diff --git a/deploy/jenkins/jobs/Deploy/jobs/dev/jobs/Lern/jobs/LernAnalyticsReplayJobs/config.xml b/deploy/jenkins/jobs/Deploy/jobs/dev/jobs/Lern/jobs/LernAnalyticsReplayJobs/config.xml
index 434456e4e5..c5f7e8926d 100644
--- a/deploy/jenkins/jobs/Deploy/jobs/dev/jobs/Lern/jobs/LernAnalyticsReplayJobs/config.xml
+++ b/deploy/jenkins/jobs/Deploy/jobs/dev/jobs/Lern/jobs/LernAnalyticsReplayJobs/config.xml
@@ -1,195 +1,222 @@
- hudson.model.ParametersDefinitionProperty
- com.sonyericsson.rebuild.RebuildSettings
- false
- -1
- 10
- -1
- 2
- false
- false
- cql_query
- <font color=dimgray size=2><b>Specify cql_query if any tables needs to be truncated.<b></font>
- 0
- false
- job_type
- <font color=dimgray size=2><b>Specify the job type - Replay or Run.</b></font>
- run-job
- replay-job
- generate-metrics
- submit-job
- job_id
- <font color=dimgray size=2><b>Specify the job id.</b></font>
- collection-summary-report-v2
- collection-summary-report
- admin-user-reports
- admin-geo-reports
- cassandra-migration
- course-enrollment-report
- progress-exhaust
- userinfo-exhaust
- response-exhaust
- progress-exhaust-v2
- response-exhaust-v2
- course-batch-status-updater
- score-metric-migration-job
- program-user-exhaust
- batch_identifier
- <font color=dimgray size=2><b>Specify The BatchId to Generate report for specific batch</b></font>
-<font color=dimgray size=2><b>NOTE: Only Applicable if you are running course-metrics and assessment metrics job</b></font>
- false
- start_date
- <font color=dimgray size=2><b>Specify the start date. The default value is just a placeholder which can be changed as per need.</b></font>
- 2017-05-01
- false
- end_date
- <font color=dimgray size=2><b>Specify the end date. The default value is just a placeholder which can be changed as per need.</b></font>
- 2017-07-11
- false
- pause_min
- <font color=dimgray size=2><b>Specify the # of minutes to pause. The default value is just a placeholder which can be changed as per need.</b></font>
- 30
- false
- private_branch
- choice-parameter-2544395024638227
- 1
- true
- true
- LernAnalyticsReplayJobs
- Deploy/dev/Lern/LernAnalyticsReplayJobs
- true
- branch_or_tag
- choice-parameter-2620434998790477
- 1
+ true
+ true
+ LernAnalyticsReplayJobs
+ Deploy/dev/Lern/LernAnalyticsReplayJobs
+ true
+ branch_or_tag
+ choice-parameter-2620434998790477
+ 1
- true
- true
- LernAnalyticsReplayJobs
- Deploy/dev/Lern/LernAnalyticsReplayJobs
- true
- keyword
- <font color=dimgray size=2><b>Optional - Enter a keyword to generate a report for the "program-collection-summary-report"</b></font>
- false
- 0
- 0
- false
- project
- false
- 2
- https://github.com/Sunbird-Lern/data-products
- ${branch_or_tag}
- false
- true
- false
- 0
- false
- pipelines/deploy/replay-jobs/Jenkinsfile
- false
- false
+ }
+ else
+ return """<b>This parameter is not used</b>"""
+ true
+ true
+ LernAnalyticsReplayJobs
+ Deploy/dev/Lern/LernAnalyticsReplayJobs
+ true
+ 0
+ 0
+ false
+ project
+ false
+ 2
+ https://github.com/Sunbird-Lern/data-products.git
+ ${branch_or_tag}
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ 0
+ false
+ pipelines/deploy/replay-jobs/Jenkinsfile
+ false
+ false
\ No newline at end of file