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Sink API Reference

Sinks are the end components for all DSL GStreamer Pipelines. A Pipeline must have at least one sink in use, along with other certain components, to reach a state of Ready. DSL supports seven types of Sinks:

  • Overlay Sink - renders/overlays video on a Parent display (Jetson Platform Only)
  • Window Sink - renders/overlays video on a Parent XWindow
  • File Sink - encodes video to a media container file
  • Record Sink - similar to the File sink but with Start/Stop/Duration control and a cache for pre-start buffering.
  • RTSP Sink - streams encoded video on a specified port
  • WebRTC Sink - streams encoded video to a web browser or mobile application. (Requires GStreamer 1.18 or later)
  • Fake Sink - consumes/drops all data.

Sinks are created by calling one of the seven type-specific constructors. As with all components, Sinks must be uniquely named from all other components created.

Sinks are added to a Pipeline by calling dsl_pipeline_component_add or dsl_pipeline_component_add_many and removed with dsl_pipeline_component_remove, dsl_pipeline_component_remove_many, or dsl_pipeline_component_remove_all.

The relationship between Pipelines and Sinks is one-to-many. Once added to a Pipeline, a Sink must be removed before it can used with another. Sinks are deleted by calling dsl_component_delete, dsl_component_delete_many, or dsl_component_delete_all

There is no (practical) limit to the number of Sinks that can be created, just to the number of Sinks that can be in use - a child of a Pipeline - at one time. The in-use limit is imposed by the Jetson Model in use.

The maximum number of in-use Sinks is set to DSL_DEFAULT_SINK_IN_USE_MAX on DSL initialization. The value can be read by calling dsl_sink_num_in_use_max_get and updated with dsl_sink_num_in_use_max_set. The number of Sinks in use by all Pipelines can obtained by calling dsl_sink_get_num_in_use.

Sink API


Callback Types:



Return Values

The following return codes are used by the Sink API

#define DSL_RESULT_SINK_RESULT                                      0x00040000
#define DSL_RESULT_SINK_NAME_NOT_UNIQUE                             0x00040001
#define DSL_RESULT_SINK_NAME_NOT_FOUND                              0x00040002
#define DSL_RESULT_SINK_NAME_BAD_FORMAT                             0x00040003
#define DSL_RESULT_SINK_THREW_EXCEPTION                             0x00040004
#define DSL_RESULT_SINK_FILE_PATH_NOT_FOUND                         0x00040005
#define DSL_RESULT_SINK_IS_IN_USE                                   0x00040007
#define DSL_RESULT_SINK_SET_FAILED                                  0x00040008
#define DSL_RESULT_SINK_CODEC_VALUE_INVALID                         0x00040009
#define DSL_RESULT_SINK_CONTAINER_VALUE_INVALID                     0x0004000A
#define DSL_RESULT_SINK_COMPONENT_IS_NOT_SINK                       0x0004000B
#define DSL_RESULT_SINK_COMPONENT_IS_NOT_ENCODE_SINK                0x0004000C
#define DSL_RESULT_SINK_COMPONENT_IS_NOT_RENDER_SINK                0x0004000D
#define DSL_RESULT_SINK_HANDLER_ADD_FAILED                          0x00040010
#define DSL_RESULT_SINK_HANDLER_REMOVE_FAILED                       0x00040011
#define DSL_RESULT_SINK_PLAYER_ADD_FAILED                           0x00040012
#define DSL_RESULT_SINK_PLAYER_REMOVE_FAILED                        0x00040013
#define DSL_RESULT_SINK_MAILER_ADD_FAILED                           0x00040014
#define DSL_RESULT_SINK_MAILER_REMOVE_FAILED                        0x00040015
#define DSL_RESULT_SINK_OVERLAY_NOT_SUPPORTED                       0x00040016
#define DSL_RESULT_SINK_WEBRTC_NOT_SUPPORTED                        0x00040020

Codec Types

The following codec types are used by the Sink API

#define DSL_CODEC_H264                                              0
#define DSL_CODEC_H265                                              1

Video Container Types

The following video container types are used by the File Sink API

#define DSL_CONTAINER_MPEG4                                         0
#define DSL_CONTAINER_MK4                                           1

WebRTC Connection States

Used by the WebRTC Sink to communicate its current state to listening clients

#define DSL_SOCKET_CONNECTION_STATE_CLOSED                          0
#define DSL_SOCKET_CONNECTION_STATE_INITIATED                       1
#define DSL_SOCKET_CONNECTION_STATE_OPENED                          2
#define DSL_SOCKET_CONNECTION_STATE_FAILED                          3



typedef struct dsl_recording_info
    uint recording_event;
    uint sessionId;
    const wchar_t* filename;
    const wchar_t* dirpath;
    uint64_t duration;
    uint containerType;
    uint width;
    uint height;
} dsl_recording_info;

Structure typedef used to provide recording session information provided to the client on callback


  • recording_event - specifies which recording event has occurred. One of DSL_RECORDING_EVENT_START or DSL_RECORDING_EVENT_END
  • sessionId - the unique sessions id assigned on record start
  • filename - filename generated for the completed recording. Null on recording start.
  • directory - path for the completed recording. Null on recording start.
  • duration - duration of the recording in milliseconds. 0 on recording start.
  • containerType - DSL_CONTAINER_MP4 or DSL_CONTAINER_MP4
  • width - width of the recording in pixels
  • height - height of the recording in pixels

Python Example

# Function to be called on recording start and complete
def recording_event_listener(session_info_ptr, client_data):
    print(' ***  Recording Event  *** ')
    session_info = session_info_ptr.contents
    print('event type: ', session_info.recording_event)
    print('session_id: ', session_info.session_id)
    print('filename:   ', session_info.filename)
    print('dirpath:    ', session_info.dirpath)
    print('duration:   ', session_info.duration)
    print('container:  ', session_info.container_type)
    print('width:      ', session_info.width)
    print('height:     ', session_info.height)


typedef struct _dsl_webrtc_connection_data
    uint current_state;

} dsl_webrtc_connection_data;

A structure typedef used to provide connection date for a given WebRTC Sink


  • current_state - the current state of the WebRTC Sink's WebSocket connection, one of the defined WebRTC Connection States.

Callback Types:


typedef void* (*dsl_record_client_listener_cb)(void* info, void* user_data);

Callback typedef for clients to listen for a notification that a Recording Session has started or ended.


  • info [in] opaque pointer to the connection info, see... see dsl_capture_info.
  • user_data [in] user_data opaque pointer to client's user data, provided by the client.


typedef void (*dsl_sink_webrtc_client_listener_cb)(dsl_webrtc_connection_data* data, 
    void* client_data);

Callback typedef for a client to listen for WebRTC Sink connection events.

IMPORTANT: the WebRTC Sink implementation requires GStreamer 1.18 or later.


  • info [in] opaque pointer to the session info, see dsl_webrtc_connection_data.
  • user_data [in] user_data opaque pointer to client's user data, provided by the client.



DslReturnType dsl_sink_overlay_new(const wchar_t* name, uint display_id,
    uint depth, uint offset_x, uint offset_y, uint width, uint height);

The constructor creates a uniquely named Overlay Sink with given offsets and dimensions. Construction will fail if the name is currently in use.

IMPORTANT: The Overlay Sink is only available on the Jetson platform.


  • name - [in] unique name for the Overlay Sink to create.
  • display_id - [in] display Id to overlay, 0 = main display.
  • depth - [in] depth of the overlay for the given display Id.
  • x_offset - [in] offset in the X direction from the upper left corner of the display in pixels.
  • y_offset - [in] offset in the Y direction from the upper left corner of the display in pixels.
  • width - [in] width of the Overlay Sink in pixels.
  • height - [in] height of the Overlay Sink in pixels.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful creation. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_sink_overlay_new('my-overlay-sink', 0, 0, 200, 100, 1280, 720)


DslReturnType dsl_sink_window_new(const wchar_t* name,
    uint x_offset, uint y_offset, uint width, uint height);

The constructor creates a uniquely named Window Sink with given offsets and dimensions. Construction will fail if the name is currently in use. Window Sinks are used to render video onto an XWindows. See Pipeline XWindow Support for more information.


  • name - [in] unique name for the Window Sink to create.
  • x_offset - [out] offset in the X direction in pixels from the upper left most corner of the parent XWindow.
  • y_offset - [out] offset in the Y direction in pixels from the upper left most corner of the parent XWindow.
  • width - [in] width of the Window Sink in pixels.
  • height - [in] height of the Window Sink in pixels.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful creation. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_sink_window_new('my-window-sink', 0, 0, 1280, 720)


DslReturnType dsl_sink_file_new(const wchar_t* name, const wchar_t* filepath,
     uint codec, uint container, uint bit_rate, uint interval);

The constructor creates a uniquely named File Sink. Construction will fail if the name is currently in use. There are two Codec formats - H.264 and H.265 - and two video container types - MPEG4 and MK4 - supported.


  • name - [in] unique name for the File Sink to create.
  • filepath - [in] absolute or relative filespec for the media file to write to.
  • codec - [in] one of the Codec Types defined above.
  • container - [in] one of the Video Container Types defined above.
  • bitrate - [in] bitrate at which to encode the video.
  • interval - [in] frame interval at which to code the video. Set to 0 to code every frame.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful creation. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_sink_file_new('my-file-sink', './my-video.mp4', DSL_CODEC_H264, DSL_CONTAINER_MPEG, 200000, 0)


DslReturnType dsl_sink_record_new(const wchar_t* name, const wchar_t* outdir, uint codec,
    uint container, uint bitrate, uint interval, dsl_record_client_listener_cb  client_listener);

The constructor creates a uniquely named Record Sink. Construction will fail if the name is currently in use. There are two Codec formats - H.264 and H.265 - and two video container types - MPEG4 and MK4 - supported.

Note: the Sink name is used as the filename prefix, followed by session id and NTP time.


  • name - [in] unique name for the Record Sink to create.
  • outdir - [in] absolute or relative pathspec for the directory to save the recorded video streams.
  • codec - [in] one of the Codec Types defined above.
  • container - [in] one of the Video Container Types defined above.
  • bitrate - [in] bitrate at which to encode the video.
  • interval - [in] frame interval at which to encode the video. Set to 0 to code every frame.
  • client_listener - [in] client callback funtion of type dsl_record_client_listener_cb to be called when the recording is complete or stoped.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful creation. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_sink_record_new('my-record-sink',
    './', DSL_CODEC_H265, DSL_CONTAINER_MPEG, 20000000, 0, my_client_record_complete_cb)


DslReturnType dsl_sink_rtsp_new(const wchar_t* name, const wchar_t* host,
     uint udp_port, uint rtmp_port, uint codec, uint bitrate, uint interval);

The constructor creates a uniquely named RTSP Sink. Construction will fail if the name is currently in use. There are two Codec formats - H.264 and H.265 - supported. The RTSP server is configured when the Pipeline is called to Play. The server is then started and attached to the Main Loop context once dsl_main_loop_run is called. Once attached, the server can accept connections.

Note: the server Mount point will be derived from the unique RTSP Sink name, for example:



  • name - [in] unique name for the File Sink to create.
  • host - [in] host name
  • udp_port - [in] UDP port setting for the RTSP server.
  • rtsp_port - [in] RTSP port setting for the server.
  • codec - [in] one of the Codec Types defined above.
  • bitrate - [in] bitrate at which to encode the video.
  • interval - [in] frame interval at which to encode the video. Set to 0 to code every frame.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful creation. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

 retVal = dsl_sink_rtsp_new('rtsp-sink', host_uri, 5400, 8554, DSL_CODEC_H264, 4000000,0)


DslReturnType dsl_sink_webrtc_new(const wchar_t* name, const wchar_t* stun_server,
    const wchar_t* turn_server, uint codec, uint bitrate, uint interval);

The constructor creates a uniquely named WebRTC Sink. Construction will fail if the name is currently in use. There are two Codec formats - H.264 and H.265. The WebRTC Sink Implements a Signaling Transceiver which is automatically added and removed from the WebSocket Server when added and removed from a Pipeline or Branch. Refer to the WebSocket Server API Reference for more information.

IMPORTANT: the WebRTC Sink implementation requires GStreamer 1.18 or later.


  • stun_server - [in] STUN server to use of the form stun://hostname:port. Set to NULL to omit if using TURN server(s).
  • turn_server - [in] TURN server(s) to use of the form turn(s)://username:password@host:port. Set to NULL to omit if using a STUN server.
  • codec - [in] one of the Codec Types defined above.
  • bitrate - [in] bitrate at which to encode the video.
  • interval - [in] frame interval at which to encode the video. Set to 0 to code every frame.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful creation. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

STUN_SERVER = "stun://"
retval = dsl_sink_webrtc_new('my-webrtc-sink', STUN_SERVER, DSL_CODEC_H264, DSL_CONTAINER_MPEG, 200000, 0)


DslReturnType dsl_sink_fake_new(const wchar_t* name);

The constructor creates a uniquely named Fake Sink. Construction will fail if the name is currently in use.


  • name - [in] unique name for the Fake Sink to create.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful creation. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

 retVal = dsl_sink_fake_new('my-fake-sink')


As with all Pipeline components, Sinks are deleted by calling dsl_component_delete, dsl_component_delete_many, or dsl_component_delete_all.



DslReturnType dsl_sink_render_offsets_get(const wchar_t* name,
    uint* x_offset, uint* y_offsetY);

This service returns the current X and Y offsets for the named Render Sink; Overlay or Window.


  • name - [in] unique name of the Render Sink to query.
  • x_offset - [out] offset in the X direction in pixels from the upper left most corner of the sink's parent.
  • y_offset - [out] offset in the Y direction in pixels from the upper left most corner of the sink's parent.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful query. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval, x_offset, y_offset = dsl_sink_render_offsets_get('my-overlay-sink')


DslReturnType dsl_sink_render_offsets_set(const wchar_t* name,
    uint x_offset, uint y_offset);

This service updates the X and Y offsets of a named Render Sink; Overlay or Window. Note: this service will fail if the Sink is currently linked.


  • name - [in] unique name of the Render Sink to update.
  • x_offset - [in] new offset in the X direction in pixels from the upper left most corner of the sink's parent.
  • y_offset - [in] new offset in the Y direction in pixels from the upper left most corner of the sink's parent.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful update. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_sink_render_offests_set('my-overlay-sink', 100, 100)


DslReturnType dsl_sink_render_dimensions_get(const wchar_t* name,
    uint* width, uint* height);

This service returns the current dimensions for the named Render Sink; Overlay or Window


  • name - [in] unique name of the Render Sink to query.
  • width - [out] current width of the Render Sink in pixels.
  • height - [out] current height of the Render Sink in pixels.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful query. One of the Return Values defined above on failure

Python Example

retval, width, height = dsl_sink_render_dimensions_get('my-overlay-sink')


DslReturnType dsl_sink_overlay_dimensions_set(const wchar_t* name,
    uint width, uint height);

This service updates the dimensions of a named Render Sink; Overlay or Window. This service will fail if the Sink is currently linked.


  • name - [in] unique name of the Overlay Sink to update.
  • width - [in] new width setting for the Render Sink in pixels.
  • height - [in] new height setting for the Render Sink in pixels.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful update. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_sink_render_dimensions_set('my-overlay-sink', 1280, 720)


DslReturnType dsl_sink_window_force_aspect_ratio_get(const wchar_t* name,
    boolean* force);

This service returns the force-aspect-ratio property setting for the named Window Sink. The Sink's aspect ratio will be maintained on Window resize if set.


  • name - [in] unique name of the Window Sink to query.
  • force - [out] true if the property is set, false otherwise.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful query. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval, force = dsl_sink_window_force_aspect_ratio_get('my-window-sink')


DslReturnType dsl_sink_window_force_aspect_ratio_set(const wchar_t* name,
    boolean force);

This service sets the force-aspect-ratio property for the named Window Sink. The Sink's aspect ratio will be maintained on Window resize if set. This service will fail if the Sink is currently linked.


  • name - [in] unique name of the Window Sink to update.
  • force - [in] set true to force the aspect ratio on window resize., false otherwise.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful query. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_sink_window_force_aspect_ratio_get('my-window-sink', True)


DslReturnType dsl_sink_record_session_start(const wchar_t* name,
    uint start, uint duration, void* client_data);

This service starts a new recording session for the named Record Sink


  • name [in] unique of the Record Sink to start the session.
  • session [out] unique id for the new session on successful start.
  • start [in] start time in seconds before the current time should be less that the video cache size.
  • duration [in] in seconds from the current time to record.
  • client_data [in] opaque pointer to client data returned on callback to the client listener function provided on Sink creation.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful start. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval, session = dsl_sink_record_session_start('my-record-sink', 15, 900, None)


DslReturnType dsl_sink_record_session_stop(const wchar_t* name);

This service stops a current recording in session.


  • name [in] unique name of the Record Sink to stop.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful Stop. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_sink_record_session_stop('my-record-sink')


DslReturnType dsl_sink_record_outdir_get(const wchar_t* name, const wchar_t** outdir);

This service returns the video recording output directory.


  • name [in] name of the Record Sink to query.
  • outdir - [out] absolute pathspec for the directory to save the recorded video streams.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful Query. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval, outdir = dsl_sink_record_outdir_get('my-record-sink')


DslReturnType dsl_sink_record_outdir_set(const wchar_t* name, const wchar_t* outdir);

This service sets the video recording output directory.


  • name [in] name of the Record Sink to update.
  • outdir - [in] absolute or relative pathspec for the directory to save the recorded video streams.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful update. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_sink_record_outdir_set('my-record-sink', './recordings')


DslReturnType dsl_sink_record_container_get(const wchar_t* name, uint* container);

This service returns the media container type used when recording.


  • name [in] name of the Record Sink to query.
  • container - [out] one of the Video Container Types defined above.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful Query. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval, container_type = dsl_sink_record_container_get('my-record-sink')


DslReturnType dsl_sink_record_container_set(const wchar_t* name,  uint container);

This service sets the media container type to use when recording.


  • name [in] name of the Record Sink to update.
  • container - [in] on of the Video Container Types defined above.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful update. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_sink_record_container_set('my-record-sink', DSL_CONTAINER_MP4)


DslReturnType dsl_sink_record_cache_size_get(const wchar_t* name, uint* cache_size);

This service returns the video recording cache size in units of seconds. A fixed size cache is created when the Pipeline is linked and played. The default cache size is set to DSL_DEFAULT_VIDEO_RECORD_CACHE_IN_SEC.


  • name [in] name of the Record Sink to query.
  • cache_size [out] current cache size setting.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful Query. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval, cache_size = dsl_sink_record_cache_size_get('my-record-sink')


DslReturnType dsl_sink_record_cache_size_set(const wchar_t* name, uint cache_size);

This service sets the video recording cache size in units of seconds. A fixed size cache is created when the Pipeline is linked and played. The default cache size is set to DSL_DEFAULT_VIDEO_RECORD_CACHE_IN_SEC.


  • name [in] name of the Record Sink to query.
  • cache_size [in] new cache size setting to use on Pipeline play.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful update. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_sink_record_cache_size_set('my-record-sink', 15)


DslReturnType dsl_sink_record_dimensions_get(const wchar_t* name, uint* width, uint* height);

This service returns the dimensions, width and height, used for the video recordings. Values of zero (default) indicates no-transcode.


  • name[in] name of the Record Sink to query.
  • width[out] current width of the video recording in pixels.
  • height [out] current height of the video recording in pixels.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful query. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval, width, height = dsl_sink_record_dimensions_get('my-record-sink')


DslReturnType dsl_sink_record_dimensions_set(const wchar_t* name, uint width, uint height);

This service sets the dimensions, width and height, for the video recordings created. Values of zero (default) indicates no-transcode.


  • name [in] name of the Record Sink to update.
  • width [in] width to set the video recording in pixels.
  • height [in] height to set the video in pixels.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful update. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_sink_record_dimensions_set('my-record-sink', 1280, 720)


DslReturnType dsl_sink_record_is_on_get(const wchar_t* name, boolean* is_on);

This service returns the current recording state of the Record Sink.


  • name [in] name of the Record Sink to query.
  • is_on [out] true if the Record Sink is currently recording a session, false otherwise.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful query. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval, is_on = dsl_sink_record_is_on_get('my-record-sink')


DslReturnType dsl_sink_record_reset_done_get(const wchar_t* name, boolean* reset_done);

This service returns the current state of the Reset Done flag.


  • name [in] name of the Record Sink to query.
  • reset_done [out] true if Reset has been done, false otherwise.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful query. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval, reset_done = dsl_sink_record_reset_done_get('my-record-sink')


DslReturnType dsl_sink_record_video_player_add(const wchar_t* name,
    const wchar_t* player)

This service adds a Video Player, Render or RTSP type, to a named Recording Sink. Once added, each recorded video's file_path will be added (or queued) with the Video Player to be played according to the Players settings.


  • name [in] name of the Record Sink to update.
  • player [in] name of the Video Player to add.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful add. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_sink_record_video_player_add('my-record-sink, 'my-video-render-player')


DslReturnType dsl_sink_record_video_player_remove(const wchar_t* name,
    const wchar_t* player)

This service removes a Video Player, Render or RTSP type, from a named Recording Sink.


  • name [in] name of the Record Sink to update
  • player [in] player name of the Video Player to remove


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful remove. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_sink_record_video_player_remove('my-record-sink', 'my-video-render-player'


DslReturnType dsl_sink_record_mailer_add(const wchar_t* name,
    const wchar_t* mailer, const wchar_t* subject);

This service adds a Mailer to a named Recording Sink. Once added, the file_name, location, and specifics of each recorded video will be emailed by the Mailer according to its current settings.


  • name [in] name of the Record Sink to update.
  • mailer [in] name of the Mailer to add.
  • subject [in] subject line to use for all outgoing mail.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful add. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_sink_record_mailer_add('my-record-sink, 'my-mailer', "New Recording Complete!")


DslReturnType dsl_sink_record_mailer_remove(const wchar_t* name,
    const wchar_t* mailer)

This service removes a Mailer from a named Recording Sink.


  • name [in] name of the Record Sink to update.
  • mailer [in] name of the Mailer to remove.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful remove. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_sink_record_mailer_remove('my-record-sink', 'my-mailer')


This service returns the current RTSP video codec and Port settings for the uniquely named RTSP Sink.

DslReturnType dsl_sink_rtsp_server_settings_get(const wchar_t* name,
    uint* udp_port, uint* rtsp_port);


  • name - [in] unique name of the RTSP Sink to query.
  • udp_port - [out] the current UDP Port number in use.
  • rtsp_port - [out] the current RTSP Port number in use.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful query. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval, udp_port, rtsp_port = dsl_sink_rtsp_server_settings_get('my-rtsp-sink')


DslReturnType dsl_sink_webrtc_connection_close(const wchar_t* name);

This service closes a currently open WebSocket connection for the named WebRTC Sink.

IMPORTANT: the WebRTC Sink implementation requires GStreamer 1.18 or later.


  • name [in] unique name of the WebRTC Sink to update.

Returns DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful close. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_sink_webrtc_connection_close('my-webrtc-sink')


DslReturnType dsl_sink_webrtc_servers_get(const wchar_t* name,
    const wchar_t** stun_server, const wchar_t** turn_server);

This service queries a named WebRTC Sink component for its current STUN or TURN server(s) in use.

IMPORTANT: the WebRTC Sink implementation requires DS 1.18.0 or later.


  • name [in] unique name of the WebRTC Sink to query.
  • stun_server [out] current STUN server in use, NULL if omitted.
  • turn_server [out] current TURN server in use, NULL if omitted.

Returns DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful query. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval, stun_server, turn_server = dsl_sink_webrtc_servers_get('my-webrtc-sink')


DslReturnType dsl_sink_webrtc_servers_set(const wchar_t* name,
    const wchar_t* stun_server, const wchar_t* turn_server);

This service updates a named WebRTC Sink component with either a new STUN or TURN server(s) to use.

IMPORTANT: the WebRTC Sink implementation requires GStreamer 1.18 or later.


  • name [in] unique name of the WebRTC Sink to query.
  • stun_server - [in] STUN server to use of the form stun://hostname:port. Set to NULL to omit if using TURN server(s).
  • turn_server - [in] TURN server(s) to use of the form turn(s)://username:password@host:port. Set to NULL to omit if using a STUN server.

Returns DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful update. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_sink_webrtc_servers_get('my-webrtc-sink', NULL, turn_server)


DslReturnType dsl_sink_webrtc_client_listener_add(const wchar_t* name,
    dsl_sink_webrtc_client_listener_cb listener, void* client_data);

This service adds a callback function of type dsl_sink_webrtc_client_listener_cb to the WebRTC Sink. The function will be called on all changes of WebSocket connection state. Multiple callback functions can be added to the WebRTC Sink.

IMPORTANT: the WebRTC Sink implementation requires GStreamer 1.18 or later.


  • name [in] unique name of the WebRTC Sink to update.
  • listener - [in] listener callback function to add.
  • client_data - [in] opaque pointer to user data, returned to the listener on call back

Returns DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful add. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_sink_webrtc_client_listener_add('my-webrtc-sink', client_listener_cb, None)


DslReturnType dsl_sink_webrtc_client_listener_remove(const wchar_t* name,
    dsl_sink_webrtc_client_listener_cb listener);

This service removes a callback function of type dsl_sink_webrtc_client_listener_cb from the WebRTC Sink.

IMPORTANT: the WebRTC Sink implementation requires GStreamer 1.18 or later.


  • name [in] unique name of the WebRTC Sink to update.
  • listener - [in] listener callback function to remove.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful removal. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_sink_webrtc_client_listener_remove('my-webrtc-sink', client_listener_cb)


DslReturnType dsl_sink_encode_settings_get(const wchar_t* name,
    uint* codec, uint* bitrate, uint* interval);

This service returns the current bitrate and interval settings for the uniquely named Encode Sink; File, Record, RTSP OR WebRTC.


  • name - [in] unique name of the Encode Sink to query.
  • codec - [out] current codec in use, one of the Codec Types defined above.
  • bitrate - [out] current bitrate at which to code the video.
  • interval - [out] current frame interval at which to code the video. 0 equals code every frame


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful query. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval, bitrate, interval = dsl_sink_encode_settings_get('my-file-sink')


DslReturnType dsl_sink_encode_settings_set(const wchar_t* name,
    uint codec, uint bitrate, uint interval);

This service sets the bitrate and interval settings for the uniquely Encode Sink; File, Record, RTSP OR WebRTC. The service will fail if the Encode Sink is currently linked.


  • name - [in] unique name of the Encode Sink to update.
  • codec - [in] new codec to use, one of the Codec Types defined above.
  • bitrate - [in] new bitrate at which to code the video.
  • interval - [in] new frame interval at which to code the video. Set to 0 to code every frame.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful update. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_sink_encode_settings_set('my-file-sink', 2000000, 1)


DslReturnType dsl_sink_pph_add(const wchar_t* name, const wchar_t* handler);

This service adds a Pad-Probe-Handler (PPH) to the sink pad of the Named Sink component. The PPH will be invoked on every buffer-ready event for the sink pad. More than one PPH can be added to a single Sink Component.


  • name [in] unique name of the Tee to update.
  • handler [in] uninque name of the PPH to add.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful add. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_sink_pph_add('my-window-sink', 'my-meter-pph')


DslReturnType dsl_sink_pph_remove(const wchar_t* name, const wchar_t* handler);

This service removes a Pad-Probe-Handler from a named Sink


  • name [in] unique name of the Sink to update.
  • handler [in] unique name of the Pad probe handler to remove.


  • DSL_RESULT_SUCCESS on successful remove. One of the Return Values defined above on failure.

Python Example

retval = dsl_sink_pph_remove('my-window-sink', 'my-meter-pph')


uint dsl_sink_num_in_use_get();

This service returns the total number of all Sinks currently in-use by all Pipelines.


  • The current number of Sinks in-use

Python Example

sinks_in_use = dsl_sink_num_in_use_get()


uint dsl_sink_num_in_use_max_get();

This service returns the "maximum number of Sinks" that can be in-use at any one time, defined as DSL_DEFAULT_SINK_NUM_IN_USE_MAX on service initialization, and can be updated by calling dsl_sink_num_in_use_max_set. The actual maximum is imposed by the GPU/CPUs in use. It's the responsibility of the client application to set the value correctly.


  • The current max number of Sinks that can be in-use by all Pipelines at any one time.

Python Example

max_sinks_in_use = dsl_sink_num_in_use_max_get()


boolean dsl_sink_num_in_use_max_set(uint max);

This service sets the "maximum number of Sinks" that can be in-use at any one time. The value is defined as DSL_DEFAULT_SINK_NUM_IN_USE_MAX on service initialization. The actual maximum is imposed by the GPU/CPUs in use. It is the responsibility of the client application to set the value correctly.


  • false if the new value is less than the actual current number of Sinks in use, true otherwise.

Python Example

retval = dsl_sink_num_in_use_max_set(24)

API Reference