Document: "favorites_API"
Properties that define a favorite that is associated to an Application Insights component.
azure_application_insights_component_favorite {
api_version => "api_version",
category => "category (optional)",
config => "config (optional)",
favorite_properties => "favoriteProperties",
favorite_type => "favorite_type (optional)",
is_generated_from_template => "IsGeneratedFromTemplate (optional)",
name => "name (optional)",
resource_group_name => "resource_group_name",
resource_name => "resource_name",
source_type => "source_type (optional)",
subscription_id => "subscription_id",
tags => "Tags (optional)",
version => "version (optional)",
Name | Type | Required | Description |
api_version | String | true | The API version to use for this operation. |
category | String | false | Favorite category, as defined by the user at creation time. |
config | String | false | Configuration of this particular favorite, which are driven by the Azure portal UX. Configuration data is a string containing valid JSON |
favorite_properties | Hash | true | Properties that need to be specified to create a new favorite and add it to an Application Insights component. |
favorite_type | String | false | Enum indicating if this favorite definition is owned by a specific user or is shared between all users with access to the Application Insights component. |
is_generated_from_template | Boolean | false | Flag denoting wether or not this favorite was generated from a template. |
name | String | false | The user-defined name of the favorite. |
resource_group_name | String | true | The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. |
resource_name | String | true | The name of the Application Insights component resource. |
source_type | String | false | The source of the favorite definition. |
subscription_id | String | true | The ID of the target subscription. |
tags | Array | false | A list of 0 or more tags that are associated with this favorite definition |
version | String | false | This instance's version of the data model. This can change as new features are added that can be marked favorite. Current examples include MetricsExplorer (ME) and Search. |
Here is a list of endpoints that we use to create, read, update and delete the ApplicationInsightsComponentFavorite
Operation | Path | Verb | Description | OperationID |
Create | /subscriptions/%{subscription_id}/resourceGroups/%{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.Insights/components/%{resource_name}/favorites/%{favorite_id} |
Put | Adds a new favorites to an Application Insights component. | Favorites_Add |
List - list all | `` | |||
List - get one | /subscriptions/%{subscription_id}/resourceGroups/%{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.Insights/components/%{resource_name}/favorites/%{favorite_id} |
Get | Get a single favorite by its FavoriteId, defined within an Application Insights component. | Favorites_Get |
List - get list using params | /subscriptions/%{subscription_id}/resourceGroups/%{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.Insights/components/%{resource_name}/favorites |
Get | Gets a list of favorites defined within an Application Insights component. | Favorites_List |
Update | /subscriptions/%{subscription_id}/resourceGroups/%{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.Insights/components/%{resource_name}/favorites/%{favorite_id} |
Put | Adds a new favorites to an Application Insights component. | Favorites_Add |
Delete | /subscriptions/%{subscription_id}/resourceGroups/%{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.Insights/components/%{resource_name}/favorites/%{favorite_id} |
Delete | Remove a favorite that is associated to an Application Insights component. | Favorites_Delete |