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122-key-value-cache |
122-key-value-cache |
Key value cache |
2019-01-06 23:24 |
true |
The key-value cache is used to reduce the latency of data access. What are read-through, write-through, write-behind, write-back, write-behind, and cache-aside patterns? |
KV cache is like a giant hash map and used to reduce the latency of data access, typically by
- Putting data from slow and cheap media to fast and expensive ones.
- Indexing from tree-based data structures of
O(log n)
to hash-based ones ofO(1)
to read and write
There are various cache policies like read-through/write-through(or write-back), and cache-aside. By and large, Internet services have a read to write ratio of 100:1 to 1000:1, so we usually optimize for read.
In distributed systems, we choose those policies according to the business requirements and contexts, under the guidance of CAP theorem.
- Read
- Read-through: the clients read data from the database via the cache layer. The cache returns when the read hits the cache; otherwise, it fetches data from the database, caches it, and then return the vale.
- Write
- Write-through: clients write to the cache and the cache updates the database. The cache returns when it finishes the database write.
- Write-behind / write-back: clients write to the cache, and the cache returns immediately. Behind the cache write, the cache asynchronously writes to the database.
- Write-around: clients write to the database directly, around the cache.
When a cache does not support native read-through and write-through operations, and the resource demand is unpredictable, we use this cache-aside pattern.
- Read: try to hit the cache. If not hit, read from the database and then update the cache.
- Write: write to the database first and then ==delete the cache entry==. A common pitfall here is that people mistakenly update the cache with the value, and double writes in a high concurrency environment will make the cache dirty.
==There are still chances for dirty cache in this pattern.== It happens when these two cases are met in a racing condition:
- read database and update cache
- update database and delete cache
- client-side
- distinct layer
- server-side
- LRU(Least Recently Used): check time, and evict the most recently used entries and keep the most recently used ones.
- LFU(Least Frequently Used): check frequency, and evict the most frequently used entries and keep the most frequently used ones.
- ARC(Adaptive replacement cache): it has a better performance than LRU. It is achieved by keeping both the most frequently and frequently used entries, as well as a history for eviction. (Keeping MRU+MFU+eviction history.)