Source Folder (/src/... ):
- All the resources generated by the team for our application reside within this directory.
- This is the core application source code.
- “/src/app.js” file is the container of the app and serves as an entry point
Components folder (/src/components/... ):
- The components folder contains a collection of UI components like loginForm, channelList, applicationList etc that are shared and used across files in the project.
Pages folder (/src/pages/... ):
- The pages folder reflects the routes of the application. Each component inside this folder has its own route.
- All the various features/screens/pages are defined here. In this case, “dashboard”, “login” and “channels” etc. are different pages of our app.
- Each screen consists of an “index.js” file which exports the screen’s container as a default module which makes the screen available as a functional component.
Routes folder (src/routes/...):
- As the name suggests, all the routing logic resides here.
- Our app uses “react-router-dom” for routing implementation.
- Mainly 2 types of routes are included, public & private, where private being the ones that require authentication.
- Routes.js will have all the routes of the application defined within at one place.
- PrivateRoute.js” is a component to add a check for user authentication for secure/private routes.
Services folder (src/services/...):
- Services are to manage all api requests. You can see them as a bridge or an adapter between the database server APIs and the view layer (pages and components) of our application.
Utils folder (src/utils/...)
- The utils folder is just a place to locate some utility functions that are used repeatedly in the project. Files in the utils folder only contain some functions like date formatting, string conversion. API client configuration.
Styles Folder (src/styles/...)
- Individual components will have a scoped css file and all the css is defined under the Style folder.