private) key should be 32 bytes
- identity key pair (both signing + encryption) -- pickled
- Each pairwise session: ? depends on the number of messages sent/received
- 352 B in base64 (234.66667 B) -- not right
- 438 B in base64 (292 B)
- 523 B in base64 (348.66667 B) -- not right
- 630 B ...
- 715 B ...
- TODO -- does binary encoding fix this? no, session sizes still change
- POVS history + attestations equation
- POVS/att scenario 1
- estimate
- confirmation
- POVS/att scenario 2
- estimate
- confirmation
- POVS/att scenario 3 (extreme; e.g. open auction)
- estimate
- confirmation
Per-recipient payload overhead
- Symmetric key:
- plaintext = 16 B
- Validation payload: 40 B
- head: 32 B
- index: 8 B
- Recipient lists
- Each recipient pub idkey = 43 B (diff format from above)
- Each recipient list = #rcpts x idkey size
- Symmetric key:
Constant encryption overhead (over plaintext)
Range of common ciphertext sizes
Another bandwidth example/setup w many recipients and large op size
Figure out why add-contact has a diff per-rcpt bandwidth
- (op-pt-bytes, common-pt-bytes) => recipient list overhead
- (common-pt-bytes, common-ct-bytes) => symmetric encryption overhead
- (op-pt-bytes, common-ct-bytes) => recipient list + symmetric encryption overhead
- (0, per-recipient-pt-bytes) => val/encryption metadata overhead
- (per-recipient-pt-bytes, per-recipient-ct-bytes) => asymmetric encryption overhead
- generally 212 (pt bytelen = 43)
- except for add_contact op => (pt bytelen = 3, while ct bytelen = 267)
- why is this larger?
Recalling findings from the previous submissions, clients microbenchmarks are not particularly useful or interesting for the following reasons: sender-side POVS essentially just performs a few copies for each recipients, sender-side encryption just performs X amount of encryption, receiver-side decryption just performs 2 decrypt operations, and receiver-side POVS just compares a couple values and calculates a hash.
Stacked latency bar graphs
- app?
- dal
- encryption
2-3 application: passmanager, socialmedia, auction
if 2 apps, 3 ops
if 3 apps, 2 ops
start with 2 and 2
per app: 2-3 representative operations (should have variable message sizes)
- passmanager: update_password, get_otp, share_password?
- socialmedia: set_post, share_location?
for each operation, vary number of recipients