diff --git a/_audio_server_8h_source.html b/_audio_server_8h_source.html index 5a8cf0c5d3..42e21ccb60 100644 --- a/_audio_server_8h_source.html +++ b/_audio_server_8h_source.html @@ -170,247 +170,251 @@
149  bool isClientConnected() { return client_obj.connected(); }
151  protected:
152  // WIFI
153 #ifdef ESP32
154  WiFiServer server;
155 #else
156  WiFiServer server{80};
157 #endif
158  WiFiClient client_obj;
159  char *password = nullptr;
160  char *network = nullptr;
162  // Content
163  const char *content_type = nullptr;
164  AudioServerDataCallback callback = nullptr;
165  Stream *in = nullptr;
166  StreamCopy copier;
167  BaseConverter *converter_ptr = nullptr;
169  void setupServer(int port) {
170  WiFiServer tmp(port);
171  server = tmp;
172  }
152  void setCopyBufferSize(int size){
153  copier.resize(size);
154  }
156  protected:
157  // WIFI
158 #ifdef ESP32
159  WiFiServer server;
160 #else
161  WiFiServer server{80};
162 #endif
163  WiFiClient client_obj;
164  char *password = nullptr;
165  char *network = nullptr;
167  // Content
168  const char *content_type = nullptr;
169  AudioServerDataCallback callback = nullptr;
170  Stream *in = nullptr;
171  StreamCopy copier;
172  BaseConverter *converter_ptr = nullptr;
174  void connectWiFi() {
175  TRACED();
176  if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED && network != nullptr &&
177  password != nullptr) {
178  WiFi.begin(network, password);
179  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
180  Serial.print(".");
181  delay(500);
182  }
183 #ifdef ESP32
184  WiFi.setSleep(false);
185 #endif
186  Serial.println();
187  }
188  Serial.print("IP address: ");
189  Serial.println(WiFi.localIP());
190  }
192  virtual void sendReplyHeader() {
193  TRACED();
194  // HTTP headers always start with a response code (e.g. HTTP/1.1 200 OK)
195  // and a content-type so the client knows what's coming, then a blank line:
196  client_obj.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
197  if (content_type != nullptr) {
198  client_obj.print("Content-type:");
199  client_obj.println(content_type);
200  }
201  client_obj.println();
202  }
204  virtual void sendReplyContent() {
205  TRACED();
206  if (callback != nullptr) {
207  // provide data via Callback
208  LOGI("sendReply - calling callback");
209  callback(&client_obj);
210  client_obj.stop();
211  } else if (in != nullptr) {
212  // provide data for stream
213  LOGI("sendReply - Returning audio stream...");
214  copier.begin(client_obj, *in);
215  }
216  }
218  // Handle an new client connection and return the data
219  void processClient() {
220  // LOGD("processClient");
221  if (client_obj) { // if you get a client,
222  LOGI("New Client."); // print a message out the serial port
223  String currentLine =
224  ""; // make a String to hold incoming data from the client
225  while (client_obj.connected()) { // loop while the client's connected
226  if (client_obj
227  .available()) { // if there's bytes to read from the client,
228  char c = client_obj.read(); // read a byte, then
229  if (c == '\n') { // if the byte is a newline character
231  // if the current line is blank, you got two newline characters in a
232  // row. that's the end of the client HTTP request, so send a
233  // response:
234  if (currentLine.length() == 0) {
235  sendReplyHeader();
236  sendReplyContent();
237  // break out of the while loop:
238  break;
239  } else { // if you got a newline, then clear currentLine:
240  currentLine = "";
241  }
242  } else if (c != '\r') { // if you got anything else but a carriage
243  // return character,
244  currentLine += c; // add it to the end of the currentLine
245  }
246  }
247  }
248  }
249  }
250 };
261 class AudioEncoderServer : public AudioServer {
262  public:
267  AudioEncoderServer(AudioEncoder *encoder, int port = 80) : AudioServer(port) {
268  this->encoder = encoder;
269  }
277  AudioEncoderServer(AudioEncoder *encoder, const char *network,
278  const char *password, int port = 80)
279  : AudioServer(network, password, port) {
280  this->encoder = encoder;
281  }
286  ~AudioEncoderServer() {}
174  void setupServer(int port) {
175  WiFiServer tmp(port);
176  server = tmp;
177  }
179  void connectWiFi() {
180  TRACED();
181  if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED && network != nullptr &&
182  password != nullptr) {
183  WiFi.begin(network, password);
184  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
185  Serial.print(".");
186  delay(500);
187  }
188 #ifdef ESP32
189  WiFi.setSleep(false);
190 #endif
191  Serial.println();
192  }
193  Serial.print("IP address: ");
194  Serial.println(WiFi.localIP());
195  }
197  virtual void sendReplyHeader() {
198  TRACED();
199  // HTTP headers always start with a response code (e.g. HTTP/1.1 200 OK)
200  // and a content-type so the client knows what's coming, then a blank line:
201  client_obj.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
202  if (content_type != nullptr) {
203  client_obj.print("Content-type:");
204  client_obj.println(content_type);
205  }
206  client_obj.println();
207  }
209  virtual void sendReplyContent() {
210  TRACED();
211  if (callback != nullptr) {
212  // provide data via Callback
213  LOGI("sendReply - calling callback");
214  callback(&client_obj);
215  client_obj.stop();
216  } else if (in != nullptr) {
217  // provide data for stream
218  LOGI("sendReply - Returning audio stream...");
219  copier.begin(client_obj, *in);
220  }
221  }
223  // Handle an new client connection and return the data
224  void processClient() {
225  // LOGD("processClient");
226  if (client_obj) { // if you get a client,
227  LOGI("New Client."); // print a message out the serial port
228  String currentLine =
229  ""; // make a String to hold incoming data from the client
230  while (client_obj.connected()) { // loop while the client's connected
231  if (client_obj
232  .available()) { // if there's bytes to read from the client,
233  char c = client_obj.read(); // read a byte, then
234  if (c == '\n') { // if the byte is a newline character
236  // if the current line is blank, you got two newline characters in a
237  // row. that's the end of the client HTTP request, so send a
238  // response:
239  if (currentLine.length() == 0) {
240  sendReplyHeader();
241  sendReplyContent();
242  // break out of the while loop:
243  break;
244  } else { // if you got a newline, then clear currentLine:
245  currentLine = "";
246  }
247  } else if (c != '\r') { // if you got anything else but a carriage
248  // return character,
249  currentLine += c; // add it to the end of the currentLine
250  }
251  }
252  }
253  }
254  }
255 };
266 class AudioEncoderServer : public AudioServer {
267  public:
272  AudioEncoderServer(AudioEncoder *encoder, int port = 80) : AudioServer(port) {
273  this->encoder = encoder;
274  }
282  AudioEncoderServer(AudioEncoder *encoder, const char *network,
283  const char *password, int port = 80)
284  : AudioServer(network, password, port) {
285  this->encoder = encoder;
286  }
296  bool begin(Stream &in, int sample_rate, int channels,
297  int bits_per_sample = 16, BaseConverter *converter = nullptr) {
298  TRACED();
299  this->in = ∈
300  setConverter(converter);
301  audio_info.sample_rate = sample_rate;
302  audio_info.channels = channels;
303  audio_info.bits_per_sample = bits_per_sample;
304  encoder->setAudioInfo(audio_info);
305  // encoded_stream.begin(&client_obj, encoder);
306  encoded_stream.setInput(&client_obj);
307  encoded_stream.setEncoder(encoder);
308  encoded_stream.begin(audio_info);
309  return AudioServer::begin(in, encoder->mime());
310  }
320  bool begin(Stream &in, AudioInfo info, BaseConverter *converter = nullptr) {
321  TRACED();
322  this->in = ∈
323  this->audio_info = info;
324  setConverter(converter);
325  encoder->setAudioInfo(audio_info);
326  encoded_stream.setInput(&client_obj);
327  encoded_stream.setEncoder(encoder);
328  encoded_stream.begin(audio_info);
330  return AudioServer::begin(in, encoder->mime());
331  }
340  bool begin(AudioStream &in, BaseConverter *converter = nullptr) {
341  TRACED();
342  this->in = ∈
343  this->audio_info = in.audioInfo();
344  setConverter(converter);
345  encoder->setAudioInfo(audio_info);
346  encoded_stream.setInput(&client_obj);
347  encoded_stream.setEncoder(encoder);
348  encoded_stream.begin(audio_info);
350  return AudioServer::begin(in, encoder->mime());
351  }
360  bool begin(AudioServerDataCallback cb, int sample_rate, int channels,
361  int bits_per_sample = 16) {
362  TRACED();
363  audio_info.sample_rate = sample_rate;
364  audio_info.channels = channels;
365  audio_info.bits_per_sample = bits_per_sample;
366  encoder->setAudioInfo(audio_info);
368  return AudioServer::begin(cb, encoder->mime());
369  }
371  // provides a pointer to the encoder
372  AudioEncoder *audioEncoder() { return encoder; }
374  protected:
375  // Sound Generation
376  EncodedAudioStream encoded_stream;
377  AudioInfo audio_info;
378  AudioEncoder *encoder = nullptr;
380  virtual void sendReplyContent() {
381  TRACED();
382  // restart encoder
383  if (encoder) {
384  encoder->end();
385  encoder->begin();
386  }
388  if (callback != nullptr) {
389  // encoded_stream.begin(out_ptr(), encoder);
390  encoded_stream.setOutput(out_ptr());
391  encoded_stream.setEncoder(encoder);
392  encoded_stream.begin();
394  // provide data via Callback to encoded_stream
395  LOGI("sendReply - calling callback");
396  callback(&encoded_stream);
397  client_obj.stop();
398  } else if (in != nullptr) {
399  // provide data for stream: in -copy> encoded_stream -> out
400  LOGI("sendReply - Returning encoded stream...");
401  // encoded_stream.begin(out_ptr(), encoder);
402  encoded_stream.setOutput(out_ptr());
403  encoded_stream.setEncoder(encoder);
404  encoded_stream.begin();
406  copier.begin(encoded_stream, *in);
407  }
408  }
409 };
291  ~AudioEncoderServer() {}
301  bool begin(Stream &in, int sample_rate, int channels,
302  int bits_per_sample = 16, BaseConverter *converter = nullptr) {
303  TRACED();
304  this->in = ∈
305  setConverter(converter);
306  audio_info.sample_rate = sample_rate;
307  audio_info.channels = channels;
308  audio_info.bits_per_sample = bits_per_sample;
309  encoder->setAudioInfo(audio_info);
310  // encoded_stream.begin(&client_obj, encoder);
311  encoded_stream.setInput(&client_obj);
312  encoded_stream.setEncoder(encoder);
313  encoded_stream.begin(audio_info);
314  return AudioServer::begin(in, encoder->mime());
315  }
325  bool begin(Stream &in, AudioInfo info, BaseConverter *converter = nullptr) {
326  TRACED();
327  this->in = ∈
328  this->audio_info = info;
329  setConverter(converter);
330  encoder->setAudioInfo(audio_info);
331  encoded_stream.setInput(&client_obj);
332  encoded_stream.setEncoder(encoder);
333  encoded_stream.begin(audio_info);
335  return AudioServer::begin(in, encoder->mime());
336  }
345  bool begin(AudioStream &in, BaseConverter *converter = nullptr) {
346  TRACED();
347  this->in = ∈
348  this->audio_info = in.audioInfo();
349  setConverter(converter);
350  encoder->setAudioInfo(audio_info);
351  encoded_stream.setInput(&client_obj);
352  encoded_stream.setEncoder(encoder);
353  encoded_stream.begin(audio_info);
355  return AudioServer::begin(in, encoder->mime());
356  }
365  bool begin(AudioServerDataCallback cb, int sample_rate, int channels,
366  int bits_per_sample = 16) {
367  TRACED();
368  audio_info.sample_rate = sample_rate;
369  audio_info.channels = channels;
370  audio_info.bits_per_sample = bits_per_sample;
371  encoder->setAudioInfo(audio_info);
373  return AudioServer::begin(cb, encoder->mime());
374  }
376  // provides a pointer to the encoder
377  AudioEncoder *audioEncoder() { return encoder; }
379  protected:
380  // Sound Generation
381  EncodedAudioStream encoded_stream;
382  AudioInfo audio_info;
383  AudioEncoder *encoder = nullptr;
385  virtual void sendReplyContent() {
386  TRACED();
387  // restart encoder
388  if (encoder) {
389  encoder->end();
390  encoder->begin();
391  }
393  if (callback != nullptr) {
394  // encoded_stream.begin(out_ptr(), encoder);
395  encoded_stream.setOutput(out_ptr());
396  encoded_stream.setEncoder(encoder);
397  encoded_stream.begin();
399  // provide data via Callback to encoded_stream
400  LOGI("sendReply - calling callback");
401  callback(&encoded_stream);
402  client_obj.stop();
403  } else if (in != nullptr) {
404  // provide data for stream: in -copy> encoded_stream -> out
405  LOGI("sendReply - Returning encoded stream...");
406  // encoded_stream.begin(out_ptr(), encoder);
407  encoded_stream.setOutput(out_ptr());
408  encoded_stream.setEncoder(encoder);
409  encoded_stream.begin();
419 class AudioWAVServer : public AudioEncoderServer {
420  public:
425  AudioWAVServer(int port = 80) : AudioEncoderServer(new WAVEncoder(), port) {}
433  AudioWAVServer(const char *network, const char *password, int port = 80)
434  : AudioEncoderServer(new WAVEncoder(), network, password, port) {}
437  ~AudioWAVServer() {
438  AudioEncoder *encoder = audioEncoder();
439  if (encoder != nullptr) {
440  delete encoder;
441  }
442  }
444  // provides a pointer to the encoder
445  WAVEncoder &wavEncoder() { return *static_cast<WAVEncoder *>(encoder); }
446 };
448 } // namespace audio_tools
450 #endif
411  copier.begin(encoded_stream, *in);
412  }
413  }
414 };
424 class AudioWAVServer : public AudioEncoderServer {
425  public:
430  AudioWAVServer(int port = 80) : AudioEncoderServer(new WAVEncoder(), port) {}
438  AudioWAVServer(const char *network, const char *password, int port = 80)
439  : AudioEncoderServer(new WAVEncoder(), network, password, port) {}
442  ~AudioWAVServer() {
443  AudioEncoder *encoder = audioEncoder();
444  if (encoder != nullptr) {
445  delete encoder;
446  }
447  }
449  // provides a pointer to the encoder
450  WAVEncoder &wavEncoder() { return *static_cast<WAVEncoder *>(encoder); }
451 };
453 } // namespace audio_tools
455 #endif
Encoding of PCM data.
Definition: AudioEncoded.h:79
void setAudioInfo(AudioInfo from) override
Defines the sample rate, number of channels and bits per sample.
Definition: AudioEncoded.h:88
virtual const char * mime()=0
Provides the mime type of the encoded result.
A simple Arduino Webserver which streams the audio using the indicated encoder.. This class is based ...
Definition: AudioServer.h:261
Destructor release the memory.
Definition: AudioServer.h:286
AudioEncoderServer(AudioEncoder *encoder, const char *network, const char *password, int port=80)
Construct a new Audio W A V Server object.
Definition: AudioServer.h:277
bool begin(Stream &in, AudioInfo info, BaseConverter *converter=nullptr)
Start the server. You need to be connected to WiFI before calling this method.
Definition: AudioServer.h:320
bool begin(AudioServerDataCallback cb, int sample_rate, int channels, int bits_per_sample=16)
Start the server. The data must be provided by a callback method.
Definition: AudioServer.h:360
bool begin(Stream &in, int sample_rate, int channels, int bits_per_sample=16, BaseConverter *converter=nullptr)
Start the server. You need to be connected to WiFI before calling this method.
Definition: AudioServer.h:296
bool begin(AudioStream &in, BaseConverter *converter=nullptr)
Start the server. You need to be connected to WiFI before calling this method.
Definition: AudioServer.h:340
AudioEncoderServer(AudioEncoder *encoder, int port=80)
Construct a new Audio W A V Server object We assume that the WiFi is already connected.
Definition: AudioServer.h:267
A simple Arduino Webserver which streams the audio using the indicated encoder.. This class is based ...
Definition: AudioServer.h:266
Destructor release the memory.
Definition: AudioServer.h:291
AudioEncoderServer(AudioEncoder *encoder, const char *network, const char *password, int port=80)
Construct a new Audio W A V Server object.
Definition: AudioServer.h:282
bool begin(Stream &in, AudioInfo info, BaseConverter *converter=nullptr)
Start the server. You need to be connected to WiFI before calling this method.
Definition: AudioServer.h:325
bool begin(AudioServerDataCallback cb, int sample_rate, int channels, int bits_per_sample=16)
Start the server. The data must be provided by a callback method.
Definition: AudioServer.h:365
bool begin(Stream &in, int sample_rate, int channels, int bits_per_sample=16, BaseConverter *converter=nullptr)
Start the server. You need to be connected to WiFI before calling this method.
Definition: AudioServer.h:301
bool begin(AudioStream &in, BaseConverter *converter=nullptr)
Start the server. You need to be connected to WiFI before calling this method.
Definition: AudioServer.h:345
AudioEncoderServer(AudioEncoder *encoder, int port=80)
Construct a new Audio W A V Server object We assume that the WiFi is already connected.
Definition: AudioServer.h:272
A simple Arduino Webserver which streams the result This class is based on the WiFiServer class....
Definition: AudioServer.h:26
Stream & out()
Provides the output stream.
Definition: AudioServer.h:143
void setConverter(BaseConverter *c)
defines a converter that will be used when the audio is rendered
Definition: AudioServer.h:140
@@ -418,20 +422,22 @@
bool isClientConnected()
Checks if any clinent has connnected.
Definition: AudioServer.h:149
bool begin(AudioServerDataCallback cb, const char *contentType)
Start the server. The data must be provided by a callback method.
Definition: AudioServer.h:77
bool copy()
Add this method to your loop Returns true while the client is connected. (The same functionality like...
Definition: AudioServer.h:98
void setCopyBufferSize(int size)
Changes the copy buffer size.
Definition: AudioServer.h:152
AudioServer(int port=80)
Construct a new Audio W A V Server object We assume that the WiFi is already connected.
Definition: AudioServer.h:32
bool doLoop()
Add this method to your loop Returns true while the client is connected.
Definition: AudioServer.h:104
AudioServer(const char *network, const char *password, int port=80)
Construct a new Audio W A V Server object.
Definition: AudioServer.h:44
bool begin(Stream &in, const char *contentType)
Start the server. You need to be connected to WiFI before calling this method.
Definition: AudioServer.h:59
Base class for all Audio Streams. It support the boolean operator to test if the object is ready with...
Definition: AudioStreams.h:40
A simple Arduino Webserver which streams the audio as WAV data. This class is based on the AudioEncod...
Definition: AudioServer.h:419
AudioWAVServer(const char *network, const char *password, int port=80)
Construct a new Audio W A V Server object.
Definition: AudioServer.h:433
Destructor: release the allocated encoder.
Definition: AudioServer.h:437
AudioWAVServer(int port=80)
Construct a new Audio W A V Server object We assume that the WiFi is already connected.
Definition: AudioServer.h:425
A simple Arduino Webserver which streams the audio as WAV data. This class is based on the AudioEncod...
Definition: AudioServer.h:424
AudioWAVServer(const char *network, const char *password, int port=80)
Construct a new Audio W A V Server object.
Definition: AudioServer.h:438
Destructor: release the allocated encoder.
Definition: AudioServer.h:442
AudioWAVServer(int port=80)
Construct a new Audio W A V Server object We assume that the WiFi is already connected.
Definition: AudioServer.h:430
Abstract Base class for Converters A converter is processing the data in the indicated array.
Definition: BaseConverter.h:25
bool begin() override
Starts the processing - sets the status to active.
Definition: AudioEncoded.h:394
void setInput(Stream *ioStream)
Same as setStream()
Definition: AudioEncoded.h:532
Definition: NoArduino.h:58
size_t copy(BaseConverter &converter)
copies a buffer length of data and applies the converter
Definition: StreamCopy.h:407
void resize(int len)
resizes the copy buffer
Definition: StreamCopy.h:287
void setCheckAvailableForWrite(bool flag)
Activates the check that we copy only if available for write returns a value.
Definition: StreamCopy.h:267
Definition: NoArduino.h:125
A simple WAV file encoder. If no AudioEncoderExt is specified the WAV file contains PCM data,...
Definition: CodecWAV.h:469
diff --git a/classaudio__tools_1_1_audio_encoder_server-members.html b/classaudio__tools_1_1_audio_encoder_server-members.html index bbfb16c3e6..0a70c65f16 100644 --- a/classaudio__tools_1_1_audio_encoder_server-members.html +++ b/classaudio__tools_1_1_audio_encoder_server-members.html @@ -105,8 +105,9 @@ sendReplyHeader() (defined in AudioServer)AudioServerinlineprotectedvirtual server (defined in AudioServer)AudioServerprotected setConverter(BaseConverter *c)AudioServerinline - setupServer(int port) (defined in AudioServer)AudioServerinlineprotected - ~AudioEncoderServer()AudioEncoderServerinline + setCopyBufferSize(int size)AudioServerinline + setupServer(int port) (defined in AudioServer)AudioServerinlineprotected + ~AudioEncoderServer()AudioEncoderServerinline