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File metadata and controls

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NGS Workshop Excercises

The purpose of this workshop is to gain experience working with the various file formats discussed in the NGS file formats lecture and the tools designed to manipulate them. We will use real E. coli data to perform our analysis: find candidate frameshift mutants in a strain of interest.

NOTE: Unless otherwise specified, example command lines are available in this workshop's lecture notes

  1. First, create a new ngs directory for this workshop in which to perform these exercises, then change directory to it.

  2. Install the following command line software using Miniconda. If you haven't already, use the instructions to install Miniconda detailed in the Biopython problemset.

    conda install -c anaconda wget
    conda install -c conda-forge gnuplot
    conda install -c bioconda bwa fastqc samtools bedtools vcftools
  3. Download the Java-based sofware required for this tutorial using wget:

    # 1. Fetch each software package .zip archive file:
    # 2. Unpack the .zip archive:
  4. Download the following genome files with wget, then decompress both with gunzip:

    # Genome sequence:
    # Genome annotation:
    • How many of the sequences are chromosomes? How many plasmids?
    • What is the reference strain's genome size?
  5. Index the genome as described in the lecture notes.

  6. Use wget to download the FASTQ file of sequencing reads for our strain of interest, then use Unix commands to examine the FASTQ file:

    • How long are the reads?
    • Are these reads single-end or paired-end? Explain how can you tell.
    • Which Phred quality encoding (ASCII offset) are the reads in? How can you tell?
  7. Run FastQC on the FASTQ file and examine the report; see fastqc --help for a complete list of options. open the fastqc_report.html to view the report in your browser (you may have to unzip the FastQC archive file first).

    • How many read pairs are in included in the FASTQ file?
    • For which metrics are there warnings?
    • Are there any over-represented sequences in the file? If so, what are they?
    • Are these reads of good quality?
  8. Write a python script to trim poor-quality bases from the ends of the FASTQ sequences and output a new FASTQ file. Your script should take as input from the command line: one FASTQ file name and one integer value (the minimum base quality threshold). HINT: Use the following approach:

    1. Iterate from the 3'-end of the read to the 5'-end, examining the quality values at each base position (see the lecture notes for how to convert quality string characters to numberic values;
    2. break at the first base with a quality value greater-than or equal-to your inputted quality threshold;
    3. then use string slicing to extract the high-quality portion of both the sequence and quality strings.
  9. Align the trimmed reads to the genome sequence using BWA-MEM (i.e. the bwa command). Make sure to specify a Read Group string (via -R) that, at a minimum, includes ID, SM, and PL tags. This Read Group information is required by GATK. Then, convert the output file to BAM format, sort the BAM file, and then index it (see the lecture notes for how).

  10. Run samtools stats and plot-bamstats on the BAM file and examine the .html report.

    • What fraction of reads were mapped to the genome?
    • What is the mode insert size of the sequencing library? Are the read distances reasonably Normally-distributed?
    • Are the majority of reads pairs mapped in inward (FR), outward (RF), or other orientation?
    • Below which base-quality score value does the majority of mismatches occur? Record this value for Problem 11.

      HINT: The reads were generated from a strain different from the reference strain and biological SNP differences will also appear in the plot.

  11. Use samtools view to filter your BAM file to keep alignments with PAIRED and PROPER_PAIR flags, AND DO NOT contain UNMAP, MUNMAP, SECONDARY, QCFAIL, DUP, or SUPPLEMENTARY flags; write the output to a new BAM file and index it.

    HINT: see samtools flags for help with flags.

  12. Run the GATK HaplotypeCaller to call variants using the final filtered BAM file, set --min-base-quality-score to the value you determined in Step 9. NOTE: Run GATK in the backgound (i.e., nohup gatk HaplotypeCaller ... &) or open a second terminal window and work on Problems 12 and 13 while GATK is running in the first.

  13. Use the samtools depth command to calculate the per-site read depth across the genome (see samtools depth --help for more info) and output to a file. The output file will contain three columns: the chromosome name, position (1-based), and read depth. For example:

    chrI	1	15
    chrI	2	15
    chrI	3	14
    chrI	4	16
    chrI	5	16
  14. Write a script that computes a text histogram of genomic read depth similar to the example output below (use a dict with depth as the key and the count of bases as the value):

     1 |                                        
     2 |]                                       
     3 |]]                                      
     4 |]]]]]                                   
     5 |]]]]]]]]                                
     6 |]]]]]]]]]]]]]                           
     7 |]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]  
     8 |]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
     9 |]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]             
    10 |]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]                         
    11 |]]]]]]]]]                               
    12 |]]]]]                                   
    13 |]                                       
    14 |]                                       
    15 |                                        
    • What is the mean and stdandard deviation of the depth?
  15. Use vcftools to split the VCF into SNP-specific and InDel-specific files; see man vcftools for all available options.

    HINT: You must include --recode --recode-INFO-all to output VCF format.

  16. Extract CDS features present in Ecoli.gff3 and create a new GFF3 file, then use bedtools intersect to determine:

    • How many SNPs and InDels intersect these CDS features?
    • How many InDels might cause frameshifts? Write a script to read the VCF file and print out frameshift InDels to a new VCF.
    • If there are frameshifts, which genes are they affecting?