Notes for releasing KMMBridge versions. There are some integration tests that we only run on releases, as they're rather long-running. Also, we need to make sure to review and update any supported samples.
Review when introducing usage changes:
- KMMBridgeKickStart - Kick Start
- KMMBridgeSampleKotlin - Shared Kotlin code
- KMMBridgeSampleSpm - Xcode example with SPM
- KMMBridgeSampleCocoaPods - Xcode example with CocoaPods
- PublicPodspecs - Public CocoaPods podspec repo
- 1 hour tutorial - Tutorial for using KMMBridge
- Samples of using blog post - Blog post describing KMMBridge usage in Samples
- Introducing KMMBRidge blog post - Introduction of KMMBridge blog post
- KMMBridge readme - readme of this project
- KMMBridge website - KMMBridge documentation
Update when releasing new version number:
in KMMBridgeKickStart - Kick Startbuild.gradle.kts
module in KMMBridgeSampleKotlin - Shared Kotlin code